I don’t understand how guilds are clearing bwl day one in 30 mins

Oh My! Lol. Well, I can still respect the effort and dedication and I’ll be sure to not watch any of their streams. :wink:

Hate to admit it, but this is pretty accurate. People forget back in the day there was no min/max. People thought tier gear was bis, and warriors were actually prot as tanks. They didn’t have the TPS allowing DPS to go bananas.

This is all old/ez content for anyone who grew up playing any video games in the last ten years.

I’d say TBC is when you first start seeing raiding as we know it today. Vaeshj, Kael, M’uru, KJ being the first of the truly challenging mechanical fights. Vaeshj/Kael still easy by today’s standards. M’uru I think would still wipe a ton of guilds if they were able to see it pre-nerf.

They were cancer on Light’s Hope. Pure and simple cancer.

Yea, WCL is the most powerful raid tool ever, you can see whos wasting GCD’s who stood where and died to what, who is messing up their openers, everything, second by second.

Guilds don’t argue over voice comms about who just wiped the raid, everyone has gotten used to just being “check the logs bro” when something goes wrong.


These are largely private server guilds that have been clearing this content for 15 years… and if that wasnt enough if you watch their streams almost everyone is HWL which means they’re effectively using naxx level gear.

I kept saying it over and over while people were talking about how much of a joke BWL is because Apes cleared it in 30 min or whatever. Most guilds are not Aped and they will struggle.

I think most of the people trying to pug it have figured that out in the last day or so


Yes and back in the day, people had issues clearing Molten Core. Practice makes perfect. You’ll get the hang of it. I remember it took us 3 weeks to kill Razergore in my vanilla guild. And we were raiding like 4 days a week.

Apes apologist here? That’s 100% definitely not true of almost anyone here…


This, to me, is a difference between playing a new game and playing a 15 year old game under #no…err…#fewchanges, even when they’re mechanically the same game.

Blizz could not have more clearly indicated that Prot was the “tank” spec. The big shield on half the abilities was a clue. In a new, living game, there is limited utility to looking for ways to play that beat out the way the devs clearly intended you to play, because even if you succeed, you’ll shortly find yourself knocked silly by the nerf bat.

Now? Of course you should do that. Whatever gimmicks people figure out are sacrosanct. To a point, they didn’t permanently tolerate Alliance premades in AV, but that was pvp, and there were victims.

There are advantages and disadvantages to being in either situation but it’s two totally different situations.

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because they are private server guilds that have done it for 15 years on private servers.

its all they do the keep replaying classic wow on fresh start servers.

BWL is a big step up for the tanks and pretty much no one else. If your guild has 40 people, a lack of dps is not what causes you to wipe on vael. its either bad tanks or healers not paying attention.

Hardcore guilds spend more time preparing for/playing in MC and BWL raids than casual guilds…but the tables turn in AQ40/Naxx. If you’re at all serious about clearing the content you have to bring lots of consumables in a casual guild. Lots of protection potions, rage pots/arc elixirs, mana pots/runes. Hardcore guilds wipe less, if at all, saving them gold and time spent farming materials during non-raid days. if your guild can clear naxx in 2 hours, look at that, that’s one less flask needed per week. and yes, for casual guilds to have any chance at clearing Naxx, 80% of the raid needs to be always flasked

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Threat and positioning. Simply watch a speed run, minimal threat issues and very nice positioning by all players. Well done job by all of them. That and everyone is engineer with sappers.

Unless you did it at the very end, you didn’t know about Battle Shout spam, which transforms Nef phase 1 from a chaotic, scary furball that held guilds up for months into a pathetic AoE joke that my casual guild did the first time we saw him.

12 pulls and already saying youre “completely stuck” ahahah dont ever play retail lmao


So hard to resist the git gud comment!

This right here is the most honest answer when it comes to Classic difficulty.

Also, I feel that saying MC is sub-LFR is disingenuous. It’s easy as hell yes, but every LFR I have ever participated in you just flat out ignore mechanics. There are fights in MC you just can’t do that in with current gear. You have to have some kind of strategy, some way to deal with mechanics. Even if that strategy is burning rag down pre-submerge, it’s a strategy, and you have to have a plan to keep him from murdering your melee DPS. Not to mention the fact that LFR literally gets easier the more you wipe in it. MC does no such thing.

In my opinion, @Hawttie-dawnbringer was pretty close comparing MC/Ony to LFR honestly.


in order to ignore mechanic, a fight must have mechanic.

most stuff in MC don’t have anything beyond ‘‘stand out of fire, dispell, DPS’’.

heck, on golemagg and garr I don’t even have to look at my screen to play optimally.

My guild was able to do the first 3 fights of BWL with 30-35 people(some left after first, second bosses). It was difficult, we didn’t practice on Pservers, we just watched streamers doing it and tried to replicate it. Really didn’t help on Broodlord doing it with 30 people though, a lot couldn’t show up and we didn’t want to pug it, but we did it :sweat_smile:

Next tuesday will be substantially easier when a full 40 show up

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Grow up. I know youre old - act your age.

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And I’m telling you, that in LFR I don’t even do those things, because they don’t matter. Even if the raid ends up wiping on a boss, it just gets easier next go around, so who cares?

Golemagg you need offtanks for, or the Core Ragers will eat your raid, you move them away from Golemagg so that they aren’t frenzied to make it easier on you, but I admit, my guild could probably finish that fight without moving them away. It would probably make my healer cranky though.

LFR I literally just target killable thing, do rotation, thing dies. There is zero strategy involved there either. To me MC/Ony is very comparable to LFR. Only MC/Ony don’t get easier the more you wipe.

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