I don’t understand how guilds are clearing bwl day one in 30 mins

APES entered BWL a bit later due to the UBRS portal not working. 42 minutes refers to the actual time relative to 6PM EST. Their actual raid time was lower.

Enjoy the challenge. Where’s the fun in the paint-by-numbers face-roll game that many seem to derive their satisfaction & personal validation from?

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Vael has always been the stop-gate for BWL. He is in place for a water-mark for raid dps for the remaining bosses, especially Chromaggus and Nefarian. Those two fights have so much going on, if your raid-dps is not high enough, you can be on those two bosses for weeks. I know in Vanilla we didn’t have too many probs on Vael once downed first time, but literally spent weeks on Nef and those mechanics.

Because they know the fights like the back of their hand and they are tailoring their raids by bringing unbalanced comps.

If normal raiders tried to being half the raid as fury warriors, one of them would inevitably pull aggro, and get the rest cleaved and wipe.

This is the mechanical breakdown for vael, You do these things and you win.
Tanks= You need to be number 1-3 on the threat meter and you need to run away with BA.
DPS= Do as much damage as you can without being 1-3 on the threat meter, Run away with BA.
Healers= Heal all the damage run away with BA.

That’s literally it.


They have been practicing on private servers for years…
These people actually own their own servers in many cases…

Ignore what they do and just do you… enjoy actual progression for a change and quit listening to the ubber leeeetzz that live and breathe WoW 24/7.

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They spend less time playign wow than you do. We cleared BWL in 2 hours, future clears are going to be 90 mins or under. Some lesser progressed guilds are going to be spending 6-9 hours a week progressing it.

I know it’s already been said, but APES and Progress and the like have been running BWL for a decade on pservers.

After running a raid for 10 years, you get really darn good at it.

You do now… but theres no way you cleared BWL in 2 hours without many hours and years of playing before Wednesday night…

Lets not get too stupid with your bragging… you look disingenuous at best…


You misread Kaivax’s post. Apes killed Nefarion 42 minutes after the raid went live, but they didn’t enter BWL immediately at launch. They were stuck at the UBRS portal for 8 minutes.

Never cleared bwl prior in a progress sense only ever in a farming for severly outdated gear sense. I have been playing wow for a long time though.

2 hour clear isn’t bragging when theres people clearing 2-3 times faster.

they are not lv 24 for starters

Sounds like you dont learn anything when you pull.
we wipped first pull.
healers didnt understand “unlimimted mana” and “tank gets hit hard”
Tank went down in 3-4 hits.
FIXED - Spam big heals on tank. UNLIMITED MANA BRO.

We wiped second time.
raid damage overwhelmed the DPS. wiped at 2%.
Had some DPS aggro issues on swap.
FIXED - Prayer of healing . priest in each party. and stacking for holy nova.
Also had some AGGRO problems on first pull so we had people put on 100 fire resist to reduce raid damage and slow down DPS some.

3rd pull was a kill.
smooth and easy.

BWL is designed to test individual performance of your raid group.

Can your tanks get enough threat and make swaps correctly?

Can your dps manage their threat and still put out enough dmg?

Can people actually dispel curses and stuff like that?

None of the fights are particularly difficult, but someone just one person screwing up will wipe the raid. A fury war pulls threat on vael he turns breathes on melee and tail swipes your healer and casters boom it’s a wipe. Someone doesn’t run out with burning adrenaline it’s a wipe.

Vael was known as the guild killer. He is harder than most of the bosses. It is best to watch as many strats as possible and the main issue people have is 1 of 2 things. Aggro or tanks, Aggro is easy as dps should spam threat loss. Rogues are best for this since they dont explode and can go daggers. Tanks are the main issue as they get killed and you need other warriors to take their place fast. Once you get the hang of it its not that bad.

Jesus! I didn’t know that. This is all kinda new to me. That kind of dedication is impressive.

I guess it’s easy to lump all hardcore raiders into the “elitist jerk” category, but that’s some serious hard work and dedication.

I’m from casual raiding in retail (I know, bad word) so I’m looking forward to this. I’m prepared to wipe and try again. I think it will be a fun challenge.

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the entry-boss of mythic eternal palace combined thaddius polarity mechanic with black temple naj’entus spear slapped on a DPS/HPS check tighter than even patchwerk.

Naxx lie somewhere between normal and heroic… AQ40 and BWL are normal-mode while MC is sub-LFR level.


BWL will quickly show you who was getting carried in Molten Core and it will break guilds that carry too much slack.

This isn’t to say that BWL is incredibly difficult it just has some more unforgiving mechanics and you need more people than 20 to pay attention so if you have a ton of raid logging, super casual, stand in fire, can’t figure out how to stack type players then BWL is most likely as far as you’re going to get until you over gear it.

They’re still sweaty spergy nerds. I’d say Progress is probably the nicest of the bunch.

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Maitoz APES guild leader is toxic as hell. Couldn’t watch more than 30 seconds of his stream. So much nerd raging