I don’t think even RDF can save Wrath

I’d say a strong 70% of Classic players will at least try DF next month, there isn’t much to do in Wrath right now as it is.

Maybe it’s because people have been playing 1-70 for over a year and 70-80 has been out two weeks. I leveled multiple Alts 60-70 in pre patch, with wrath finally out why would I go back to pre 70 so soon?

Even 70-80 is slowly dying out lol, I don’t think anyone has an urge to repeat leveling at all without RDF.

Even 70-80 is slowly dying out lol, I don’t think anyone has an urge to repeat leveling at all without RDF.

Just leave the forums and the game ? Ive never seen benediction so alive people are literally in every corner of the map doing everything.

You’re just a whiner that should leave to retail lol

Classic clearly not for you.

Dude it’s just my experience on Grobb lmao, if you can’t understand other peoples experiences then stop going to the forums and stay on the Bene discord.

Dude it’s just my experience on Grobb lmao

And you’re still posting 3 whining threads a day like your experience is the only one lol

You clearly dont like the game man just leave wtf.

No that’s just how you perceive it, none of my threads are “whine threads” either. I’m just asking questions and giving my thoughts which is the point of a forum.

It’s alway’s a question about something you dont like in the game. it’s WHINING and there’s no other words for it.

That’s literally not the definition for it :man_facepalming:

I think it could. It would bring in a lot more people.

Make a thread about something in the game you LIKE and then il beleive you LOL

I like how easy the content is so I can raid log.

Of course it can’t save wrath. It destroyed the world of Warcraft like deathwing.

How can the 1 -70 zones be dead? This was only caused from rdf. But we dont have rdf. How can this be?

Same thing with the 70 -80 zones. Dead. But not having rdf was supposed to get ppl from setting in dalaran usimg rdf. So where are they? Oh thats right. Gotta look up, they are in a flight path being social.

I remember wow with RDF and there were a lot
more people everywhere. Even in the sky.

Wow had 11 million subscribers back then. Classic has about 400k. That tells me we need RDF immediately.

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The world and people have changed a lot since then. Even if RDF had been in frim day one it just wouldn’t have been the same. It’s…not that simple.

In your ignorant crusade against RDF you ignore the fact that old content is deserted/dead even without RDF. You can’t blame it for a situation that still happened without RDF even being put in.

Will now delist the thread so I missed doing it the first time around.