I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

mmm the irony of this is hilarious

I got mine pre wow token with gold I spent 6 months earning by selling mythic kills and aotc runs.

I’m fine with other people have spectrals. :>

As for your 2nd statement I just have a very successful pet leveling business. 5k per pet from 1-25! I even have a google doc for my business. It’s how I was able to afford 2 Bruto’s during BFA. But stay mad I guess.


yeah are you familiar with the word “can”?

You made the chamber and are suggesting anyone who disagrees with you to leave

Yea… “irony”

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That’s one …

You should know. Spam comes in a can!


Ooo, Ooo, I get to break out the movie Quote book again. Now, let’s see here flips pages Ah, here it is. Ahem:

“Define Irony.”


what does this mean? why are you so desperate for a gotcha moment against me? just (optionally) kick rocks dude, i get it you want to farm updoots

Gonna be another one of those nights, it seems.

Edit: It’s somewhat amusing the OP liked this post. They don’t get it. lol


Still just one.

Saying it twice doesn’t make it count twice

Farm what? My guy…are you okay?

Ill just leave this here since many folks still dont know what is going on or see what the OP is doing.

Report His OP as a Troll if you havent already

Oh its a redditor

That explains a concerning amount


i’m not trolling. it’s hilarious that every time i post this and the masses disagree, all of a sudden i’m trolling :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Oh that’s a Reddit thing? I thought they were talking about some kind of musical instrument. Was about to break out an ocarina or something.

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I have my ways of making gold too without a token. Not everyone can sell mythics or AotC and this is how I do my gold making:


it’s * :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: hhahahaa wasn’t that so funny

Idk, it just sounds like a word they’d use over there

Updoot the pupper for karma heaven, I gift you gold fellow redditor tips fedora

:thinking: Maybe. Just Maybe that means YOU ARE WRONG.

When you feel singled out as the only one who feels are certain way on a subject thats a clue that you are probably wrong.