I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Here’s the events thus far:

You make second thread on topic already made about your opinion on a public forum.

People do not like your opinion and voice their concern.

You get mad and retaliate and or troll people that disagree with your comment instead of having an actual discussion.

i gotta run to the store, i’ll be back in a bit to continue to be harassed for my opinion. i’ll be the martyr for the collectors it’s ok

Yeah, there may or may not be a pattern here. This is truly the greatest mystery of our time.

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Take your time.

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Not really considering you use 0 punctuation yourself

Just kinda hippo-crate style

but before i go, no my opinion isn’t wrong, it’s an opinion

Still only counts as one.

Yikes…that’s all I got to say to that one…yikes.


Opinions can be wrong

You can say its your opinion that oranges are purple

Doesn’t mean it cant be wrong

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Aren’t purple oranges blood oranges?

Like you cut em open and they are purple inside.

We are not that lucky.

Man this thread was a whirlwind :dracthyr_tea:


Hey! I came back from dinner and cleaning to find a new thread! :smiley:

Just want to address this real quick: keep in mind this isn’t handed out for free to everyone. It’s an offer made for those who purchased a $140 a year Prime membership.

And not everyone has one. Some signed up for a free month already for other rewards in the past.

And not everyone likes it. I’ll never use it. But I have it. So you won’t see it all that often.

The important part is YOU have it and YOU like it. You can now get something you wanted and didn’t have a chance to get before. I feel that should be a positive.


By the way Sendryn, you are apparently forum royalty now. Congrats on your promotion.


Good. Screw RMTers.


70 same as for students and if there’s an item you REALLY want you can get a free trial of prime and or a 1 month of prime for I think 15 a month.

They also give discounts for various things.


This was easily missed early on.

Man what you gotta do to be forum royalty

I can’t even get hate mail ingame smh



I’m not the one whining over pixels coming back to the game for free.