I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

lol are you one of the scalpers selling it for 700 usd? suck it


These are NOT AOTC rewards or PVP rewards.

They are items from a card game that takes place 100% OUTSIDE OF WOW. You cant even compare it to an in game achievement


Making extra threads on the same topic can be considered spamming.


Its a game of pixels my dude, and none of the stuff you actually own…


We rent the game license.


Face it. The OP is one of those people that Spam Calls a company till he gets an answer he is satisfied with. Even though the last 50 reps he spoke to gave him the same unsatisfying answer. He keeps at it


mmmm not really at all actually

yeaaaah what’s wrong with that?

i know my opinion is generally disagreed with yeah. and i choose to express it anyways even though i get harassed for it yup

i think my take is correct, but i’ve made that clear

i don’t know what kind of responses i’ll get. in fact, every time i post these, i hope the majority finally agrees with me

guilty of nothing and you know it. you can take off now

i disagree. i think they should give them away a lot and it’s good to do that a lot all the time

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Made the exact same thread twice

Spam bro

lol. lmao even

yup, thanks for pointing that out

Well, you seem to have to be reminded of that for some reason.

You keep telling people to leave. But you don’t have the right to tell people where they can and can’t post. You made the thread, you voiced your opinion. Now unless you put everyone who disagrees with you on ignore, you’re going to see their posts. This is a public forum. Not a private echo chamber.


I have the swift myself, but no one with a semblance of sanity would be happy that normies get spoctrals for free.

Also, bro bought his CE Fyrak+mount, didn’t know they let RMTs be forum jockys.

i’m not? they way i word it offers a choice, clearly

Dang dude, really steaming over the concept of a mount you bought being given out


What are you talking about…

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You…really just said that unironically huh?

You can laugh all you want but I am correct.

You can read the forum code of conduct if you like. :slight_smile: