I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Then there is an issue with how you approach the thread.

Again it’s potentially how you approach the topic that pulls people towards this stance against you. No one here has harassed you here as far as I’ve seen and if they have then I missed the posts but everyone is simply voicing their Pro-opinion for TCG coming back.

And thats entirely your choice but if you’ve been banned over these types of threads in the past maybe its best to re-evaluate how you type them.


Keeping stuff rare does nothing for the game. Every item should be brought back yearly for a limited time. Like the Night Elf Mohawk grenades. Wish they would bring it back as a yearly week long event. Even old PvP mounts I would like them to bring back for PvPers to get a chance at them again.


No because they are making more coherent and logical arguments than the two of you.



Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.



You know what’s weird? That Blizzard had the opportunity to put old TCG items in Hearthstone card packs and help boost their sales, yet they chose not too…very unBlizzard like.

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repeat offender of having a different opinion than the majority of the forum yes. repeat offender of calling people cringe, also yes. working on that part hence the second thread.

Of course it does. Because you want this to be you.

Kind of sad really. You making a second thread solidifies this

Actually yea that is unblozzard like

Coulda made ultra rare versions of normal cards that grant wow items

Trying to play the victim.


I am literally just a normal player like you guys. I’ve had my “oopsies” here on the forums too and I’ve been in topics where I needed to take a step back to re-evaluate how I approach them. Even if I didn’t have the orange/gold text wrapper I’d still say what I’m saying now.


dang, 126 comments in before this came up- took longer than usual!

So glad old pvp rewards are treated with some semblance of respect.

That thought crossed my mind too. The money was RIGHT THERE sitting on the table and they decided to let it sit there.

and i think the same of you for the way you’ve conducted yourself in my threads as well as your stance on the matter in general


No, I mean you are guilty of spamming on purpose. You literally just admitted that you KNOW that you have an unpopular opinion, and yet you CHOOSE to make these threads, KNOWING it just stirs the pot.

Because thats all you are here for, it seems. Knowing you have a bad take, and forcefully putting that bad take online KNOWING what responses you will get is the definition of trolling.

Guilty of not only spamming, but trolling as well.

Is it cuz they have the mount?

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made a second thread with a less hostile approach to attempt not getting banned for my opinion on this

You don’t get banned for your opinion

Ya get banned for your rule breaking


2 threads on the same topic is spam!