I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Just remember, wow will die and all the items you collected with cease to exist

Dunno why anyone values them so extremely


then surely they could stop giving it away for free with amazon prime

It’s because what you said isn’t what they wanted to hear.


How is this even

like what

Okay and the sun explodes in a billion years so gimme pixels now

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yeah are you implying that because their text is orange that i should stop disagreeing with them?

Well if you insist

I wasnt gunna go that far into the future cuz we’d all be super dead by then but if you want them handed out that badly

Well it’s unfortune that you’re against it because it’s clear that many are for it, myself included having collected quite a few TCG items before the Feldrake was brought back.

There seems to be a thread about TCG woes every time a new one gets given away and a small minority (usually just one person) always voices their displeasure. It’s fine to voice your grievances but when you tell people to stop posting in your thread because their voice doesn’t match yours, that’s more of a negatively aggressive stance than what I’m getting at.

If you don’t want to rebuke people you don’t have to, just walk away. You don’t owe anyone a response and can leave this thread when so ever you please. You don’t have to be the captain that stays with the sinking ship.


Because…their text is another color? Because they don’t agree?

Odd statement.

I had the feldrake YEARS before it was brought back. It didn’t bother me in the slightest. It’s ridiculous to get mad about items coming back.


yeah it’s usually me, and i usually get banned for a week cause of it

it’s cause they’re borderline harassing me

i’ll stay posted in my thread thanks

It’s not enough that they’re rare, they need to make everybody nearby feel bad. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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I would say some sort of compensation for giving those out could be a thing but it’s not like Blizzard has to do that. Gold or timewalking currency, Idk anything that can be used.

Sun won’t explode, it will just expand into a gas giant and devour the inner planets before condensing into a white dwarf. The Sun doesn’t have the oomf to explode, it’s actually fairly petite when it comes to stars lol.


Honestly earning the rare pixels is the fun part, especially when you get it early on

After that they mean nothing

I have both spectral tigers. It might bother me ever so slightly if they brought it back as some sort of free reward, but I would get over it. If I was okay with other items being brought back, I would need to be okay with that one too. Either way, I have the physical card to prove I got it the hard way.


Naw, having a trophy for playing at the time is cool and the game has needed more of it for a long time, especially from raids/keys and even casual content. Veilstrider was a neat idea.

Then that tells me you are a habitual offender, and a week just aint driving the lesson home.

Oh man, thats rich.


Hence my seek therapy comment.

it bothers me

i disagree

see how we could go back and forth like this forever? i get it, you value your opinion higher than mine

Nah, the journey is the fun part

After the journey is done there is nothing, it’s just something sitting in the collection getting dust