I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Blizzard doesn’t agree with you. Their opinion matters more than mine does.



Except, and as I quote:

They are just keeping to their word even if it is almost ten years later.


Yeah, just super disappointed they went for the cheeseball third party stuff instead of just doing in-game rewards but anything for a +1

it’s strange to me that a forum community council is taking such a passive aggressive approach. the way you type and the thinly veiled courtesy comes off as extremely disingenuous. thanks for your opinion on the matter i guess

Things should come back. Blizzard apparently agrees with that to an extent. I hope more things end up coming back.

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I hope they give away every single TCG and Store item for free eventually

Be great, I’ll use none of them


Is it, though

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Yea blizzard did say they were gonna re release items eventually. So this should come as no surprise.

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Yeah, just hope they don’t touch pvp rewards because those are the only neato things left.

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Telling people the history of things and blizzards statements are now passive aggressive

The lootbox community is having a normal one


Couldn’t get the actual name, huh

How is what you quoted ‘passive aggressive’? I’m giving my thoughts and opinions on the topic you posted and dispelling misinformation. If you didn’t want peoples thoughts and opinions then why post?


Should be treated like pve rewards and obtainable years later

Dunno why pvp need so much special treatment


Naw, tcg still pretty cool. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: The non-freebie ones, anyways. Rooster is goated.

Nah, pve deserves similar seasonal rewards.

How does it hurt “collectors”, these pixels have no other value than potential sentimental.

They still got it before everyone else, grats, have a cookie. Now moving on.

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It’ll be on a twitch/prime giveaway or the trading post eventually.

Just non-collectors being spiteful.

i’m not spreading misinformation. you’re referencing an uncited article that was never brought up. i never took the stance that they wouldn’t be bringing tcg items back. i’m simply expressing my displeasure over the fact that it’s happening in the way it is.

TCG are literally rmt blackmarket them opening them up just makes sense.
No mounts should be sold mainly on external websites.

Have you ever heard of the phrase punching above your weight?