I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

I needed another pointless argument thread to entertain me during lunch break yay! :dracthyr_a1: :popcorn:


It’s the reality.

Rare stuff is cool, for better or worse.

Even all the ugly naxx 40 weps that people demanded back.

People angry their lootbox rewards aren’t super unique anymore

The usual

Spent money on a cosmetic in a video game and are mad other people are getting it now cuz idk good with money I guess

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No it doesn’t.

You’ve not been playing for “decades”, wow isn’t 20 yet. I’ve been playing this game since '07. Not as long as some but much longer than others. Giving out card items is not a big deal and it’s good they’re putting them back in the game.


They weren’t gone, though.

Been able to buy tabards with gold since mop.

And now you’ve gone from objectively wrong, to objectively absurd. You’re trying to claim opinion as reality. This is not how that works. This conversation is done.

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it doesn’t matter if others have it. what matters is the fact it’s not rare


All I said was that exclusivity adds to the coolness.

It doesn’t hurt me as a owner of a few TCG items that have yet to see their free give aways. Blizz made a statement years ago when TCG was being discontinued that they would bring the items back in some way, shape, or form. You obviously weren’t around to see that article and made poor investment choices instead of waiting to see what the future brought.

While they discontinued the licenses for the cards themselves that did not mean that they would be discontinuing the rewards. It’s why codes are still active to this day if you happen to get lucky and find one for a decent price.


Counterpoint: Nah. Go ahead and bring them all back.


I honestly don’t care how blizzard does it. I got mine for $5 from a Landro’s Loot Box card so the value to me is literally that, $5.


Ill do one better

All those rare limited time things I’ve got over the years doing stuff that required work instead of just throwing money at things?

Bring those back, put em on a vendor for free, it won’t hurt me at all


yes it does, idk why you keep coming back to be wrong.

1.7 decades sorry

thanks for your opinion. i feel the opposite. you can stop posting in my thread now thanks

You do not get to tell others where they can and cannot post, friend.


You posted the thread, you should expect the responses. Thems the rules.


No it doesn’t. You said yourself you don’t even have the item. It doesn’t hurt you in the slightest. Stop whining.

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Wanna know why Blizz is going to bring back old rewards instead of make new ones? Simple.

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I think it’s more concern over the president it sets

Or, well, was set months ago when they decided to just start giving out freebies because people weren’t watching streams and stuff.

Get em! lol

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