I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Everybody has it.

It’s not the only thing about an item, but it’s a factor.

collectors or scalpers?

was this the gotcha moment you were looking for? if so, grats you can stop now

No it doesn’t. Move on.

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Not really, I kinda figured you’d understand what buying stuff meant by now

Guess not

The way to obtain TCG was buying them, thats the end of the story

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As an original owner of a non-epic spectral tiger, I can’t wait to see more people on them. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I hope they bring back every single tcg item! Especially the mounts


If the fact that other people don’t have it is what makes it cool to you, then the item itself isn’t what you find cool. It’s the illusion of ‘status’ you feel it gives you. If you like the item. Collect it and use it. Shouldn’t matter if others have it or not.


Yeah, either the item or from the bmah. The latter is also what makes me wondering why they used them as a promo item. :dracthyr_a1: Think we can get invicible as a twitch drop?

The TCG never had any value. You made a bad investment.


it hurts me, and i think i fall under “anybody”
idk why you are so pressed to argue semantics like this. you stated your opinion in my thread. thanks, you can move on now.

sheesh and people wonder why the threads on this are always hostile. people just love to poke and make fun because someone cares about items in the game they have been playing for decades

I say your memories of getting the cards and spending time with your friends as a child is worth far more than pixels in a video game that will eventually be shut down one day.


They aren’t mutually exclusive, as I already said.

An item itself can be cool, and cooler yet because it’s rare.

I personally missed out on the Spectral Tiger. I know a friend of mine who really wants to get it, they weren’t playing when it was a thing.

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They’re still available.

I’ve got two right here if you’re interested. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: In-game Gold only.

Dunno, bit of a difference between somethings who’s source was lootboxes and an actual ingame drop

That is your perception and opinion. And you are allowed to have that opinion. Just as I am allowed to think it is weird and objectively wrong. Hope you have a great night.


and i hope people are able to get them too as long as blizzard doesn’t hand them out for free and make them worthless

What in the snickerdoodle did I come back to?


thanks for your opinion on the matter