I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

How is it less cool? Does the fact that other people have it change how it looks? Change its function? Are people now going to be wearing it on their heads instead of their bodies? How in any way shape or form does it make it less cool?


Oh boy another one of these threads. It’s not up to you, it is up to Blizzard. It’s their product to do with as they please.


Na I like being able to get unobtainable items that are tied to an old piece of cardboard.

Devalue all the cardboard!


Insert Solid Snake in a box meme


thanks for the tired and lame take! like we need more posts like this each time we get cool items on the trading post, twitch drops, or prime gaming

That’s how I felt when they started handing the legendary out with higher drop rates and guarantees. But the new mindset of wow players these days is simply “gimme for free”

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Ok let me clear up some confusion regarding the re-release of TCG items.

When they discontinued the TCG all together Blizz, as a company, at the time said the rewards would return in some way shape or form. This is just them keeping to that promise.


not gonna list them all, but as one example relevant to the item that sparked this discussion (which i don’t have)

when i was in like 8th grade my friends and i saved up all the code cards that we could from packs we bought with our allowances for months and months, probably over a year, in order to have enough codes to redeem for a tabard. after long deliberation, i chose white, and then last year white was the first color to be offered for free via amazon prime. it was a weird “wow, that item that was once rare and sought after is a goodie bag toss in now. bummer.” i have memories attached to like almost every rare item that has been given away since they moved to this model. it doesn’t invalidate or change those memories, but it is a weird thing to just pull the rug out on collectors who thought they had something special. not to say others having it doesn’t make it special, and to be clear i do not care that other people have it, what bothers me is how seemingly carelessly they’re just handing inherently rare stuff out as a retention grab. instead of you know, making new limited items people can be excited to get.

i don’t care how many people have something i have, what i care about is rare collectibles i obtained are just not rare anymore.

Speaking of I claimed mine.


Huh, I actually did not know that. Thank you for posting this Ravij!


i care

thanks for your useless contribution! i’ll be sure to invalidate your next opinion too!

No problem! Everyone thought it’d make a come back in Hearthstone but then Hearthstone released and over the years there was no sign of the TCG loot. Over the years though they added a few to the BMAH and now they’re essentially releasing the Kraken so to speak.


Oh so

Thanks for saying theres other ways and then literally just saying you bought it


i think a lot of people care, they just get shouted down on social media

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Good to know. I’ve claimed a few of the reward things. Always neat to see more things available to others.


for another tabard, i traded in pokemon cards for codes. since i didn’t exchange currency does that appease you master?

No it doesn’t. It doesn’t hurt anybody.


yes it does. next

Did you steal the pokemon cards?

Cuz if not, you bought them, with money