I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

I honestly don’t care if every single TCG item goes on Prime and/or Twitch, I’m just pointing out what he said.

I doubt we’ll ever see the tigers come back. Well, if they do, I have a feeling it will be some where really sucky like Unclaimed BMAH containers.

Not supposed to but it happens WAY more often than you think.

Have you actually been in the trade (services) chat? When I make new characters and enter a major city for the first time that chat window is constantly and I mean constantly moving. It moves so fast you can’t even read it. I find it hard to believe there’s so many of these carry services out there if people aren’t using them.

Soul didn’t say “nobody,” they said “most.”

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I know. I’m disagreeing. I think it’s probably about a half and half split of earned vs carried.

Says the dude hiding behind hidden profiles so we can’t see if he actually owns what he claims he has.

How do we know if you have hard to get achieves, transmogs, and mounts when you’re unsearchable and hiding? :dracthyr_lulmao:

What difference does it make? Is what he said true? How about you wag your finger at the guy calling others pathetic?

NAw your hyperbole opinion, It is fine, more rare mounts please to be purchased off Trading post is awesome and totally fine. Stop hiding and show your stuff. Other wise this is a troll post for sure.

If this was directed at me I’m only calling him out because earlier in the thread he claimed he sold mythics and aotc to buy a spectral tiger than said it was bad that I bought mythic fyrakk for Anu’relos with gold I had saved doing my own pet leveling/selling business.

I’m just pointing out his hypocrisy for hiding while making claims that he may not have the evidence to back up.

(edit cause it’s early and I just woke up, hypocrisy may not be the term I’m looking for but I’ll change it if need be.)


IMO if you spent thousands of dollars on promo cards on ebay I think you wasted your money even before the stuff became available again.

The reason is nobody cares about the exclusivity of your transmog. The only one I’ve seen to ever matter is having something like ethe mount from the current mythic raid or a gladiator mount-- that’s cause it took a lot of skill to get those, and those are still available after the fact.

It seems to me like more collectors benefit from items opening up than suffer from it. And it’s not like the game is taking these items away from you. The whole motive here seems to have what others cannot have


And I’m pointing out that the side of “FOMO bad” is always resorting to personal attacks and it’s funny to me that you’re going to wag your finger at him for “hiding” on an alt but ignore the fact the person he was responding to was calling everyone on the other side of the FOMO debate pathetic.

Why does he need defended?

Lsr attacked me earlier in the thread I don’t see you wagging your finger at him.

I don’t support that behavior if this is what you’re looking for.

I wasn’t defending anyone in particular but myself. I’ll admit I wasn’t looking at who he was responding to only Lsr’s own response and that is what prompted me to make a response to him and him alone. I was not justifying who he was responding to. That was not my intent.

To add on to this; Lsr has made several claims in this thread without the proof to back it up because he’s hidden. This is the aspect I am pointing at, not who he’s responding to. I’m pointing at Lsr’s actions alone.

My reply to him was not an endorsement to the person he replied to.


It’s ok. You got it when it was first released so
Be happy about it. You never used it anyway like every single person who claims that previous expansion stuff shouldn’t return.

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In my perspective you’re simply just taking away something that has value to the few, and giving nothing of value to everyone

None of this has any value beyond feels and vibes, and if other people renting access to a thing you rent access to makes you feel sad and unimportant, that’s your problem to deal with.


Nothing has value because the world is going to burn up from the sun :clown_face:

nah, just release all passed items. players who werent around deserve a chance at em.


Seeing posts like this flagged just shows what wow community has become. Weak.
At least we have other FOMO items to flex with.

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That’s a weird way to say “ Im proud on something”. I genuinely hope that you have to start a game from scratch , to see how it is.

I can’t wait for them the renege on the promise to not re-release mage tower skins and then offer them up for free as twitch/prime/trading post rewards or even on the cash shop.

This unhealthy obsession with rarity on a couple of pixels is wasted energy.

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Also you:

Let me play with my toys and go get your own if you can.

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