I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

i am waiting for spectral tiger :stuck_out_tongue: or is that wishful thinking :smiley:

I care about them if they’re free.

I’m a collector.

I don’t care and fully support Blizzard bringing back everything from vanilla removed mounts to mage tower skins. FOMO should only apply to memories…not a database flag check.

If you’re the pathetic enough type to feel the need to flex on people, you should be doing it with current content stuff and not have to rely on having an active account and logging in on whatever date.


i’m a collector.
i do care, and i don’t support blizzard bringing back everything from vanilla, removed mounts to mage tower skins.

weird aggro statement

not about flexing really


Hope that helps! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well that’s obviously not how that’s supposed to be done. The TCG were supposed to be purchased. I think most still earned it and weren’t carried.

not about flexing really

feels like your flexing but it is what it is i suppose you are not going to change your mind im not going to change mine so no point in arguing with you about it


stop flagging me cause i have a different opinion. i’m not trolling, geeeeeeze. strange behavior

Sometimes the way a post is written becomes a problem more than the subject or the opinion.

Rather than a couple of lines that are a bit like a poke in the eye, if you’d done a thoughtful, interesting post on what your opinion is and why, it probably wouldn’t even have been flagged. Also, there was some indication that you’d done a similar post fairly recently and some people will see that as spamming.

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Ofc you do. You don’t actually have any of the hard to get achievements and transmogs and mounts that were removed.

Nah. Keep giving away old stuff and also toss in some new stuff.

You might as well yell into a vacuum.

People use report as a downvote and the mods don’t seem to punish them like they said they would. shrug

I don’t agree with you, but I’m also not reporting your posts lol.

Moderator Note: It has only been stated that we would penalize folks verified as abusing the reporting system by using multiple characters/accounts to report a post. Not for being wrong. If someone reports a post and it’s not found in violation, being wrong isn’t considered a violation.

I’m cool with it, and I have had all the TCG items since they came out. However, I would ask let’s do this for everything that’s no longer in the game. You can’t on one hand say it’s ok for this but not for that.

I’ve had the Tabard of Frost for along time and it stopped being cool around Legion, when they started giving us high definition armor and tabards.

Wearing this tabard with anything more than 8 pixels just looks terrible.

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Dude, give it up. You’re post yesterday got 404’d, take the hint.

wasn’t me. glad to hear someone else fighting the good fight tho

It is a good thing you don’t speak on behalf of Blizzard.

I can’t wait to see the Swift Spectral Tiger, whether through the trading post or through Prime Gaming/Twitch drops.

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I think you’ll have to wait.

Ion said the tigers weren’t going to Twitch or Prime.

Yeah, trading post more likely. Either way, I am not fussy, and I am happy to wait. After all, patience is the key.

I agree. Not much point in paying for anything of this nature when all you have to do is wait and get it for free.