I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

Why doesn’t anybody say, “Stop caring what others have,” when it’s the AOTC mounts? Somehow, it’s right for those to stay locked.

everything should be made available forever


Because people earned those in game and didn’t just whip out a credit card.

oooo now this is gonna sow some discord. can’t wait to watch people back peddle and join my side

How would it?

do you think aotc mounts should be kept in the past?

AotC mounts are not ever gonna be earnable on the TP because they were earned in game and were not promotional. Blizz told you before the TP even got into the game that everything on it was gonna be promotional. Which means the TCG items that you overpaid some third party seller to get.

weird assumption, and also didnt answer my question

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No they shouldn’t be on the TP. Just like Blizz said they won’t be.

Then why are you so bent out of shape that you created two topics on this same subject?

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my question is do you think aotc mounts (rare old limited item) stay in the past

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So you think they didn’t earn the money? Or doesn’t it matter?

If they came back earnable I wouldn’t be bent out of shape about it. If they stay in the past I also won’t be bent out of shape about it. I have most of them.

In fairness to you and perhaps others, not all of us have spent an arm, leg and soul to get these things. Some of us, like myself, bought some packs and got lucky. For me, that mostly includes a few battle pets and the spectral tigers. Others I bought off the AH when they were dirt cheap at one point. We could argue all day about whether it’s right or not to give these things out for free, but I do think it is wrong to assume that those who have gotten these various TCG items paid scalper prices.

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They earned that at their job, not in game.

People but all sorts of rare stuff challenge modes weapons and armor from mists and legion AoTC mounts mage tower rewards from legion and it’s re-release and people also earn it as I’ve said leg it all be gotten again.

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Wanting to be a martyr for such a thing or a martyr for anything really is rather concerning.

Its giving very “Boogie2988 using martyrdom because they want attention”


was a joke cause everyones attacking me

Well, except for the people that whipped out a credit card to pay for the gold to pay to the carry group lol.

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All I can say is…bring on the Magic Rooster Egg! I want that chicken, stat!!! Here, take all my Tendies!