I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective

This seems like a whole lot of thread for no one to care that he cares…

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Yeah, it’s always “nobody cares about the rewards” but also “give them all to me now”. :dracthyr_a1:


I do want that rooster mount a lot


Re-release everything I say I have collected a fair amount of “rare” stuff when it was current content I did miss something’s but meh it’s all just pixels that don’t matter



classic. get harassed and banned for having a differing opinion. peak wow forums

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they should rerelease everything that was time sensitive or tied to the tcg. i got plenty of unubtanium over the 19 years of wow and i couldnt care less if they make it possible to get again. just because people can get something now i got years ago doesnt devalue it to me


that’s very cool that you feel that way. i think they’re pixels that do matter

that’s very cool that you feel that way. i do care if they make stuff possible to obtain again

Thank you Blizz for the tabard.

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like they said…

It’s waiting for review according to the screen cap you posted.

I’m curious what do you have that you don’t want other people to have?

One thing I don’t believe they should be doing, is keeping AOTC mounts forever locked, then giving away TCGs. It sends a mixed message.

Or rather, it sends the message that Blizz will protect your uniqueness even if it would benefit them to do otherwise, but only if you’re in a group beloved by them. If you’re in another group, that uniqueness you spent hundreds of dollars for will be tossed in the trash at the first opportunity to crowd-please.

Someone said earlier they got a TCG card for 5 bucks. Just pointing that out.

People aren’t proud of what they spend their money on, online. And let’s be honest, that’s the reason people would be reasonably upset.

This community would just tear into them for it, too. “Ahahaha you lost $200 LOSER” would be about the size of it.

for the 10th time today, i’m gonna say- finding enjoyment over seeing other people upset is a really concerning character trait

i don’t care if other people have stuff. i care that rare stuff stays rare. could be 10 other people having something or 10 thousand. don’t care

If you do, I don’t see why you shouldn’t admit it. Why, when they keep AOTC stuff locked, is the “you shouldn’t care what other people have” card suspiciously absent?


can you rephrase, i’m not understanding the question

Eh, they aren’t going to be touching the stuff that are genuine collector’s items so… can’t say I care one way or another. But then again I’m not a collector of anything bar transmog in-game and even that I’m very lax about it.

As far as I am aware the only type of items that Blizzard has stated that they aren’t making available again are in-game earnable time sensitive rewards. So, some TCG stuff is going to end up as rewards.

Heck looking at the one thing that folks keep bringing up as their most egregious one, the Feldrake, looking around the place … it hasn’t been devalued by any significant measures. In fact, it would seem the physical version of it may have had a slight increase in value instead.
Difficult to tell though as the trajectories I have been able to find don’t make a good distinction between the digital code and the physical card. But to make my point more succinct: they aren’t touching the genuinely rare stuff, and the stuff they are giving away doesn’t seem to matter overall by collector’s standards.