I don’t believe it’s good practice to give away these rare TCG items and here’s my perspective


If it’ll make you feel better I’ll send you some hate mail. Happy?

Yet another “You only have yourself to blame for not playing the game since before you were born. I’m tired of you young whippersnappers wanting to play my game.”


Complains about me buying a Mythic Fyrakk kill for Anu’relos but then-

Actually sells Mythic kills and AotC runs. So… I’m not allowed to save up my own gold? Are you just mad I didn’t buy from you?


Wait … When did you get elected forum god and can tell people when and where to post?? I missed that announcement.

If you post a thread with an opinion, one should be prepared for other players to post counterpoints to that opinion. That’s the way this here forum thing works.


Because you aren’t agreeing with OP. Not agreeing and stating your opinion and facts about what Blizzard said previously is obviously passive aggressiveness you know…

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Hang on. You just quoted two different people.

I feel like my orange/gold text wrapper is the equivalent to a bull seeing red on the forums. :thinking:

…can… other people… not quote two people? Do I have… special powers?


The prophecy is true.

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Okay… not sure the snark was necessary…

Your post sounded like you were accusing Mailborn of something someone else said.

There is no snark there friend. I just wasn’t aware if my status on CC gave me the ability to multi quote or not.

You can test it if you want. Basically you go to make a reply and scroll up to find the posts you want to quote and highlight the text and an option to quote it in your currently in progress reply will present itself. you can do this for multiple different posters. (but I’m not sure if it’s just a for me thing or not.)

Not sure how thats possible when I felt it was clear how I posted. But others may see things I do not so I’m always happy to provide context.

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Everytime I do it the forums just give me back some nonsense about some other game. See, check this out:


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Nah, Sen, I didnt read it like that at all.

No need for the condescension either. I know how to use the forums. I’ve been here longer than you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because you replied to Mailborn with “says this and then—” then quoted someone else and replied with “Are you mad…” as if Mail was the other dude.

So it sounded as if you either mistook two different people or thought they were the same person with the way it was worded.

But it’s apparently just my confusion on the subject. Apologies.

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It only hurts collectors if they’re childish enough to be hurt by other people having the same digital pixels that they bought off ebay in 2007.

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I probably confused it because I don’t know the context.

Don’t like the accusations of ‘this’ or ‘that’ being tossed my way as I’m generally just trying to explain things. How am I supposed to know who’s been here longer or shorter? I don’t generally take into account peoples forum ages when I talk to people because we’re all just players posting in a games forum in the end.

I’m literally just a normal person with no access to data on who knows what so I’m just explaining things because I’m unaware of who may know what.

Edit: I have been awake a very long time today… misspellings/misusages abound!


But no one else cares that YOU care. You’re a little outnumbered here.

Why is that the line, exactly

Okay, but the tiger? Explain.

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Them being outnumbered doesn’t mean that they are wrong.