So everything in WArcraft is evil?
We are moving goalposts now.
I think we already have a pretty clear way to determine whether something is good, or evil, or whatever.
BAsically: Does it have the ability to make moral decisions?
Without a sentience the answer is: No.
Mourneblades for example were weapons meant to steal the souls of the people they killed. How can a weapon, doing the function it was designed to do, be good or evil?
After all, they have no sentience, no will of their own.
I know that. Good and evil is pretty subjective and rarely is it ever black and white as people try to make it out to be.
Objects that turn people into soul stealing monsters are evil, yes.
How can an object with no will or sentience, doing merely what it was created to do, be good or evil?
It’s incapable of doing anything beyond what it was made to do.
If it was a sentient blade or object, ones that we have interacted with and some even wielded for a while, objects that can choose to do good or evil, than I would be more inclined to agree with you
So fire is evil because it can kill people?
WAter is evil because it can kill people?
Or is killing people not evil?
I mean by this very logic, the light is evil cause it kills people, Like what the hell are you even arguing here, this is the gun is evil logic
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It is laughably simple, actually: If [thing] turns person evil, [thing] is evil.
If fire, water, or guns fundamentally corrupted someone into being a murderer I would consider them evil, yes.
So morality has nothing to do with choice then
Choosing to use something that risks turning you evil is certainly a choice.
Not really no, cause evil is a choice you can’t be turned evil, either you already were or you’re never going to be
Objectively untrue in Warcraft.
No it’s not?, ever villain who had a “corruption” Story was doing bad stuff before they used whatever magic, Fel didn’t turn gul’dan evil, he hated everyone well before that, Death didn’t make arthas evil he slaughtered entire cities with the light before that.
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Sylvanas, Medivh, like half of the Keepers, Helya, Neltharian.
Hell, I just did a quest last night where a Nerubian was nearly twisted by a void tainted tinderbox.
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Sylvanas had half a soul and was vindictive, Medivh was possessed by sargearas not turned by fel, helya was forced to transform by odyn, it wasen’t her power that made her evil, Neltharion was driven insane by old gods not by the power he used
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Y’sera might literally be the only one
Most of the Eredar (Man’ari) succumbed to fel corruption.
Ignoring the fact that most of them WILLINGLY joined the legion and only found out later it wasn’t what they were promised.
Doesn’t take away from the fact that they all for the most part, eagerly signed on the dotted line as it were.
Yea they chose to join, the magic didn’t mind control them
I include early WoW in the “early days of Warcraft.”