I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

Thats not even true, i was just saying how i felt about your view of Illidan regarding Xe’ra.

You seem to just not like the way the situation in the 7.3 was handled, regarding both characters, by now its just clear.

With good reasons, but I’ve already gone over those ad nauseum elsewhere.


Which is what i try to say, that : we got you, and its fine, at that point its not like you are going to change your mind about it i think.

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No – That’s NOT necessarily true :grimacing:


  • Alonsus Faol embraces the light fully, in spite of entering undeath – and even Turalyon confirmed such as he cast a ritual to scry his very full being to see if he did in fact embrace it & ultimately see if he was mutually embraced by it in return and saw that he in fact was.
  • Additionally you have Calia Menethil — who’s an undead that was quite literally RAISED by the light. lol

Source: Warcraft Lore NovelBefore the Storm


I rather enjoy the concept that there’s forces of the light that would disagree with one another and have their own factions within their order, that may even wage war against each other despite being within the same order (In this case, the light).

  • I’d also love that to be seen with other orders too – Similarly to what happened with Sargeras, betraying the pantheon to take matters into his own hands, his own way; unopposed.
  • An example hypothetical situation for another order would be for the void, it’d be interesting to see an old god like Yogg-Saron or Y’Shaarj manage to be alive in the future – Yet wanting to help us and screw over the void lords. lol

Hence to why I presented the ordeal I’d love to see with the light, earlier in the thread →

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Fair points, but then i would guess if the Light took over, it would turn the undead into Light undead? Or can already existing undead by turned into Light undead? Or can only be raised by the Light?

Maybe, what makes the Undead harmed by the Light is the magic that was used to raise them?

I think, the Force that i think is cool to have as both good and evil is Life, i think the both situations that we saw ith Life is interesting, that Life is more or less like a virus, like we saw with the evergrowth : It need a place a host, (just like virus need host to survive) but it also selfdestroy itself, just like virus can kill its host, and thus, if host dies, the virus will also dies, just like evergrowth can grow so out of control that it will eventually destroy the planet is use as host, and brings it own end.

Hey, someone brought up the force.

First off, it is true, George Lucas said in an interview, and multiple times, that dark side is “evil,” and “bad,” and he literally defined “balance” as “not going to the dark side.” He never said or implied that you needed an equal balance of light and dark, or that neither side was good or evil.

However, Lucas contradicts himself a lot. The entire Mortis arc of the Clone Wars, which Lucas had to approve of every step of the way, contradicts this view of the force pretty heavily. You had the Son, and the Daughter, manifestations of the Dark and Light side, who must be kept in “balance” by the Father.

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There’s been undead that have been re-raised (even several times) — in many cases in a more deteriated form (eg. The Black Knight), but in a few special scenarios – with the right augmentations, rituals or powers at play: They can be restored or simply become elevated to an even greater & more powerful form.

Whether such is done by imbuing the power(s) used into the subject being or simply seizing the power and then twisting it into tremendously dark power for easier & more precise usage for their necromantic goals (such as what happened with the Sunwell).

Example beings that have been elevated as undead:

  • Darion Mograine (Horseman)
  • Nathanos Blightcaller
  • Anub’arak

The imbalance of such within them that interferes with the spark of life, it pretty much causes a computer error in their very being and causes a schism of pain — Albeit such may not always harm them, it can cause them discomfort or pain; even in the process of healing them.

… Those raised by the light, probably have some small semblance of immunity or a loophole to such above :point_up_2: However I’d wager that the void may in fact cause the same effect to them as light does to those raised by dark magics.

:person_shrugging: Personally I think it’s cool to have the concept of balance & order within each cosmic force - So life can be evil, but not always — and in many cases where they have more divine entities amongst them, won’t be in danger of self-collapse & can even grow in potential, rather than diminish.

Hence to why Aggramar had to intervene with the world endangered by entropic life, as Draenor had little to no divine entities like wild gods or loa amongst them.

That possible, i think we did not see undead risen by the Void, or i forgot? I have a doubt right now…

Its interesting to see the relation titans have with the Life forces, Titans are basically like “ho yeah its a positive force BUT it needs to be controled” its as if, Life was the plants, and titans see themselves as some kind of gardeners toward the plants.

We have, as Ner’Zhul and the Shadowmoon Clan that remained loyal to him used void-magics to raise undead.

That being said – We’ve also used Saronite (Blood of Yogg-Saron) to augment the powers of the undead.

  • Speaking of Yogg-Saron, he was also responsible for the curse of flesh - which you could argue that given all living flesh and creatures of blood are susceptible to undeath, they may hold a connection to such …

We also have followers of the pseudo old-god G’huun in Nazmir who practiced necromancy too.

Alliable-Factions within dark forces? :thinking:

It’d be INCREDIBLY interesting to see if there were in fact a few void-lords who sought out balance or co-existence with the cosmos, rather than complete consumption & domination over it — So much so as to one or another holding a deeper sway over necromancy and thus to the reason of why the other void-lords aren’t the greatest fans of the undead.

  • You may even dub Yogg’Saron as a “Traitor” to many void-lords, yet loyal to one — who excels in the powers of death & as of such earned the old god the name: “The god of death!”

It’d be intriguing to see allies of naaru, void lords and titans along with other grand forces when facing off their greater numbers or significant threats within them – especially since it’d tie-in well with priests, paladins and other class lore for the spirituality side of things too :dracthyr_nod:

I must point out that the Father from the Mortis gods did not go the dark side.

I would love to see how the first jedi created the force. That was just briefley touched in SWTOR.

I interpret that not as an allegory for how the Force works, but for the struggle each individual Force user goes through. The Father represents you, the Force user. You cannot eradicate your own dark side, but you can keep it from ruining everything.

I dislike the Light being used as a villainous entity because it’s overdone. Cosmic balance and forces is a trope I dislike immensely. Seems a bit dumb when you have followers of the Light being charitable and just in general good and in an attempt to have some form of balance or look the void can be good! We get Yrel being the inevitable big bad of a future expansion and Alleria embracing the void because it can be a good thing! when it never is.

It very much feels like subverted expectations which should’ve died and been buried a long time ago.


It is about time it is the alliance heroes that eat the villain bat for once.

I love your character’s name!

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You’re putting the cart before the horse. They didn’t create the Force, they connected with it.

And when it’s been done in WoW, it hasn’t been done well since the Scarlet Crusade.

Yeah, it’s a cringe cliche now. At this point, clear cut good vs evil and black and white morality would be avant garde.

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Your bizarre need to have a running tally on faction leaders doesn’t mean much vs poor writing.

Thank you, I love the book so much. When I was young I misspelled the name and just rolled with it lol.

It’s the simple things really. When orcs were evil invaders from another world who drank demon blood, and humans put them in summer camps is the worst they did :thinking:

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People forget you can have deep and interesting stories with black and white morality stories and conflicts. Morally grey can be as bland and cliche as people say black and white is. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the human noble backstory for Dragon Age: Origins. Even Pratchett’s Discworld books ultimately run on black and white morality.

I think the fundamental issue here is that an IP that was birthed from a mind that jived with things like Star Wars, Warhammer, Marvel Comics, Dungeons & Dragons, is suddenly having a bunch of deconstructionism and subversion of expectations foisted upon it and shoehorned into its DNA. It is essentially non sequitur tonal whiplash.


I think subversion can work, but not the way WoW’s being doing it lately (including since Legion).