A force is like a physical law. It exists, but it doesn’t think or act on its own. The beings shaped by it (like Naaru or Titans) may be strongly influenced by that force, but they still have their own will and individuality. This is supported by the lore itself. On the one hand, through the differing motivations and perspectives of A’dal and Xe’ra, and on the other, through an interview with a Blizzard developer who confirmed that during Legion. Contrary to your claims, there is no revision in Chronicles. You call it an inconsistency because it contradicts your personal interpretation of the chart. But my sources show that your assumption (= they’re godly incarnations), while understandable, is incorrect.
The Light doesn’t want anything. It’s just a power with inherent good effects. The Naaru, as its manifestations, interpret and act upon it, but they aren’t literally the Light itself. Just like how Titans aren’t Order itself, but beings shaped by it.
I’ve already discussed this in detail above, but I’d like to emphasise it again: Because either your assumption about the hierarchy of the Army of Light, or your personification thesis, is incorrect. More likely the latter. In my opinion, we still know far too little about the Naaru Hierachy to make any definitive statements about it.
Yes. Just like water ‘refuses’ the existance of fire. It’s kind of a reaction. Does water have an agenda because of that?
We now add undead light priests and the lore that the ability to cast light is based on subjective morale.
I kind of misunderstood you there then.
That’s actually my point.
But, as I mentioned above, the morally good concept occurs by default from a human perspective, which equals the azeroth pov ingame. It would be unnecessary and silly to mention that demons and the undead may perceive it differently each time, wouldn’t it?
Ironically, I argue in favor of the light because I believe it’s required to keep the void/shadow evil and the undead free of light as much as possible. The way I like it.
You refering to me mate? But i mean, hating Odyn is just common sense : he is a jerk and everything point out toward that fact, like tell me anything good Odyn did?
Did he face Galakrond? Ho no thats Tyr, did he meddle with powers that was not his? Yes, he even did a deal with Mueh’zala for that and ultimately helped the Jailer. Did he recognize the dragons for their efforts in helping Tyr? No he became just an arrogant pro titanforged who said anything not titan sucks.
Like the guy is not likable like at all. How you would not hate him? He failed over and over.
All of this wall of text to ultimately try to say that a Force dont want anything, while it indirectly does want.
If a force greatly influence beings in the same way (which it does) then it means that Force indirectly have an influence, therefore the influence of said Force can be considered Good or Bad by our standards.
You can tell me how many times you want that the Light have no will of its own, but then why does the more you get closer to high ranking in there you get more and more fanatical people about it? Its like you want to tell me that the Light have no blessed ones or stuff, but it does are it does favour some users over others, the more you go into the Light the more the Light favour you. So in a way it does have its will. If it would not have it would not favour its users so much.
We know that Xe’ra is the Prime Naaru, which means “the frist” of their kind (as it is what Prime means) and everytime in wow, the Prime is always the leader, Like Odyn was the Prime designate.
Difference is, Water dont favour anybody, we are equal in its face, if you get a big wave in the face you get a big wave in the face. The Light have its chosenes. Which is why its different and why yo ucant say “ho but its nor good nor evil”
The fact Light is a healing Force, you brought up on some posts that peoples are “thinkig” that the Light is good by essence because it can heal, but guess what, Void also can heal.
Why would it be silly? You can play a demon now as a player (Man’ari and DH) and you can play Undead as Forsaken and DK. Why would their pov dont matter?
The fact that Blizzard write down EVERY single character like humans is not an excuses, its a bad writing they do since a while now like Night Elves thinking that 20y is a lot in their thousands of years lifespan…
So you bascially doing manichaeism, great job dude, how its your world in black and white? I knew there was a problem with your thought proces, but now i get it : dual one.
I did not mention it to Lougo because i already had that talk with him and bascialy he thinks Helya is bad and Odyn good and Helya deserved to be transeformed…
By all accounts, that I’m aware of, Helya used to be a good person, her fall started with Odyn and can be traced back to him. IIRC even her continued creation of Val’kyr is tied to what he did to her via a forced compulsion to make more like herself.
In my opinion if that’s not enough to recognize that someone isn’t inherently evil that’s all the reason to not bother talking to them anymore then.
I totally agree with you, but well, the guy (Lougo) bascially compared her with Sylvanas, saying that she is as bad as her because “she was also good before and got ruined by someone else and then did bad things”
But to me she is different, in the way that, while Sylvanas was forced by being an undead and damned by someone she hated, Helya was forced by someone she loved, and actual ADOPTIVE FATHER!!!
Like when you put that detail forward, you notice how much evil he is, doing this to his own adoptive daughter…
Interestingly that’s the number one kind of abuse in the US currently, at least according to a friend who works for a group who helps people…
Which just disgusts me even more about the whole situation. Then you’ve got people trying to defend the inclusion of such acts in media because “it shows they are evil and edgy…” Meanwhile… for the rest of us who write. That’s just low hanging fruit as far as evil goes. It is purely born of the culture of seeing women as something to be claimed, used and to act as a driving force in the male leads story before being thrown aside, if they even survive, so a “pure” female can be “won” by the hero.
Yeah, I don’t know what your thoughts are on her… but I’m not happy with how her story went, especially the fact that they had her jump, after handing the “win” over to some random HMP (I really don’t like Sir Speeches of Daddy Issues) because his “pride” was injured…
There’s a ton of events that never should have happened in this game… or at least been handled better.
I am not from the US, so i cant say much about it, but if its true thats sickening…
I think, at some points, some writers are like too “gigachads” (if you excuse me the term) but by it i mean, they think "its cool to have alpha guy assert dominance over others especially wemen. Just like in the old mythologies when you had Zeus or Odin do exactly that, and its like “yup be a man and dominate!” To me it is a social thing that is very old.
And, i think that, recently blizzard writers noticed how wrong it was, thats why in DF they actually bring Odyn to justice for some of his missdeeds. But i am sure that, back in Legion when they created Odyn, they were like “omg that guy so badass!”
Its like all these people who love Kratos in the old God of War serie, like “omg the dude is so alpha!!!” but now when you see the new serie, and how they try (and said themselves) to show that they progressed, you have these peoples being like “omg story is so bad, it was better when it was alpha!” its hilarious but sad.
As i said to previous peoples, i dont particularly like Sylvanas, i even could say i kinda of hate her, but i think i hate more because of the “spam” we got about her and how the devs made her annoying, than the character itself.
I Much prefer Queen Azshara.
But if you want my thoughts, honest? I think, she suffered a lot, but, she always (since war3) used her own suffering as an excuse to be not just a victim, she was sometimes the executioner, and thats a part of her character, that she became what she hated (like the Lich King) and refused to admit it.
Now i think, the split soul thing in SL was very cheap writing thought, and the “i will never serve” like she only now realized the jailer was bad…while he literally was a walking frostmourn walking around made not much sense.
Only at the proper amount… too much of it is almost as fatal as too little. When Jacque Cousteau’s aquanauts lived for several weeks in a 10 atmosphere environment during the Conshelf 3 experiment, the percentage of oxygen had to be reduced to 2 percent, the other 98 percent being helium… with the results you would expect
Tbf, the burning crusade version of him was widely out of character, which the writers knew about because they just wanted an iconic character for the villain of the expansion. Writing him like his original self wasn’t thought about because they didn’t expect the game to still live after tbc. The fact it did and then doing legion was what made them go back and turn him into the antihero he was in the RTS series.
To want something requires sentinence.
But what you say could be interpreted as a metaphor.
Your observation and therefore your premise is wrong. Think of Tirion, Velen, Uther, A’dal. The most powerful light wielders are moderate, not fanatical.
Light abilities are derived from one’s own willpower and determination to do the right thing. It all depends on your morals. The concept of right and wrong differs from person to person. The Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Crusade are complete opposites in terms of morals. Nonetheless, both can wield the light. Even the undead are capable of doing this. That contradicts your point of ‘the lights favour’. The light is not a god bestowing blessings, despite the fact that some NPCs treat it as such.
Personal interpretation on your part. Maybe it’s true; maybe not. We don’t know, that’s my point. Can you explain the spirit healers on Argus to me?
Only through sacrifice and the will of the wielder, not on its own. However, the term ‘healing’ is oversimplified when it comes to light. I recommend that you read the links above in full. I’ve also based my opinion on them.
Because it’s not the default and communication doesn’t work that way.
If every moral assertion had to be prefaced with ‘but this doesn’t apply to X’ every time, it would disrupt the flow of discussion. You typically assume a general rule unless there’s a meaningful deviation that needs clarification. Morality is usually framed from a common or dominant perspective (like a human viewpoint), and you don’t need to constantly restate exceptions unless they’re relevant.
We’re intelligent beings, after all.
I’m not sure what that is. But I don’t believe you do either.
Inferring my worldview from this discussion is a logical fallacy. Just because I prefer this sometimes in storytelling doesn’t mean I always think like this.
Furthermore, to accuse me of thinking in black and white while denying my sources that demonstrate moral diversity and independence among light wielders is quite daring.
I think, it would not be that far fetched to say the Light is sentient considering how it choose things.
Have you done the quest with Crusader Bridenbrad? Because that quest shows you that the Light actually is represented by the Naaru and that Naaru can actually bind souls to the realm of the Light.
At that point you cant say that “the Light have no will”, the Naaru literally bind being to the Light, for the Light to have its realm and have people bound to it, you cant tell me that “its not the Light doing it”
Its a Naaru you know? So probably pout here by the army of the Light to resurect the heroes, but your quesiton is a bit 'silly" because the spirit healer is a gameplay thing and dont really need to be lore explained. While Xe’ra being titled as prime naaru and Light Mother is lore thing and not gameplay.
Again Crusader Bridenbrad quest shows you that the Naaru can do more, and also, Xe’ra was lightbounding illidan against his will. So you are being wrong, its not all about will of the wielder.
What you are doing is bascially to say “dont care about minorities because they not the default” and thats terrible view point.
You base your viewpoint on sources that fill your agenda, when someone want 2+2 to be 3 they will eventually find sources to make them be so.
I know what manichaeism is, its exacatly what you said in previous post that you want that Light be good and dark magic evil, meaning that the 2 are stuck in some kind of duality, with good on one side and evil on the other. And thats dualism, therefore manichaeism, and in case you wonder : its a very simplistic and dull way of thinking.