It was not enough as his faith to the Light was not challenged, because he do says “no more runing no more hiding” after rakeesh, but he have still complete faith in the army of the Light and he still follow the prophecy as the Light Heart made him understand that “the time had come” (Since, if you recall, the Rakeesh moment was when we give him Light’s Heart) so yes he needed that to understtand he had blind faith.
Well, no because for her and the Light, it was a prophecy, so she was not forcing fate, she was doing fate, the fate that the Light gave him.
Gives examples.
Well, the opinions i gave you above was their feedback so, i am good with that person.
Depends who it is, and you perfectly know that Xe’ra had no paricular love for Alleria as she always questioned the army of the Light and Xe’ra while Turalyon was not actually challenging it much, you can see it in the Thousands years war audio, its not headcnon you clearly see Alleria questionning the things while Turalyon is a good lapdog.
Its only because he loves her that he was not in the “omg you should not quesiton the Light!” mood.
Turalyon is the reason, explained it just above.
Because its not just everything about army? You sound like its all about it, but no.
I think she was used well in bfa, at least enough to make her avoid the killing shot and make it go to N’zoth which is what she needed to be what she always was : her own thing and not some servent, even if silly old gods fans wanted her to be just that, despite her character not being that.
I look forward to see her again too, even thought i doubt it will be in Midnight.
I dont care if it was for me or not, i just want to point it out still.
Then you are different from a big cluster of people that i know and that you know, i mean, you cant deny they do exist, and you perfectly whats wrong with them…humhum you know where this is going right? Nationalism all that…do note that this is also going with the “army” and warmonging category.
Lmao, thats bascially the thing you say when you are delusional about a character who was in the mind of the writers not meant to be more than what they had in mind for it in the frist place.
Because, ANYTHING you can say “Its wasted potential” like really ANYTHING.
Like i could say Ansurek was wasted potential too.