I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

I dont know what is D20 other than it being the type of diece you use for D&D and other such table top. But i do know D&D, not all ofc since its a very vast univers, i mainly know about the Lower Planes.

But from what you tell me, better being in the Abyss than in this Light plan!!!

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D20 used to be the catchall name for games based on the Open Gaming License, like D&D, Pathfinder First Edition, and all the D20 based games like D20 Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, and the rest.

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I don’t think anyone disputes that this is how it’s being presented now. The disagreement is whether it’s always been that way.

And I agree that “just energy” is boring, for reasons stated upthread:


The drama is in the character themselves.


That applies to any storyline. Adding the possibility for drama between the character and the cosmic force they’re using would add the possibility for extra stories.

But like I said, that’s just how I feel about it. You are not required to agree.

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I was scrolling through sixty replies to this dang thread that are just the same people repeating the same arguments, waiting for anything to pop my interest, when…

But I can still choose to think of you as my favorite oatmeal panda, yes???


If I say I must agree, am I agreeing or disagreeing?

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I may or may not have made a 1700’s plain dress mog that looks like the oatmeal guy.


MHPs are not an orpressed minority. The writing style of the story at large is usually done in their favor. Blizzard catering to them is the main reason fans of other races and concepts suffer.

On that, we agree.

Maybe I could’ve phrased that better. I meant that killing her off was a bad idea no matter what they wanted to do with her story, I just used the villain route as an example.

Are you glad Illidan killed her?

I wasn’t talking to you when I brought up the term “Christofascist”, so why point that out?

It was bad writing and edgelord cringe.

I asked whether you or anyone you know has been in the army, not your opinion of the army. But now that you’ve vented, is that a yes or a no to knowing anyone in the army?

The fact that he was able to do so and did proves my point (Lothraxion too).

You play a game called WARcraft where every major character and faction has an army, including Illidan, and the plot revolves around being part of an ARMY battling various enemies… then you talk about armies like that. :laughing: :rofl: Are you serious?

At least we agree on Sylvanas.

This part has major angsty 14-year-old vibes and makes me wonder about everything else you said.

I said I suspect, not that it is. Possibility is not an absolute.

That said, given what came out about certain people in a certain lawsuit (like where you conceded that mummy issues might’ve played a role in the writing when you learned about allegations of stolen milk, in case you forgot)…

lol yes. she was a mid character at best and really didn’t enhance naaru lore at all. lightforged draenei have cool aesthetics but the entire idea of the xenedar is a* nonsense premise. i didn’t love illidan at every moment of legion but i had an inarguably better time watching him than watching xe’ra.

the christofascist line is to supply an example of another presumed irreconcilable difference in our perspectives; i don’t find it an inherently objectionable term, but it seems like you might? idk for sure.

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The whole Xe’ra death scene is funny, mainly due to the visceral reaction it got from a certain section of the fan base.

It reality, it was cringey but cool in its own way. In the end,Xe’ra got what she deserved after being told No multiple times


Oh, i see, i always heard the term “table top rpg” for these.

Killing her was needed as i again explained to make the whole prophecy trope goes wrong, because actually, Velen needed that.

It was not bad writing imo, again, it was needed for the story of Illidan explaining to the Light Fanattics and blind faith to understand that there was no prophecy and stuff like this, its the whole Illidan trope since its introduction in war3 TFT, literally his light motive of “the hand of fate must be forced”

And it was needed to give more evolution to Velen.

Yes, one person of my familly went in the army.

Well, for a time, yes, because Turalyon was well established and an high ranking (if not the most high ranking beside xe’ra) in the army, so it actually exacrly prouve my point about what an army is : the closer you are to the top the higher your opinions matters. Thats called favoritisme by the way.

And dont forget one thing : Xe’ra was absent for a while (as her heart was sent to Azeroth) which pout the Alleria situation on an stand by, until she was blown up.

We kinda lost the “War” in warcraft since some years now, get yourself up to date. And by theway, in case you dont know : war is bad, and promoting army and warmongering values especially in our world’s actual situation is just wrong.

And yes, i will criticize the army system because its just here to make machins, ever heard of Claymore mangas? Its the whole point.

Thats why my favorite character of all time is Azshara, because at least she never denied being what she is.

I was just being funny!

I think thats just not how you must “play it”, you remind me of a friend i had, when everytime something was wrong in wow, everytime there was a bug or something he said something like “ho they more busy stealing milk” and i just think this way of constantly putting the blame for things you happen to know is just silly, because, in case you dont know, you have you dont know, and if you start to say this shortcut for things you barely know, what if you start to say that every single person everytime you are not happy with something you would pretend like “ho i think that Lilith in D4 was in d4 because they stolen milk and they have mommy fetish” or imagine i use that arguement for any art creation…

I dont care of you are right or wrong, just the thoughts proces is at the level of an earthflater.

That too, this character was barely even fleshed out and was not even meant to be more than what it ended up being, a plot device for other characters to evolve.

The same who love the Scarlet Crusade and the Arathi, and i am sure they would yell “for the Emperor” if they played warhammer…and they must also love Garithos.


I don’t care about your hang ups with this game and your nonsensical rantings about its player base, you dont make light of suicide.
There are people behind the screen and you have no idea what someone is going though, and as someone who has his own issues in that area you should absolutely know better.

You were 100% in the wrong Evevien and everyone here will agree, dont joke about suicide.


People commonly use it interchangeably to describe the same thing :blush:

But, D20 is just one of many subgeneres of the tabletop rpg games


D20 games are a subset of tabletop RPGs or TTRPGs. There are some TTRPGs that are not in the D20 family, Vampire: the Masquerade for example.


I see, thanks for your insights you 3! The more you know as they say!


I was okay with both Illidan and Xe’ra, though Illidan wore out his welcome with characters around him being dumbed down or nerfed (I find him very overrated).

Depends on the usage; “Christofascist” does get used as slur or snarl word whether or not it was invented to be one. Have you ever used the term? If so, on who?

Prophecy goes wrong has been done before in WoW, and better. Even Velen didn’t “need that”, he already had a taste with what happened to Rakeesh.

You mean like how Xe’ra tried to force fate’s hand by Lightforging Illidan?

Again, already been done before in WoW and better.

I wonder what your feelings towards that family member are? I hope things are good.

That headcanon about favortism doesn’t fly, as this was about the Void, which Xe’ra previously had a hardline policy against, no matter who used it. We all know how much fanatics LOVE to compromise on what they’re fanatical about, right?

If someone brought a dangerous substance into your house after you told them not to, would you not call the police on them?

Then what’s the canon reason she didn’t try to do to Alleria what she tried to do to Illidan? Light’s Heart wasn’t sent to Azeroth right away.

You missed my point. Why play a war game that doesn’t criticize armies when you hate the very idea of the army?

I like Azshara too. I think she was good but underused in BfA and look forward to seeing her again in Midnight.

We may have different senses of humor.

I wasn’t talking to you with that comment you replied to with this. Your criticism here was at most the same level you said the thought process was.

And yet I don’t love the Scarlet Crusade, I’m so-so on the Arathi, only play Xenos factions in 40k (Eldar and Necrons, ironically)… and hate Garithos. I can’t speak for the others you’re referring to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (like Nixxiom).

This says more about you than that section of the fanbase. I pity you.

If someone other then Illidan Slaveowning Stormrage killed X’ra, it would have been better.
X’ra to me was just build up for eventually nothing.


She was wasted potential.

Plus, Illidan did worse to Akama than what Xe’ra tried to do to Illidan, but so many forget or ignore that.
