Sure, but as we saw, Light also harm other Forces such as Death and Fel, as we saw an Undead wielding the Light gets burned himself! So even if the wielders “wants” to use it, the Light bascially says “nope you undead so screw you”
Thats the thing, the Light is kind of jerk because bascially, you are not allowed to get yourself into other Forces, its just “the Light and that it!”
So, i mean, its not just matter and anti matter, its bascially, like Fire, fire can give heat, but its bad to you if you touch it =p
Yeah just like Turalyon was forced to put Alleria in a prison cell…totally not forced to obey.
That’s true of all religious people in my experience. The number of times I’ve heard: “Well if they believe/act that way then they aren’t really X.” is rather terrifying. People talk about beliefs in such generalized language they barely even realize how fundamentally different their views of their own religion are from even their close friends.
I feel like you are missing my bigger point. I am saying if people WANT to do that, then I dont really see a problem with it, so long as they dont expect actual lore to center around it.
I don’t think Thadeus thinks the Light is Christianity, unless I missed something.
I 100% agree with Drahliana in her matter vs anti-matter analogy. The Light is not “a jerk” because it has no mind behind it, its just energy, same with all the magics.
Thats actually why I think its okay to make pretend its something else…because imma be real, WoW’s cosmology is boring.
I don’t. Some people just assume I do because I’m a Christian who takes issue with how poorly written (and in some cases edgelord), some portrayals of the Light have been - chief among them Illidan killing Xe’ra, and certain fan responses.
A couple of my critics - not most, I can’t stress enough, but two or three such as Drahliaha, are also bigoted against Christians (something even other critics of mine have noted), which adds fuel to the fire.
I could say more, but for now all I’ll say is there’s history there.
That comment says more about you than religious people. If we applied that same logic to NON-religious people…
Except that’s not what happened.
Have you, or anyone you know, been in the army? (or done other military service like Navy or Air Force?)
Xe’ra wanted to harm Alleria for breaking Xe’ra’s “no Void on my ship” rule after being told not to. But Turalyon and Lothraxion talked her into compromising. It was Lightforged Draenei who took Alleria to a cell.
I brought up the army, because Alleria had joined the ARMY of the Light during WARTIME and was on Xe’ra’s ship. Doesn’t a CO have a right to imprison a soldier under their command who disobeyed a direct order about not bringing in dangerous substances? Regardless of how anyone feels toward the people involved?
Ironically, some of the same people who condemned Xe’ra for imprisoning Alleria during Legion were cheering for Sylvanas to kill Alleria in BfA. Double standards, what’s that?
Read the last chapter of A Thousand Years of War again instead of assuming the worst of someone you disagree with; I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just forgot.
The Light (among other things) has been written pretty…eh. But its WoW, I dont expect all too much really. Honestly, I see just as much people dislike the Light because they think its a religion they dont like, which to that I say the same thing to the people who like it for that reason, just know thats not really lore.
I dont think Drahliana and the other two dislike you for being Christian, unless I missed something.
I mean, I am a Quaker, (a small branch of Christians, no its not the Oatmeal guy) and they dont hate me.
That sounds right. Maybe I could’ve made myself clearer in some comments, but that was not the impression (though I have wondered if there weren’t a few veiled jabs like that cringe cinematic with Illidan).
I didn’t mean that.
I meant Drahliana is prejudiced against Christians in general - if you want proof look at some of her comments and generalizations about Christians and God Himself (ask if she thinks Christianity is a threat to the United States and you’ll see the rhetoric - if you got a dollar every time the snarl word “Christofascist” was used or an Old Testament-based criticism of God Himself was said…).
Nightsong is too (or maybe against religious people as a whole in their case). The third I haven’t seen in a while (and she was an avowed Satanist back then), but I know she don’t use the same avatar on the forums anymore.
We’ve debated in the past, them and I, and me being a member of a group they hate adds fuel to the fire.
Well if thats true all I can say is thats dumb.
Despite what some people might think, ANY group of people is going to be extremely diverse and when you have a religion as large as this one, to say the many denominations (roughly 45,000) are all the same that its impossible to lump them all under a few generalizations is an understatement.
Huge movements have sprung up throughout history over the most TINY of theological differences lol.
I merely said I’ve wondered if it’s that (though I have seen quite a few antireligious people - one of them on the forums - use it as a rallying cry), not that it was. And I’m not American.
True that. If you want proof, I can link comments (didn’t want to make too many walls of text or go far off-topic).
why does your nationality have anything to with it? there are no parallels between christianity and the light.
the reason to give a fig about the portrayal of the light as it pertains to christianity is wrt the church of the holy light and it is currently such a non-entity that no commentary is possible.
so much of this pseudo-religious nonsense gives huge ‘are you winning the discourse, son?’
maybe to the extent that it becomes a laughable non-issue. sometimes there are characters in the narrative who are zealots and use the light. sometimes they use the void, and sometimes they use the fel. or death. the only actual way wow’s religions pertain to any irl religion is a vague gesture at aesthetics, and only Very Silly People get upset about aesthetic concerns like that.
I do agree, the entire thing is real goofy hours from start to finish.
Some people take WoW lore way more serious then the people who made WoW lore ever intended XD
no argument here, i mean, we both time on rp realms. they’re all about that unnecessary detail. but if one thinks blizz picked the title ‘archbishop’ for the leadership of the human church as some antipapist sentiment or even that the kinda subversive and manipulative leadership of xe’ra is a comment on The Church instead of, like, zeal broadly… idk… one probably is* not doing a lot of serious work on religious questions.
I think Xe’ra was poorly written for several reasons.
For one, if they wanted to go the villainous Light user route, having her killed off by Illidan was a bad move. We don’t get to see interactions between her and other Naaru to compare, plus making it look like Illidan killed her easily - a quick one-hit kill - undermines her threat level. At least the Wild Gods and Elemental Lords got to show their credentials in battle before being jobbed.
Not to mention none of her Lightforged Draenei followers got to express their thoughts on watching Illidan edgelord their leader to death before their eyes. The story seems averse to showing logical consequences of choices (ironic, after a certain lawsuit).