Thats exactly the thing people struggle to understand, i dont even get why there is still a debate on that thread about it.
The Light, even as a cosmic force, just like the titans, are “neutral” in the way that, they are an actor in the great cosmic plot, titan want to make everything be orderly, Light want everything to be Light, Void wants everything to be Void etc etc…
Sure, there is forces that are lot more dangerous to wield, like the Void, which can drive you insane, but when you see how fanatical some Light users are, i would say thats just another form of insanity.
But if you ask me, i would loooot prefer a cosmos when the Disorder rule and we are all horned and hooved than a boring cosmos when we are all Light…
This is because things that are inherently good are still good in essence, even if they can be abused. Take antibiotics, for example. Light doesn’t want a thing, it’s primarily a healing force and an effective weapon against undead and demonic beings - enemys of living stuff.
Second, the moral concept of good is based on human experience by default. Bacterial perspective is irrelevant.
Ho yeah, if you think being brainwashed is good, then i suppose its good…
I think, there is also a point we must consider, it is that, if we get “lightbound” we are thus bound to the Light, and thus we become kind of brainwashed by the Light, and if we dont want?
Thats the thing, you can tell me how many times you want that the Light is an healing force, but in the end of the day the Light as a Force wants us to all be like Light, brainwhasing us into Light servents.
Turalyon’s eyes when Xe’ra is killed by Illidan, you clearly see that they were light yellow and then turn to brown again.
And you also see it well, with the Lightforged draenei and all of the army of the Light, and also the Lightbound from Draenoe led by Yrel. All of them are brainwashed.
I did not talk about the Jedi, but if you ask me, they did plenty good amount of genocide so they are not good.
I talk about the cosmic Force of the Light. Not the Force in Star wars, we got confused together and i apology, i did not think that using the word “Force” would be taken that way.
Yes I would. The ideals of the Jedi when aligned with the Light Side of the force are more like those of a Druid than a Paladin. The Dark Side isn’t evil but it tends to attract people looking to short cut their way to power. Decay is as much a valid part of the universe as growth. Without it, growth becomes cancer.
Chaos is what allows for things like free will. Order totally triumphant results in absolute stasis just as Chaos would mean total dissolution of form and direction.
What is essential is that a balance is maintained by not allowing either.
I was just pointing out to that people are allowed to agree on things without it making someone a Yes Man. Makes people sound like they been living under a rock their whole life and don’t understand how social interactions work when they make baseless assumptions like that
Which again is closer to a natural ideal than any sort of moral one. the Tao especially is all about the balance between push and pull.
A lot of Jedi fans wish for a Grey Jedi Order so they can write about Jedi who cast force lightning without turning into a prune. I would submit that the Jedi order itself is that “Grey Order” since Balance is their credo.
It’s about working with things and not forcing them to go where you want. Though, the analogy breaks down there because it’s not a power you can wield.
But if they can’t cast Force lightning with impunity, it’s not what the fans are asking for…
frankly, inasmuch, simply, as the light is like all cosmic powers and magic of the setting an extension of an individual’s will or intent, it fundamentally is a nonagent in pretty much any ethical quandary; ‘good’ and ‘evil’ don’t apply to it as they don’t apply to, say, nature magic or arcane magic or fel magic. we can assess these forces with an eye for the behaviors and ideas of institutions which utilize them most commonly, the technical aspects of their use, and the relative dangers they pose to mortals. but really it’s sort of a nonsensical question to wonder about the morality of a particular form of magic in essence.
So what? There is no indication that this is any form of mind control or brainwashing. Some people even think this color shift is intended to be a reflection.
Even if this were the case, Xe’ra would be the only one doing ‘mind control’, not ‘the light’ as you claimed. In fact, most Lightforged thought Xe’ra’s actions were bad. Even Turalyon. TBC Naaru were all pro-free will. Because of free will, they were unable to prevent the eredar from becoming man’ari. (Rise of the Horde)
Perhaps via doctrine, but not through light magic.
Void specialises in magical mind control, brainwashing, and subjugation, as seen… everywhere.