But what about my LUSCIOUS PURPLE HAIR!!!
No problem! Transforming it into luscious purple tentacles will just make it thicker and give it more body.
Oh!! And with hairtacles, you never need to brush it again!! It just styles itself easy-peasy!!
Just think, any hairtacle style you want shall just be a thought and some practice away!!
Horns are better than tentacles! Hooves too!
That’s actually a good idea for building up dexterity and fine motor control… for reasons…
FWIW, the Draenei have tentacles to. The complete trifecta…
Or you could play Warcraft AND reply to forum posts at the same time.
At the very least get a job at the Post Office in letter sorting.
I can foresee some….interesting scenarios.
Just saying they’re fun is all. Totally
Other than some place new to hang things on, the only benefit horns give me is more head butt power. But hairtcles allow me to choke my enemies while poking out their eyes!! Hairtcles FTW!!
Hooves would be nice though, because then I would not need snow boots when leaving my house or work…
Thats something goats have yes!
And you will also be able to walk on vericale grounds!
Except that they were stated to be from multiple worlds, though that didn’t pan out to what we saw in the game.
I get that the PCs are the hero of the story, we can still have someone else accomplishing stuff in the background.
We have had that round of discussion, but you seemed to forget a few things, so I gave a reminder.
You left out when certain people use the Light as a stand in or morals of beliefs they hate.
You left out when certain people use the Light as a stand in or morals of beliefs they hate and have a dissonance with how the story started out.
They left it out because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
The Light isn’t being shown as something most good people “hate” in this setting by anything other than the people of Revendreth, and the Light burned that place on purpose because of their experiments. Even the Maghar have priests.
The Light is described as multifaceted at best, with potential for harm and good. Not as a thing to be “hated.” I don’t know where this victim complex comes from, but it is hilarious.
Thank god you and others understand that certain things are irrelevant when discussing certain lore pieces
What’s an example? The Scarlet Crusade and its knockoffs are prime stand in examples for intolerant religous bigots, but the Scarlet Crusade is NOT the Light, that’s merely a force that they use.
What I’ve pointed out time and again is that these various forces have not been shown to be personae independent of the people that wield them.
Because to Thadeus and others the Light is the standin for THEIR religion and when it’s shown to be anything but the force for being a perfect goody two shoes, they take it as a personal attack on their real world beliefs.
I’ve said it before, but in the early days of WoW, I always figured the Light was analagous to the Force in Star Wars. It was a cosmic, well, force that might or might not have sentience or a will, that tended to work toward harmony when a wielder went with its flow but that could be turned toward selfish and even evil goals by those who wanted to push it in that direction.
I wouldn’t call the Force a purely neutral thing, and the existence of evil Force users doesn’t (IMO) prove that it is.
Its not good or bad, thats the point. It can be used for good and bad reasons. Take legion for example, Fe users, void uses, Nerco uses, Undead, lightforged, void walkers.
All of that was used to fight against the Legion. Used for good reasons.
But the other wya around, all of those have been used for bad reasons.
Save your gaslighting for someone who’s not familiar with your tricks.
Gone from Renautus’ yes-man to Drahliana’s, eh? I’d like to think you just missed the point, but it’s hard to give the benefit of the doubt sometimes.
Says the person using it as a stand-in for a religion they hate and thus reveling in any negative portrayal of it and getting her back up when someone questions it. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Cut the victim complex Thad. Nobody is impressed or cares.
God forbid if two people agree and it happens to offend your fragile religious ego.
And me and drah disagree more than we agree anyway
From the point of view of one of those non-humans, I find no comfort in the Scarlet’s attitude. I find it even hyporitical how eager they are to slaughter their own kind.
The Twilights however their myriad faults, are an open welcoming tent in comparison. They welcome all races equally, without prejudice.
sorry, is someone in here complaining about the light being a stand-in for christianity? as a serious contention?? do they play the game???