Never suggested or said by the in game lore, that much I agree. But there are many many forum gate-keepers not to mention all the most popular click-bait WoW content creators on youtube that constantly say “the Light is evil” and ban anybody who tries to correct them.
With regard to the original topic, I just don’t think “the Light” is any person or mind or being at all. It is not any religious equivalent of any god. It is a cosmic force that acts without anybody sitting in a chair anywhere judging.
Xe’ra wanting to turn Illidan into a Light being agaisnt his own will, is to me “Light going wrong” because Xe’ra is a being of pure Light, not someone wielding it.
Take it up with the setting that presented one as healing/positive emotions and others as inflicting insanity, negative emotions, and corruptive to the soul.
Naaru are beings of the Light, this means they are exceedingly inflexible in their vision of what the One True Path means. The vibe I get with them is they all have the same end goal, but their understanding of how the Light wants them to get to that goal varies, leading to factions that seem more or less hostile to the typical mortal.
Xe’ra was 3000% convinced that what she was doing was according to the One True Path, based on her understanding of her own prophetic visions. She was an antagonist, not a Villain.
I feel like people in general don’t have enough media literacy to really understand the difference.
Xe’ra didn’t have an evil goal. She honestly believed that what she was doing wasn’t just in the best interests of Illidan and the rest of the cosmos, but it was also necessary to stop something truly heinous; the death of Azeroth itself. She could not concieve of a scenario where de-Fel-ifying Illidan was wrong, and to most observers, removing Fel-taint is certainly not something considered wrong. Nothing here would be considered evil in 99% of circumstances.
But Illidan is actually that 1%. His fel taint is the source of his strength. It came with a heavy cost, but one he was willing to pay. And even Xe’ra defends the choice he made, the things he did for and with power. Because ultimately, it was those choices and that power that led everyone to Sargeras’s doorstep, ready to fight the final fight. Without his Fel-power, without his tainted nature, there is no victory that leads us to Argus.
But Xe’ra couldn’t see that as still true in the end. So she did what she felt she needed to do, what was right according to her own evidence.
She isn’t evil. We see her as evil because she didn’t give a fig about Illidan and consent, but again; we usually don’t ask for consent whenever we remove taint from a being either.
She’s an antagonist. Not a villain. She has no villainous motives. She’s only an antagonist because in the end, she was incorrect.
They were once depicted as benevolent beings – and from a Dungeons & Dragons roleplay trope perspective, especially that of which the lore in warcraft use to hold, the light always seemed like a cosmic force that ultimately represented ‘Hope’
The compromise I’d accept?
I’m rather hoping the light, like any intelligent civilisation — Has varying opinions, goals and morals in comparison to one another … So we’d have benevolant Naaru, and then those others – who are more willing to cross lines & oppress in order to accomplish their goals.
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions, while the road to heaven is paved with good actions.”
I particularly enjoyed the notion that apparently the two prime naaru Xe’ra and A’dal didn’t get along or at least had quite the disagreements because Xe’ra was like: “Do not hurt Illidan, he is the chosen one!” and A’dal whilst agreeing he wasn’t their main enemy at the time, did not approve of Illidan’s methods and was just simply like: “So anyway, I started blastin!”
If we DO end up having a light antagonist expansion or patch?
Then personally, I’d love to hope the Naaru we met in Outland are our allies, rather than our enemies
Prime-Naaru A’dal: Even disagreeing with the zealous Xe’ra, the naaru A’dal believed in freedom, heroism and honour above all – what’s more is that A’dal was said to be a close friend to Velen and Khadgar both.
K’ure: The naaru K’ure is the Naaru held in the Genedar which had crash-landed on Draenor (now Outland). Over the next several centuries after landing – K’ure had became friends with the spirits of the orc ancestors, who were attracted to K’ure’s energies. The ancestors took up residence in Oshu’gun, the Orcish name for K’ure’s dimensional ship, and structured the orcish religion in such a way that the shamans & others who felt a personal connection would unknowingly care for K’ure.
D’ore: The naaru D’ore was also a naaru held on the Genedar, but after landing on Draenor had been killed … Although death for a naaru is not necessarily always the same as it is for mortals – D’ore’s remains were gathered by Exarch Othaar and his Sha’tari, who then brought them to Auchindoun; there, they hoped to study them in order to hopefully learn enough to communicate with the other naaru and draenei beyond Draenor – Akin to orcs with Oshu’gun – The remains of D’ore held spiritual rifts of which eventually allowed them to meet at the site of the naaru’s resting site, and had become a spiritual site for the Draenei like Oshu’gun was for the orcs.
Added Trivia for D’ore: After the fall of Auchindoun – In time, D’ore’s body would became a shadowy void that unfortunately not only attracted but also consumed souls into the void. However, like before it would continue to regenerate its power from the Light over time, a process that has now lasted for hundreds of years and that is said by D’ore itself to be almost complete (back in Burning Crusade).
So I feel that having K’ure be a Naaru diplomat on the Horde and D’ore be a Naaru diplomat on the Alliance — with A’dal being the prime Naaru to act in the middle and all aid us against their more … “Hostile” brethren, would be good to allow the lore to still have some good symbolic gestures, power-sources and even spiritual relevance within the subjects of the light.
Well, I mean, now I’m not saying I want tentacles, but if I happen to get tentacles, do you have any idea how convenient that would be when I’m bring groceries home?
I’m just saying, sometimes what sounds like a bad thing can be very, very handy when you’re trying to carry six bags while digging your keys out of your pocket!!