I think it is also weird that modern Wow keeps the hero/champion narrative yet simultaneously frames the world as being born from amoral or morally grey forces. Feels like they want to be idealistic and deconstructionist at the same time.
I mean you can do both, if every thing is amoral or morally grey it highlights the choice to be good cause then it’s truly a choice
Consequence of Creative Lead changing… what, 4 times now? And not just changing in some cases, but swinging drastically in vision. We had the OG → Kosak (I don’t have a colorful description here, but generally don’t have any beef with Kosak’s turn in the seat) → edgelord catering alcoholic sex pest → mystery box and GoT Season 8 Appreciator → OG Part II.
Male Human Paladins on suicide watch everywhere. It is amazing really.
It was a little more than that. I think the best example is the Crusader Bridenbrad storyline back in WotLK.
Save that they were all from one world, Argus. And they had been on the losing end ever since fleeing that world. In fact when you get the crystal message, it’s a sign that they 're all but totally wiped out.
What people seem to forget is that these groups, the Army of Light, the Dragon Aspects, the Argent Whatevers, they aren’t the heroes of the story… WE ARE.
And as for Xe’ra. we’ve had that round of discussion already.
The Light isn’t being shown as sinister. It has always been a force that can be equally wielded by the forces of woe as well as weal. That’s been the case since Vanilla. One of the Dranei racial abilities is resistance to Light damgae.
Certain people however have a fixation of the Light as being something inherently “good” whatever that is supposed to mean, and they have dissonance with what they are experiencing in the game story.
That’s gonna happen when people use the light as a stand in for their own morals or beliefs. Which…generally never works out well for anyone last I checked
No force is sinister. Nor is it Good. Cosmic forces are amoral and act according to their natures—The Void does not consume everything because it is evil, it does so because it is the natural force of entropy embodied. Likewise the Light is a force of unity and stasis, but this makes it very good at healing and protecting. Mortals just assign them good and evil titles based on how generally helpful they have been historically.
Also, it is important to note that only mortals really have true free will, cosmic beings are shackled to their cosmic force and act according to the nature of that which they were born from. SOmetimes what mortals want aligns with that of cosmic entities, sometimes the two fall out of alignment and what was once benign becomes malign. There is no true malice there, though.
Nublizz deconstructionism. The Light was expressed as positive thoughts, blessings, healing, and every instance of it “going wrong” was due to Dreadlord manipulation.
It is odd to just shrug and act like something that is overtly different after a certain point was totally always that way.
I know this guy made a lot of meme posts (which I think more than a few unironically liked) but what an absolutely horrible thing to say and make light over. No excuse for this at all and I can’t say I am sad to see him and people who agreed with the nonsense he said no longer posting here.
You exactly sound like the people not accepting that the titans are “bad guys”
But, i will answer the same that i said about the titans :
The Light is not the “bad guy” the titans are not either, none of the comics forces are “the bad guys”
What is, is that, the Cosmic Forces, are all neutral and are all just another actor in the great cosmology, the Light just like the 5 others Forces, want to turn everything into Light.
Thats it, they are not “evil” or “good” they are just an actor in the cosmos.
Even when it was Val’kyr hurling holy energy at us? Or Y’rel’s Crusade burning AU Draenor? Or whatever was going on with Revendreth? Or when we use Light against each other in battlegrounds?
As in new, not old. You’re basically saying “the thing they changed, it changed!” Which is true. The Light is just another slice of Cosmic Kool-Aid now with the same goal as every other Cosmic Punchbowl. Some people don’t like the new direction, but it is a new direction.
Light going wrong doesn’t mean wielding it as a weapon against your enemies, either. Xe’ra and Yrel are the Light going wrong, and The Scarlets up to a point.
The light itself has never, not once, Gone wrong. Every single time, it’s the PEOPLE wielding it who went off the deep end
I think kicking off a crusade to Lightforge a world is going pretty wrong. And that was a seed planted by Xe’ra with Illidan.
And just as a general note with new lore, every Cosmic Punchbowl wants to dominate reality now, so even that doesn’t line up with it just being a passive tool.
Again, that’s weilder going off the deep end. Not the light.
As a corollary, it’s never gone “Right” either. It’s always been the wielder’s choice to use it for positive ends.
Thank you. I’m so glad someone else besides me gets it
I think naaru are about as close as it gets to pure expressions of Light/Void.