I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

i think ppl downplay the narrative import of scarlets now because the lore is just much more cosmic in scale than it used to be, but back when azeroth was a bigger place and the rpgs were canon, the scarlets were doing some pretty terrifying things with the holy light. for instance in the rpg their use of holy magic glowed crimson because of their connection to it. we’ve always known the light wasn’t simply good, or simple goodness, but there were usually bigger and more evil fish to fry than one faction of fanatics.

The most frustrating part about the Light is how it’s all be homogenized down to just the human Church of the Holy Light.

Different races used to have actual differences. Different deities they worshiped that gave them powers. Different religious practices in how they did things.

The Light of Elune, Light of the Naaru, Light of An’she, etc. used to all be different things.

Some races were even supposed to use different colors of Light in books and such. Like night elves used silver and draenei blue. It was never well represented in game aside for racials and the old priest racials, but Starshards was silver and Gift of the Naaru and Symbol of Hope were both blue. Even Blood Knights had an exclusive seal(Seal of Conquest?) that was red.

Now everything is just yellow, yellow, yellow, humans are best everyone else is dumb and does the Light wrong and needs Turalyon/Anduin to show them the true path.


It really is the most homogenizing bland religion, it has nothing, its just generic feel good vibes

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Even if both deserve to die, one can still be worse than the other.

While I see where you’re coming from, didn’t Turalyon learn from the Army of the Light?

Nah, Xe’ra sought out Turalyon to lead the army because there’s no possible way a draenei could be as good and experienced as a human. Notice how they even reframed it as the “Thousand Year War” even though that’s just the part Turalyon was actually there for and the Lightforged Draenei had been fighting the Legion since Argus.

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You’ve got a point there. I would’ve liked it if we saw Turalyon learning from things or answering to Captain Fareeya. But instead we see Lothraxion speak to him as a peer and the Lightforged Draenei fade into the background. Blizzard could’ve done so much more with the Army of the Light, but they wasted it to do nothing but give us Lightforged Draenei, drag their feet with the Lightforged Dreadlord’s story and make its lead Naaru Illidan’s jobber.

No they can’t cause in order for one to be better then the other, one has to be more tolerable then the other, they are not

One is still less bad than the other. Both cyanide and sarin are deadly, but cyanide is less bad than sarin.

they really aren’t the end result is the same, they both kill you, there is nothing lesser about it

a lesser evil situation would be more like "one kills you, but the other leaves you horribly crippled

Wrong. Sarin is harder to detect than cyanide, harder to treat, and untreated physical damage from sarin is worse than untreated physical damage from cyanide.

It’s not a war crime to make, store or use cyanide. It is a war crime for sarin. So governments clearly consider sarin worse.

See above. It’s also the difference between death by quick decapitation and death by slowly burning alive.

Instead of a multi-racial cosmic alliance against the Legion we got a bunch of yellow Draenei led by a male human paladin.


They’d been fighting and LOOSING.

Azeroth was the only world in the entire bleeding cosmos that had resisted the Legion, not just once, but twice so they came up with the bright idea of recruiting one of the native generals to bail them out.

As it tuned out… the strategy was a failure.

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Your post about Aum Shinrikyo got yeeted pretty fast.

I’m pretty sure that I can kiss my 3 rating goodbye for life.

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Azeroth was the only world in the entire bleeding cosmos that had resisted the Legion, not just once, but twice so they came up with the bright idea of recruiting one of the native generals to bail them out.

I’m not sure that is strictly true. The Illidan novel unspecifically mentions other worlds that resisted the Legion. But in the end they all fell to following invasions. Illidan says that that is the strength of the Legion. Even if you defeat the first invasion they will eventually return, likely stronger and with more information on your defences, with your greatest heroes spent or converted.

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no cosmic force is truly good. They all have an agenda to a degree. Some are just worse then others (See the legion and Void).

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That’s what I thought/hoped the Army of the Light would be. They’ve been around for at least 25,000 years (since the Draenei fled Argus, which was when Xe’ra recruited the Draenei). But instead their potential was horribly underutilized. While they did bring back Turalyon and Alleria and uncovered the Legion’s “Get out of death free” card/world-soul, their potential was wasted;

A holy army formed from the survivors multiple worlds dedicated to fighting genocidal demons for millennia has a lot more story potential than the drag we got. Especially dragging their feet with Lothraxion’s story and literally wasting Xe’ra to drag the Naaru’s reputation through the mud.

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In modern WoW, yeah.

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Before modern WoW the Light wasn’t 1 unified cosmic force with some kind of will behind it. It was just a type of magic that resulted from belief in something.