I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

I dont like the term “capitalist” to describe free markets. It has always had a negative connotation as an exonym.

I hear Lots of envy. Amazon, Apple, Android, Microsoft and such wouldn’t exist without rich bosses or Innovation. Communism doesen’t go beyond basic needs which leads to stagnation.

Also big lol why shouldn’t USA sanction Cuba? Any Independent nation can refuse to do trade. That’s their right. It shows why communism will never work.

Economic sanctions that go this far are genocide, and the Cuban government is 100x more moral than the American one anyway. They literally do nothing against the U.S.

They aren’t just refusing to do trade. They are preventing other countries from doing trade as well. Not to mention, “refusing to do trade” implies forcing citizens to avoid trading.

Sanctions the hell out of the enemy

communism doesn’t work.

“Workers couldn’t possibly put their skills and knowledge in common and produce goods and services without a boss robbing them of one third of the value they create. Source : trust me bro”


All communist nations that exist could never exist beyond food and healthcare. All innovation comes capitalism. The moment the workers band that moment value of good Go beyond expensive. That is why all Disney movied are animations instead of hand drawn.

Prince of egypt was the last good drawn movie before artists decided to unionize.

Alright this is actually hilarious color me convinced

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All the Deep Canvas stuff was super cool. And Prince of Egypt definitely has enough computer assistance to categorize it as spiritually similar enough to Deep Canvas projects to put them in the same class.

Without government enforced copyright monopolies, and the ability to abuse those to crush competition, I doubt artists and creatives would need to unionize. It’s not like they are getting their hands mangled in the Photoshop machine.

genuinly hilarious that you think that unionizing destroyed drawn movies and not how expensive they are to make

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I mean, now that unions are striking to stop automation, I guess we could live in a world where we go back to shadow puppet shows…

I agree. Any leftist worth their salt wants copyright abolished.

Obviously this is a strawman.

The basic principle is that free people should be free to negotiate without government interference for the exchange of goods and services in a manner that satisfies their own needs and wants.

In a world where the state is prohibited from that interaction, organization lives up to the ideal. It places the tradesman or the laborer in a better position for negotiation and the employer is free to accept or decline the services of those collective workers.

In a world (that the unions lobbied for) where the state legislates what the union cannot negotiate, that relationship has already been adulterated. We end up with “right to work” and the union doesn’t have much philosophical capital to argue against government interference in that relationship. Like it or not, the union is the same type of evil lobbyist as Big Pharma, or Big Tobacco or Big Gun.

In an economy free from state interference, an employer and a union have a very acceptable amount of power. Each is free to seek the good or service (or pay) they desire, elsewhere.

“Lesser of two evils” is a thing.

The Scarlet Crusader wants to control one state and get rid of non-humans in it.

The Twilight Cultist wants to feed everyone in the entire world to Cthulhu tumors, including their fellow cultists.

One is clearly worse than the other, and it’s not the Scarlet.

tbf that situation was far more complex than the national narrative painted it.

The union was taking a hard line against it because their last contract where they were amenable to automation had the consortium of dock-owning companies broke the agreement.

Bro is really trying to argue that violent xenophobic zealots should be tolerated cause there might be a worse zealot

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Pah! Void is just as Orderly as the Light no matter what Odyn tries to paint them as!

The Demons before Sargeras took over were the Chaotic ones!

The Void is a tyrannical Order that simply read a statement of the First Ones mentioning Infinite Truths and simply interpreted it as meaning they can have multiple interpretations of their prophecies so they shouldn’t think the prophecy is undone just because an event was seemingly derailed!

They still want to enforce their Order! They just simply have excuses to keep trying whereas the Light does not!

The Light’s One True Path has a weakness in that if a Prophecy fails the Prophecy becomes a complete lie while the Void’s Infinite Paths has no weaknesses therefore they can keep making new attempts at fulfilling their prophecies due to being certain they will come true even if the attempts must be revised to account for the most recent inaccurate interpretation and involve Alternate Universes and such!

Light is “Try it once and if it fails discard the Prophecy!” while the Void is “test out each possible way to fulfill the Prophecy one by one until it is fulfilled and even then continue to keep testing methods to fulfill the Prophecy!”.

Light can bring about fanaticism built upon feelings from the Heart while Void can bring about fanaticism built from Cold Logic.

It’s pretty simple whenever it comes up. We live in a world where we are increasingly replaceable with robots which is scary and limits negotiating power. We need to figure out a new system of governance to prepare us for the new world. That system needs to separate livlihood from labor.

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You said tolerate, not me. I just said both are bad while one is worse than the other.

The Void’s Infinite truths is just doublethink, and they lack certainty. Light is "Make things fit one path. Void is “throw anything at a wall, see what sticks and paint the bullseye around it”.

being tolerated would be part of one being worse then the other, they are not, both deserve to die

You really are that delusional that you think that without regulation, employer and employee operate on anything approaching equal terms? That Amazon would become some kind of worker’s paradise and it’s those darn uniion organizers that keep that from happening?

That those seamestresses who deaths in the Triangle fire wasn’t due to those lock doors but their own at fault weakness to fire and smoke inhalation?