I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

I would never abandon capitalism for some social welfare improvements. It is not worth it. Personal freedom is enough to be happy.

In my day the main differece between liberals and leftists, was that the latter were apologists for Castro and Stalin.

I agree with the original post. This attempt to make things “mature” by introducing a grey morality where the shadow/void can be used for good, and the light can be used for bad, is just bad writing and breaks with the establish Warcraft mythology. I guess we’re just ignoring all of BC/WotLK at this point. Not to mention a lot of the reasons we’re supposed to mad at these “bad” light users in TWW doesn’t make much sense. We slaughter the entire Priory of the Sacred Flame because they’re raising undead… something the entirety of the Horde is cool with, and the Alliance has at least become neutral with since Shadowlands. The undead in question are not mindless either, and seem more than willing to undergo the ritual so they can continue to fight the void - which is our main purpose as the player character. We basically butcher all of these Paladins and Priests, who would have been strong allies to our cause, because Faerin wants them dead for serving their own agenda instead of her Emperor’s. How does that make us the good guys again? Don’t even get me started on the cringe narrative with Illidan blasting the Naaru to bits. It’s hard not to read into the recent shift in tone against the Light as some anti-religious bias.

Everything authoritarian and reactionary right is fascist in my book and I feel amazing about it :ok_hand:

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I am glad people like you don’t have any power. Thankully the whole of the west has communist parties either banned or below 1%.

That is not what is being done. What is happening is that the forces are being totally detached from morality and that good and evil are pegged to those who wield them.

My Shadow Priest is just as much the Champion as my Holy Paladin. The Light-Wielding Scarlet Crusader as as much a villain as a Twilight Cult leader. That is firmly in line with the Warcraft Mythos.

Lmao. First off, anarchists, which are leftists, would definitely hate most communist leaders. Many communists hate Stalin. I don’t agree with anarchists, though. They haven’t really done any revolutions.

Second, I already admitted Castro’s flaws. However, homophobia was pretty common at the time, and his Marxism has nothing to do with it. In my opinion, he was a good man with some deep flaws, who did many great things for his country.

Third, If you hate Castro, you better hate America with every fiber of your being, otherwise hypocrisy ensues. You better not praise the U.S. founding Fathers, who owned slaves, unlike Castro and Che who freed them.

Lastly, there’s way more difference between liberals and leftisrts other than that some of them support Castro and Stalin. Like I said, liberals support capitalism.

Why would anyone believe that their personal freedom is contingent upon the private ownership of the means of production

Like that crap is actually wild

UNLESS you’re the one owning the means of production!!!


Yes, exactly, that is what is being done now as a retcon, and I think it’s unnecessary and lazy. Shadow priests have the ability to mind control people and steal their life through spells like vampiric touch. While that (and Fel magic, ala Warlocks) can be “used for good”, the source of that power is undoubtedly evil and benefits from those actions sowing death and chaos. The Light has no such equivalency, and lore wise is channeled through meditation and communion with benevolent powers to oppose the void and other evil entities in defense of life. The idea that Light wielders would be granted powers at all to be used for evil breaks the lore, the retcon to the Light being a “neutral” non-feeling entity that wouldn’t care if Paladins went around murdering everyone doesn’t make any sense. In particular it makes Arthas’ whole character arc pretty nonsensical. Why wouldn’t the Light just continue to embolden him with power against the Burning Legion if it didn’t care that he murdered all of Stratholme? It was precisely his willingness to forsake his humanity and moral principles that caused the Light to turn from him, making him susceptible to manipulation by Ner’zhul.

I’m just an anti centrist.

Everyone be an extremist. I don’t care in what direction. Makes things more interesting.

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In capitalist countries, “freedom” only applies to some people who live in said countries. Such countries make their wealth by making sure other countries are unfree.

West Germany supported Israel against Palestinians. East Germany, which was much less “free” within the country itself, supported Palestine.

Another example is France. They have more colonies than the U.S. The French “Left” which won the elections still supports colonialism.

Anarchists hardly ever did. Anarchist thought has also rarely contributed to any revolution.

Current “communist” countries are either struggling behind sanctions (Cuba), or revisionist (China)

So much for freedom of speech.

Idk about other western countries but here there is a communist party

Billionares existing don’t hurt me as long as the prices for all the stuff I like stay low. The liberal democracy is a concept that was withold the test of time.

The german communist party has been banned for a long time.

I leave such emotional terms to Trekkies and other zealots. And I did say back in my and my day was when people thought that the Apple 2 was high tech and many so-called radicals were not willing to listen to the idea that these men had flaws.

Of course many of these groups were also infiltrated with government provacateurs as I found out later afer avoiding getting entangled in the Earth First! fiasco. Leave it to say that misinformation as a growth industry isn’t unique to the present. It made separating the wheat from the chaff that much more problematic.

Castro and Che Guervara were both men who did good things and bad things and for now, I"ll leave it at that. The Founding Fathers also, were not of a piece. They were a contentious group with wide divergences in both ideaology and methodology. But they got their act together enough to get a country started.

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I am a zealot. I freely admit that. But can you blame me with what’s going on in the world?

I know you did say back in your day, but I think the major differences between liberals and leftists were always much greater than that.

As a radical I’m always skeptical of corporations and new tech especially AI.

As a whole they all owned slaves, and the slavery and expansion issues was so bad that most Black and Native people back then sided with the British. The main purpose of their revolution was the further expansion into Native lands which was prohibited by the British.

I do believe that the world would be a better place if the revolution in question never happened.

Billionaires only exist because they had more opportunities than others to appropriate surplus value from labor (i.e. effectively rob workers of a portion of the money they produce) so their existence is inherently harmful

That your boss still gives you enough money to buy stuff at the grocery store changes nothing to the fact that he is exploiting you lmao


Ye same goes for France, well the French Communist Party isn’t actually communist anymore since it’s no longer revolutionary, but we do have a few decently relevant marxist/trotskyist/anarchist organizations

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