I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

My point is that it isn’t.

Hasn’t been mostly.

Minimum wage laws and prevailing wage laws are racist, xenophobic protectionist policies lobbied for by union laborers to keep out of state blacks or independent Italians and Jews from competing with them.

The Bakeshop Act (Lochner) was explicitly designed to shut down Jewish and Italian bakers, disguised as a public health policy. That’s why there were carveouts for the Union shops in the basements of the hotels, despite the conditions being identical.

Just organizing laborers isn’t inherently good. Heck, the klan is organized laborers. Bolshevists were organized laborers. Lots of people get killed by organized laborers. It’s not special. It’s ok, to come together and negotiate from a position of power but the practice doesn’t need to be sanctified in society like it is. It’s about money. It’s about gangs and strength in numbers. Without the ability to beat up scabs and threaten the shop bosses, it’s lost a lot of it’s teeth anyway. Except at the government level. That’s where the unions do most of their work… Putting horse heads in senators beds.

Bruh yeah you’re talking about like 20th Century labor clashes. Sigh you know what nvm. Stalin had a point.

Yeah an interracial workforce failed to express solidarity in 1910s Louisiana. Shocker.

The Union led to Donald Trump.

Do you know how long American Unions have been pushing “Made in America” anti-immigrant, xenophobic, “they’re stealing our jobs!” Propaganda to democrat voters? Donald Trump won the presidency because those racists who voted Democrat all their lives felt betrayed by the Democrat party and Donald Trump, the brilliant showman that he is, gave them a home.

Heck, the Teamsters aren’t even endorsing a candidate this time around. Who do they endorse? How do they keep from losing members? The whole world is nonsense to union leaders because the teams don’t make sense anymore because the businesses pay for both sides and the BIG LABOR is one of those businesses.

Hence why I advocate unionizing your workplace. You know expanding the idea beyond the same six to seven white guys who grew up in Escanaba.

If we get everyone from truck drivers to retail workers on the same page though we can;

And I assure you as a propagandist once that wave length is reached - I think we have something.


Oh, that’s not what you were going to say? I thought because of the Longshoremen.

You get called those terms a lot I’m guessing? No introspective needed there I guess.

If the shoe fits


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Not when those people fling those terms around like candy and misapply them.

Of course it’s about money. In a capitalist society, EVERYTHING is about money. A worker is at a tremendous disadvantage in power vs their employer. The ability to collectively bargain is the only lever they have. The decline in real wages is directly correlated to the decline of unions which are only now starting to make a comeback.

Shall I go into the tactics employed by bosses? Frequently with the assent and frequent assitance by police? You speak like management, who historically isn’t above intimidation, propaganda, or outright violence in order to prevent workers from organising. Even today workers are told not to discuss salaries with one another, which is patently illegal.

The main ability of the union is that to call a strike. That took a real kick to teeth when President Ronald Regan simply fired the nation’s overworked and overstressed air traffic controllers and brought military scabs to do their jobs. That presaged a steep decline in union membership

Baffled that this thread is still up.


It might still get memory-holed, give it time. Since there’s worthwhile things in it relevant to WoW, I hope it just gets locked if the mods decide to put their foot down.

I forgot to address this, but “fascism” has grown to be a catch-all term for a far-right state.

Edit: Meant to say “fascist.”

Not really surprising since a fascist state is as far right as you can get.

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I don’t see how that train of thought would lead to that conclusion.

Alot of diehard leftists like Anarchists and communist label everything as fascist that is somehow located on the right side of politics.

This isn’t even the first threat that this has happaned in, this is like the third thread on this same topic thats blown up like this

As a diehard leftist, I do agree that liberalism and the right-wing are both enemies to be fought.