I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

It had the two state solution on the table. Not the fault of Israel they declared war over it and lost.

On a personal note, If the romans still controlled the region then we might have seen the Sepulcher church standing still instead of the crusader building that exists today. I have zero issues with Israel controlling it. As a secular state religious nutjobs can’t reign free.

Ew right wing bull i almost prefer the light boot licking

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“Wow, this thread really went places.”

scroll, scroll, scroll

“Nope. No, it did not.”

This is truly the place to talk about the suffering of real humans

Just give it a few more posts. The UN Security Council is on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what the luminaries on the WoW Story Forum have to say.


Anyone who gets radicalized online is one more potential person going to a protest, or doing… more, perhaps.

You know unionizing your workplace could do a lot of good.

But that’d require internet radicals to have jobs. So…

Eh, I doubt the proletariat in this country is ready for anything truly radical. I mean, those dockworkers were still giving arms to Israel while striking for themselves.

Any decent socialist movement will probably need to start somewhere in the third world. My disabled self will be waiting.

The only true Light worshippers in WoW. I ride or die with the Kobolds!


So I’m not sure if you’re a student of history but that’s probably not going to pan out.

Seriously the history of just the common banana is just - drenched in blood.


We’ll see.

Chitquita Banana! brought to you by the CIA and loads and loads of loads of Latin Americans worked to death!

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I mean… It was.

I mean, if we are going to talk about delusional fantasies, I’ve got one.

Voluntary, non-geographical governance. Choose the system of government you like, join it regardless of where you live. That government can negotiate with the governments of your neighbors for how you are treated by people who don’t share your allegiance.

It’s delusional that… what? The US proletariat is useless for a revolution? It is by all accounts.

Not good enough. Both commies and anarchists, not even sure which one I am, want a stateless, classless society at the end of the day.

Point is you don’t get to abdicate the work to the global south. That’s indeed most of the problem. A USA with an actual working class power base that had class consciousness in an internationally connected world could do tremendous good.

Nobody wants to do that grunt work though. Clausewitz said war is politics through other means but I’d say war is just politics brought to it’s most base form. I’ve been politically involved since before I could vote and it’s mostly inglorious drudgery and repeated failure. But if you care you keep at it.

The rise of unions is the best things that has happened in awhile. They’ve bipartisan support and increased interest across all industries.

Politics and war are synonymous. This is what we call an advantage.



You’re mostly not wrong here. I just don’t think most people in this country give a damn.

My own parents have to keep their opinions on Israel and Palestine on the down low, or they’re getting fired.

We have this military exclusively used to invade other countries and plunder their resources. When the soldiers come back, we gotta respect them and treat them like heroes for choosing to serve in such an army. Anyone who calls this out is ostracised here. We don’t apply this standard to Russians in Ukraine. Americans don’t even believe their boys did anything wrong. This is despite the fact that we live in an information age.

Just rambling here. Good night.

Been a union member for 20 years. It’s just a business. This isn’t FIST. We aren’t taking a bat to scabs. Unions sell the feeling that you have representation to people. Unskilled laborers are kind of preyed upon by unions because the Union knows it can trick TONS of them into falling into line. Skilled tradesmen are less preyed upon. It’s more gatekeeping at that level. That’s my level. The Lobbying that the maritime unions do to keep people out of the industry is insane. It’s one of the same reasons that healthcare is expensive and there is a shortage of teachers.

To receive USCG pilotage for the inland waters of the Great Lakes and connecting rivers, you need to go on and take a test. Failing that test doesn’t prove that you can’t safely navigate those waters. To pass the test you essentially prove that you have memorized the recommended courses and distances laid out by the lake carriers association during the age of sail, and that you have memorized the AMO method for navigating the rivers, from back when the boats were steam driven and had forward end pilothouse. Half the referenced traffic buoys no longer exist and in some cases they’ve been turned into post lights. But the point isn’t to make sure that everyone is safe or that the cargo gets delivered on time. The point is to make sure that Merchant Marine Officers are rare and that the Union can control who does and does not become an officer.

And it’s been that way for ages across all industries. The Union is the spiritual successor of the Trade Guild. Which is the fantasy inspiration behind the Thieves Guild, because these organizations are organized crime. And these days, there’s not much difference between organized crime and capitalist pigs!

Yes you’re correct in identifying unions are not in themselves perfect organizations but my broader point is having an organized American workforce would be a good thing.

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This is why I don’t deny authoritarian tendencies.