I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

Alcide was a traditionalist and a Catholic.

And you went the “No True Scotsman” route on Neville. Telling.

If Alcide was a traditionalist Catholic, whether I call him anti-fascist depends on what sort of state he envisioned creating.

Colonialism is fascism so Neville was a fascist.

Colonized Palestine? Lmfao.

Even Imperialism and fascism aren’t the same, so colonialism is not fascism too. Leftist once again misuses “fascism”.


Hitler’s invasion of Poland left him no choice. And you continue to ignore the fact that prior to that Chamberlain’s method of dealing with Hitler was giving him whatever he demanded.

Another whataboutism. He still fought Hitler when he had a choice not to despite his bad idea of continuing his predecessors’ concessions. He did have a choice.

The Appeasement by Britain was also done by his predecessor Stanley Baldwin, and James Ramsay before him (it started with James). Cherry-picking isn’t helping you. What will your next reply be? Yet another whataboutism? More moving the goalposts? Or slink away?

Neither the greeks nor the arabs are native to the place. Many Kaliphs settled arabs there so it becomes a muslim majority place even faster.

Every empire colonizes somewhere by definition.

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Mandatory Palestine was home to Arab and Jewish populations (the former representing the vast majority of the total pop), both peoples largely descended from the ancient Canaanites, and so both native to the land. All the fuss about the name “Palestinian” is irrelevant both to the (indisputable) nativeness of the people this name refers to and to the validity of the modern Palestinian identity. “Palestinian” is literally just one of those many cases of an exonym that turned into an endonym over the course of history and the fact that Palestine didn’t exist historically under that name and form as a nation-state is also completely irrelevant to the validity of the indigenous Arab people’s right to self-determination.

(Similarly, the existence of a kingdom that collapsed 2k years ago is irrelevant to who the lands belong to)

Jews came first. That is a fact. NO amount of Hamas propaganda will change that. And Israel isn’t trying to destroy the palestine movement since they already recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization as their official government years ago before the Hamas used violence to get their way.

The freaking Al Saud family did not colonize Palestine, and Palestinuan Arabs were not imported from the Arabian Peninsula to replace the natives. The population become Arabized over time. Arabization invovles cultural change and race-mixing.

No the Jews didn’t come first since the indigenous Jews and Arabs are literally descended from the same people Erevien lmao

The Jews of europe are the descendants of those Jews who were forced to flee when the Romans destroyed their land of JUDEA and renamed it Palestine.

Erevien, if it makes you feel better, I also condemn the bombing of Dresden, and the mass expulsion (othan than the Lebensraum colonizers) and forced labor of ethnic germans after World War 2.

Only partly true, Ashkenazi Jews are also significantly descended from European converts + ancient origins give you no rights over a land your ancestors departed from 2k years ago, or else modern-day Bretons living in Northwestern France could cross the Channel and claim England for themselves LOL

Dude there is a Arc in Rome where that entire event is depicted.


So freaking what Erevien

The Jews of the world are suvivors who got guranteed land ownership by the UN. That can’t be debated. It was the palestinian side who rejected every over since 1948.

The UN didn’t ask the Arabs what they thought of the plan, though.

Caligula was different only in that such treatment did not normally extend to the jews.

You just have to look at the Wikipedia article on the subject. “ Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire”.

It wasn’t “taxes”; “[…] as Christianity spread through the empire, it came into ideological conflict with the imperial cult of Ancient Rome. Pagan practices such as making sacrifices to the deified emperors or other gods were abhorrent to Christians as their beliefs prohibited idolatry.”

It wasn’t just Nero and Caligula. It went on from “beginning in the 1st century AD and ending in the 4th century” and the article list at least 5 other emperors. The Diocletianic Persecution has its own article.

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oh, ew. pro-israel posting. is that rock bottom above our heads?