I Dislike Timed Mythic+ Dungeons!

  • Horrific Vision (5 mask gives you a 470)
  • Raiding
  • Rated PvP

There are alternative. I think what you want is how quick m+ gearing works.

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Have you even played dungeons in this game in the last 10 years?

Blizzard didn’t turn it into a race - the players did.

Every dungeon, even when lvling, is gogogo. Everyone wants to get them done as fast and efficiently as possible and pull as big as possible. Nobody wants to waste any time, and people regularly leave if the tank is new or even slightly slow.

Blizzard just implemented a system that catered to it and where the difficulty scales forever. And in my opinion (coming from one of the geriatrics that’s played since day 1 of Vanilla) - it’s the best thing they’ve ever put in the game. I love dungeons, always have found 5mans to be great fun with friends, etc. The only downside of them was they very quickly became too easy. M+ fixes that.

It still has its downsides, sure, like certain affix combos being imbalanced, class balance, dungeon balance, etc. But it’s still better by far than any other feature or new content they’ve ever introduced.

Its popularity proves that. You only have to look at the huge amount of people who play mythic+ every day or every few days, and continue to do so despite not needing any gear from it. We like being able to grind resources, etc, as a little bit of an extra incentive. I think that’s always going to be important to keep the community ticking over too, with experienced people having some little incentive to help newer people, even if its just something like a few echoes.

The content stands on its own though. Raiding generally doesn’t. Most guilds will clear the content lvl they’re aiming for, be it heroic, mythic or whatever, farm it a bit until everyone has what they want, and then stop. Everyone gets bored of raids pretty quickly from my point of view.

Here’s a suggestion to Blizzard: Add in a non-timed mode for M+ that rewards items something like 5 keys levels lower than what they would in a timed run. That way, people couldn’t obtain the best gear from doing them, but you could still experience the challenge of it. Just call it mythic+ casual or something.

The rewards for timed content should ALWAYS be greater than non-timed content. It gives competitive people something to do. What would the point be in a tour de france if people weren’t competing for best time? What would the point be in a golf tournament if stroke count didn’t matter? 100 strokes on your par 5 course? No problem, you still get rewarded!

Can still run it.
Just ignore the timer.


You can come do my 25 shrine key. I will afk and you and 3 of your friends can 4 man this +25 shrine key. me being afk will basically make it like a +30 key.

You guys can go thru it 1 pack at a time and ignore the timer as if it doesn’t exist.

My b tag is Humanity#11914

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Yeah because there’s no meta otherwise, right? It’s not like right now people bring classes with AoE stuns or large AoE burst, I’m sure you’d object to that Mr. DH.

You have a wrong perception. FYI, Death = Timer Penalties. Wipe = Huge Timer Penalties. Most failed runs are due to wipes and huge number of DEATHS.

The game should slap the player with the number of DEATHS when they fail the timer. The timer itself is forgiving. M+ is unforgiving on DEATHS especially on high keys.

If you are trying to promote gazillion of DEATHS and get rewarded, that’s wrong.

Why force yourself to M+20? Do the lower keys and keep practicing NO DEATH, by interrupting, CC, stun, have adequate DPS, by not being cheap with playing without flasks, food buff and/or double potions per big fights, etc. Maybe someday you would beat higher keys.

We at higher keys didnt start M+ flawless. We have lots of flaws. We just learn from our mistakes and move on. Look at me now, I have runs where I am almost flawless… NO DEATHS with above average DPS of my ilevel becoz I did my part.

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Timer should only be for getting 2 or more pieces of loot in my opinion. Matter of fact, the entire system of Mythic+ needs to be revamped from the ground up to appeal to more and less RNG in what I wanna do.

As much as I’d love a WoW without a meta, its always going to exist, that’s fact. I was just pointing out the weakness in that idea with soft enrages over timer, a meta will exist to have the best classes and never include the bad ones.

Luckily every class is roughly balanced to have some viable single-target dps for raid purposes. That’s much more balanced, relatively anyways, than the AoE-based situation we have now, which classes are not really balanced around.

I’ll take the single-target version of the meta. Especially at high key levels where the boss lasts long enough that it’s not “who can burst the boss before mechanics come into play”

Well said!

Exactly what you said. People come and want to short cut to the end. Season 1 I was super happy when I did my first 10.sisny even time it just doing a 10 I was happy with. Now I have timed all 20s.peoppe need to build their way up. Its how every single person who does bigger keys did it.

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You still get loot for completing a key and not timing it.

so you already have this option.

This keeps missing the actual problem. The problem is that you DROP a key if you don’t time it. So as a result the timer becomes the focal point not completing.

The timer doesn’t have to be removed but losing a key level if you don’t time should be to eliminate the nasty perception that comes along with not timing. That’s the main root of the issue. People view the timer as the be all, end all because you downgrade if you don’t time.

Get rid of that and it will fix a lot of the negative perception and attitude. People blame the timer but the real issue isn’t the timer, it’s the penalty for not timing.

Hmmmmmm. But some people will want to, And do, intentionally downgrade their key.

How do you propose they do this in your system?

I’d guess there should be a way to do it yourself, like maybe you can choose any level equal to or lower than a key you have (TBH that sounds like something that should already be there. For X dungeon you can downgrade the key to a level lower than what you have, and the key functions as that level instead. So like if you had a 7 you could turn it into a 5, and get a 6 if you time). Not totally sure.

But I 100% feel that even though people say it’s the timer it’s really the fact that having a penalty associated with not meeting the timer makes the timer the entire focus rather than a bonus.

I could buy that. Keep the timer, but don’t drop the key level in the event of a failure.

Right. The rationale is that having the key drop if you don’t meet the timer makes the timer the focus, when the timer should be a bonus for completing (since you still get loot whether you time or not, therefore the timer is a bonus). So that alone warps the perception and is what leads to a lot of the attitudes surrounding M+. Remove that and the timer stays as something you want to try and achieve but it’s less of a huge deal if you don’t time (since it’s a bonus)

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Sounds reasonable.