I Dislike Timed Mythic+ Dungeons!

I had an old guild that had a decent amount of people that seldom did keys. Like months and months without doing any at all. We were on track for cutting edge jaina despite recruitment issues and swapping servers before classic took all our raiders lol.

If people want to push mythic bosses early then yes it helps a lot but it is not required to casually raid mythic.

The only one that matters is BotD and even then it isn’t the end of the world dps increase of rank 1-3 over any of the others. Lucid is good enough at rank 1 for the classes that rely on it as increasing ranks grants an incredibly minor amount of vers on the proc (for classes that don’t care about vers).

Doesn’t matter. There are far better sources.

Who cares? Again, WQs do not matter and the world content you will be doing is conveniently free of pathfinder.

Why are we talking about whataboutisms in an argument? From launch means absolutely nothing RIGHT NOW. This argument holds as much weight as me mentioning literally anything from another expansion, aka, zero. AP is a literal meaningless currency that you will hit max neck by simply doing whatever.

Except 1) your math doesn’t check out (150 days at even 3 minutes is 7.5 hours) and 2) are we talking people with time contraints or not? Not everyone logs on every day to do dailies believe it or not. I fly out to the major assault zone a whopping 2-3 times a week. The minor assault zone is definitely 2.

practice. That’s all it is. I used to think +10 was difficult. Then I got better.

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or another idea, have m+ scale to party size like horrific visions. What if m+ could be solo content or 2 man content? And the HP of mobs and trash nerfed for healing specs or tank classes?


we’re 11/12 mythic - and admittedly fairly not-hardcore for a mythic prog guild, but about half our raid only does 1 key a week. and sometimes not that.

I’ll admit I wish they’d do more, but I’m not their mom and I gotta pick the battles I’m going to fight :slight_smile:

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each their own really. I wont force people to do m+ but I can show them how fun it can be.

I never said there ISN’T lore, I said there’s NOT MUCH of it. And advocating for the removal of timers because it ruins your enjoyment of the story/lore is not a valid reason. Again, you have Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons for that.

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should prolly stick to classic i hear there is ALOT Of content for you to do there

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Man, I am so glad no one is this thread is a game dev.

I never advocated for removing timers. Where are you getting this?

I’m sure if I had the power to I’d definitely make this game more enjoyable and worthwhile playing. I know a lot of people use I have a life or I have a job as an excuse to not play, if you want to do something you make time for it but even then you can do everything that’s available in the current state of wow in 1-2 hours, raid takes maybe 2 hours to clear below mythic but even then once a mythic raid clears enough usually they’re doing 1-2 hr clears.

If you haven’t played since vanilla or any post expansion then the meaning of a reward may be lost on you or a lot that haven’t. I mean if you think you should be rewarded just because you sub and log in for 30 minutes a week then I think there’d be better games out there that do exactly that. If I lack the time to play a game that requires effort/time investment then I’d be playing cod or battlefield, something that has short matches, has nothing to acquire over a long period of time that means anything other than skins. Obviously there’s levels in games like cod where you unlock guns but there are default kits that work just as well as if you farmed for weeks to get those and sometimes better because they have perks that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to without farming for awhile.

The biggest thing that is lost on players and from previous and current iterations of wow is motivating people to do engaging and worthwhile content. Most people loved the mage tower, you got a unique mog and it took some doing, well for some specs it did. Ret was a joke and so were other specs like arms I believe it was but there were plenty others that were way undertuned and I can’t even really remember them hence it was faceroll and not enjoyable. But the tank mage tower was fun as hell although pretty over tuned for quite some time.

Same thing goes for pandaria challenge modes, I don’t think they should unlock them again so people that didn’t play current could acquire them, they weren’t particularly hard when they were current.

One example for me is the war bear from ZA, I didn’t get mine, I’m pretty foggy on as to why. I think at the time I didn’t care about it and just kept giving it to my guildies/friends that wanted it but never ended up taking one for my self. I kind of want it now but only for it’s rare factor and I’d probably never use it cause It’s not particularly appealing to me but I definitely wouldn’t want them to bring it back.

Mythic+ is the most successful addition to end game systems that’s ever been added to WoW. It is here to stay whether you like it or not, deal with it.

What’s your solution?

If it’s a choice between:

A timer, where people get scored, and you can pick and choose your groups based on relevant info.


Joining poor groups to wipe on trash 500x (because they’re not good enough for the content) and still “win” the dungeon.

I’m sure as heck picking option 1.

The whole reason there’s timers is because, when difficulty scales infinitely, there’s no other reasonable way to determine if people completed the content or not. Anyone can complete a +20 by dying 500x and taking all day.

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I mean I don’t get why it’s a bad thing if people “complete a 20 by wiling 500x on trash and taking a whole day” since it’s still content. You aren’t in a competition with anyone unless you want to be so it shouldn’t matter.

Anyway my solution would be remove the key dropping for not meeting the timer. Keep the key going up for completing it. In other words failing to beat the timer doesn’t do anything but obviously you don’t get the higher key.

This tiny thing has a major effect on the perception of the timer since it only has a bonus for completion not a penalty for not completing it. It changes very little but shifts the timer from being the primary element to just a bonus, and the way people view that can be huge.

If you read the vast majority of complaints about M+, while it’s usually blamed on the timer, is usually about the attitude of people in regards to it since the timer is seen as the only measure of success and not meeting the timer but still clearing the dungeon is seen as “losing” because you drop a “rank”. So that attitude already breeds hostility and just gets worse and worse.

If you remove that part the timer stays relevant and you are still incentivized to beat it but without the feeling of losing if you don’t beat it.

In other words change the timer from “we lost because we didn’t beat the timer” and then looking for someone to scapegoat to “oh cool we beat the timer”. Minor change with potentially huge impact.

I ain’t your buddy, greenskin.

You immediately contradict yourself here. If you complete the dungeon over time, do you think the key lvl should increase, stay the same or decrease?

I could perhaps see an argument for the key lvl staying the same and changing dungeon.

But probably not.

I can in no way see a logical argument for the key lvl increasing if you don’t meet the timer.

Both of these scenarios would move the game AWAY from the “keys take 30mins and you can do a few a night even if you’re busy”. They move it drastically towards a slogfest where deaths and performance don’t matter, as long as everyone has endless time and emotional pain to invest.

Everyone would be doing at least one weekly key well welllll beyond what they’re capable of doing in a reasonable time, just for the weekly chest.

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Sorry I may have typed it weirdly. If you beat the timer your key goes up (like now). If you DON’T beat the timer… nothing happens. Your key doesn’t go down. That’s the key point. The “penalty” for not meeting the timer is removed so it stops being considered “losing” for not meeting the timer but still completing the dungeon. Everything else stays the same.

By removing the perception that not meeting the timer is “you lost”, the timer stays as a bonus but not the main goal. It’s a very minor thing if you think about it but from a perception purpose its HUGE in how people think of things as being “failure for losing” and “success for winning”

Ah yes, kill an entire type of content because you get bored of it or don’t like it.

How about you don’t do it and let the people that enjoy it do it?

So basically what your real issue is that you want to be fully rewarded despite constant failure? You still get loot even if you don’t time it. You still keep your key even if you don’t time it.

You simply want all the risk removed.

No, the problem is that people view not meeting the timer as “failing” so it has all the negative connotations and toxicity that comes along with “we failed because of {insert reason here}”. If you remove the “failure” for not meeting the timer, it puts the timer as a BONUS like it’s intended to be, not the main focus (which is beating the dungeon).

If you look at like 99% of people’s issues with M+ they’ll always say it’s the timer but what they really mean is that the attitude that goes along with dropping a key for not meeting the timer is seen as “we failed” and that immediately leads to finding someone or something to scapegoat to blame the “loss” on.

Treat the timer as a bonus like it should be, not the goal.