I Dislike Timed Mythic+ Dungeons!


I see you don’t know how games work.

Everything everybody gets in the game, including you, is a reward for participating in content. Failing to get rewards means people stop playing.

You would not still be playing were it not for your free stuff.

This is a game. It is supposed to be entertainment. If what is entertaining to you is trying to get rid of as many subscribers as possible, I certainly hope you fail.


See, I’m fine with people getting M+ level gear from side content since there is some serious effort that goes into getting it and it isn’t like people are getting 470’s as drops.

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I wouldn’t consider actually putting in effort/time free, you do realize most guilds raid 6-12 hrs a week, you want someone to waste probably 3-4 hours on some random guy that is too lazy to do it himself? That’s 4 hours I could be doing something I want to.

I slightly disagree I think m+ should scale higher and be more difficult, I wouldn’t mind having slightly below mythic ilvl gear drop from m+ just as long as it was like a 22key or something or higher. That would motivate people to do it and get better, but I don’t think it super surpass mythic gear, maybe 5 ilvls below, I still think raiding should have the best gear available because it requires more people to complete and isn’t repeatable but once a week.

Sure. They should spend decades training themselves, bumbling around trying to figure out without help. And join a guild? You are a prime example of why players wouldn’t join a guild. And even if they did, they’re full of players like you who have spent many years getting where they are and had lots of help on the way, but expect a new player to suddenly teach themselves to be expert the instant they hit 120.


I never said you needed to be an expert after boosting your 120, like I said earlier go start in lfr and work your way up, go read wowhead, icyveins, your class discord LIKE THE REST OF US YOU LAZY F.

Those guides and information in class discord are the most up todate along with icy veins, I don’t know where you’re getting out of date as an excuse but it isn’t one, youtube as well there’s a posted date on there as well.

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LOL. So how’s it working?

You said nobody who isn’t an expert deserves any rewards for playing, which means you’re trying to drive everybody from the game but the top few %.

I’m not driving anyone away, being bad is doing that for you clearly since the already easy content isn’t easy enough for you. My advice would be to choose a different game in that regard that’s more on your level or stay content in lfr/norm or where ever you’re at currently which sounds like you just capped so probably lfr and just starting norm.

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Yes, you are. These games are based on rewarding participation to encourage players to continue to participate. Any content that gives no reward will result in it not being played.

I think you should be playing a single player game, since clearly you know nothing about the learning process.

The idea that someone can and should train themselves easily to master a complex activity, well…how’re you don’t on that Chinese language thing?

Like, the highest possible gear that you can get out of non raids/mythic+ is from an emmisary reward which is a random piece of loot of raid level gear which may not even be valid for your spec/meta. Hypothetically, you could also get a piece from the Azerite vendor that is 475, but the simple fact is that they’re prohibitively expensive.

As to Mythic raiding, I’m of the mind that it’s an entirely different beast then M+ and presents a very different challenge; I did a run a back in 8.0 with some heroic raiders who were stumped by KR+7 due to them having never seriously looked at M+ and as such it was a real learning curve for them that Fortified +teeming +sanguinous meant that trash was considerably more deadly then bosses.

I do it but it shouldn’t be anywhere as necessary as it is. The game is a piss poor teacher and that should be fixed, no two ways around it.

Timers in M+ is very forgiving until you reach high end keys. Most failures on Timers is caused by DEATH. Each death gives timer penalties. A wipe is death of 5 people and gives huge timer penalties. If I am Blizz, the screen should slap the players with the number of their deaths to show that it’s not the timer that caused the failed runs but the repeated deaths of the noobs.

To beat M+, the best strat in there is to NOT DIE… Smart people dont need to rush or speed run it. Not dying means a lot of things… interrupts is a must, high adequate dps is a must, doing the mechanics is a must. That’s where M+ difficulty revolves around. Timer is the last thing I care as long as I and my PARTYMATES DONT DIE.

Whats your main class? Well that doesn’t really matter, with the amount of ability pruning they did almost every class is possible to play with like 5-6 buttons, when you get into anymore buttons than that it’s typically utility. Dh have like 2-3 buttons, rets have like 3-4 cor abilities lol, then others have 4-7 just depends which you pick.

If all you have to do is afk in lfr to get a reward you can take that system with you elsewhere, same goes for weekly caches, visions which you can get 5 pieces of gear out of solo, emissaries, boes, crafting, m+. Gear is tied into everything, you can probably get 10 or more items a week.

You guys wouldn’t have survived in vanilla, try getting 1 piece of gear every 3 months if that, but the thing is it meant so much more and it mattered. Now gear doesn’t matter it’s just a passive currency you acquire playing the game.


I don’t think anyone asked for M+ to go anywhere.

I am not your Pal, Buddy.

It amazes me how many people post how much they hate M+, and they haven’t even done any. Rock on posers!


I don’t think I’d mind M+ as much if the dungeons weren’t so visually and mechanically unappealing (except Atal, that one’s gorgeous). Some of the affixes are a huge turn off. Give the bosses new abilities and turn up the numbers at higher levels, that’s all I want.

All of that is resolved when you first run the dungeon on normal while leveling, or when it first launches. By the time you’d be starting m+ you should have been through the dungeon plenty of times to get your lore fix.

Heck, I’ve been back for 3-4 months and I’d be happy to be able to switch off the rp in the dungeons.

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I never said people should do mythic+ for the story. That comment was because someone said there is no lore in dungeons. Which is not true.