I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

It’s good for when you run out of vigor. It’s also useful for Archaeology, for moving between finds.

Not really a great comparison because removing flight altogether is considerably different than replacing old flight with DR.

True, by even people who aren’t huge fans of DR are probably not quitting altogether if they can still fly with that being the only way.

Well DR is not comparative to tbc flying and anything regarding flying has been hot button even during DF.

It’s more accessible and people are better use to it. It’s also far superior for short flights and gathering.

Sure old flight has advantages, I prefer it myself. But that doesn’t change the fact that if blizz pulled the trigger, the number of people who’d quit over only having DR is significantly smaller than the number who’d quit over no flying at all.

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If that were so then posts concerning TBC flying would not become so hot button even to this day.

It’s still very controversial and because DR is not the same, it’d still be no replacement.

There’s really no disputing that DF has been massively popular across everywhere people talk about wow. The hot button threads only highlight how passionate a lot of people are in favor of DR. Those topics are actually clear evidence that the DR fans wouldn’t quit over losing old flying. Thus:

Meh. The forums are an echo chamber and topics like TBC flying attract the same dozen or so posters who argue back and forth.

It’s clear Blizz prefers Dragonriding but they don’t have the stones (yet) to make it the only way to fly. I just wonder what some of these players will do in the Dawnbreaker Dungeon.

We don’t know the info on this. Again, we have the GDC chart that doesn’t show the uptick in popularity until SoD release. And that shows zero sub numbers. Just that generally the chart went up.

Only if you read just the posts that favor your side of the argument. If everyone liked DR, those topics would not become controversial. Everyone would be in agreement.

Arguments would not exist if it were. And it’s not just on the forums where the topic became heated.

Probably what they did in Nokhud. Buddy ride.

Oops I meant DR, not DF.

The fact that people are arguing in favor of DR alone supports the statement that people who’d leave over only DR < people who’d leave over no flying period.

I strike myself as a pretty accurate indicator of the casual audience:

My small taste of Dragonriding from MoP remix is what spurred me to purchase TWW, just so that I could get access to Dragonflight and unlock and collect dragonriding mounts. Before that I only owned expacs up to Legion and was only playing Classic with my partner.

Dragonriding as a feature is such a drastic change and improvement to the game as a whole, that to me it changes how I view the entire experience and elevates it above “bog-standard tab-target MMO with typical lame MMO traversal”

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It supports that some people like DR, some like TBC flying and some like both. Blizz made the right decision in keeping both. Especially because of assessibility concerns.

No one person can speak for everyone. I’m casual too and like both forms. It’s anecdotal though. Though all social media forms, the subject has been pretty controversial.

Which also supports the argument that

2/3 of the groups you named are extremely likely to stay if only old flying was removed.

I sure wish the Accessibility subject wasn’t a fallback to people, it feels almost degrading and disingenuous at this point, like a social bulwark to an opinion that lacks enough support to stand on its own.

If Brolylegs can compete at the highest level, going to toe to toe with the best players in the world in Street Fighter, then Dragonriding (which requires two buttons) is hardly a stressor to people with disabilities–for whom an entire game’s design shouldn’t be held back from progress. Brolylegs doesn’t even have hands, and played with his tongue.

This isn’t something you can prove. We only have one instance of it being removed and it was so disliked that they added it again.

And that DR posed so many issues for people that they had to add accessinility options, still added back old flyingandmade it easier to get.

And now they’re finding a more elegant way to slowly boil that frog.

It was foolish to remove the feature altogether. But gating it behind Pathfinder from now on is reasonable, and slowly people will stop caring about TBC flying, which is why I have stated before that it will be gone within 5 years. 2-3 more expansions from now TBC flying will go the way of the Dodo.

What’s degrading is having someone describe accessibility feedback lacking in support. More people aee disabled and limited than you think. Especially with our aging playerbase.

An individual’s accomplishments are not comparable to the typical and all disabilities are different.

Community feedback states differently. For me it sometimes causes motion sickness. When it does that, I switch to regular flying.

It wasn’t held back.

Are you disabled?

Let them speak for themselves, you’re not their arbiter or mouthpiece. That’s why I say it’s degrading.

It’s like when I see straight people try to speak for me regarding LGBT issues.


We have.

Again, removed vs replaced by something that a lot of people have been very vocal about preferring outright. Massive difference.