I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

This isn’t how it works on live so BlizZard is looking for ways to fumble before reaching the endzone.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m not arguing whether it is the right or wrong decision, but when budgeting manpower, funds, and resources, you have to decide what gets attention and which projects don’t.

The mount toggle was obviously on the “don’t” list so they went with the easiest solution.

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You’re right. So maybe they shouldn’t announce a release date until they have everything in order.

Do it right the first time, instead of letting it go for 2 - 4 years and then having Ion apologize at Blizzcon saying that they “should have listened to us in the first place and they’ll learn from this and do better.”

Then finally fix it 6 months after that. Right?

Because that’s ALWAYS what happens.

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You seem to be missing the point. Let’s try again. Currently, we can swap from dynamic to static without a cast time outside of a mount. Druids don’t have a cast time to swap to static. The game did not implode. We’ve heard of no “exploitation” or “abuse” of this.

Which is entirely different than the ages old “Blizzard wants you engaged with the leveling campaign in their way by gating static flying.” That’s been a thing for quite some time.

This isn’t the leveling campaign and is the opposite of how things currently work.

So the notion of “we don’t want you to swap easily” doesn’t hold up logically.

Now… like I’ve also said… if this is some sort of thing because of how the system has to change over controls on hundreds of mounts all at once now… then that I would understand. It’d still suck, but that is at least logical.

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How about a 3rd setting. “Keep it as it is” current mounts are static mounts, DF mounts have DF, and that’s it. No millions of bits of data to track the status of an individual mount. They can release new static and dynamic mounts as they wish, I have a dozen or whatever (plus transmog) DF mounts to pick from, I have hundreds of static flying mounts to pick from, and I have ground mounts too that I can choose.

I will not be crushed if my Kitteh can not DF, and if I wanted it, I can always go to the toggle and turn them all on.

For now, as I mention elsewhere, DF will be dead to me once I hit pathfinder. The toggle is enough of a PITN to make me choose one over the other, static flying is 410% now, plus all the other benefits (hover, point to fly, afk flying, etc.). And the new taxi system is getting buffed as well. “Fast enough” for me.

Too bad.

Sure it does, because this is the next step in the progression of them getting us to only engage in content the way they prefer, through DR.

You don’t put the frog in the hot water, you start it cold and bring it to a boil slowly.

Just like it doesn’t implode for toons leveling with old flight unlocked. If you’re going hard on questing with DR you’re still making faster progress than with old flying, unless you fall into the group of just can’t figure out or physically use DR. Blizz knows that and still keeps the claim about leveling integrity being their reasoning for holding off old flight.

Except that doesn’t make sense, given everything I already explained.

Static wasn’t unlocked until after the leveling campaign. It’s been that way for ages. And again, no one is talking about during the leveling campaign.

The five second cast time isn’t a continuation of something that’s already established. It’s changing the method of what is already established. Thus, no logical reason as it hasn’t caused any issues currently and we aren’t talking about the leveling experience.

You still don’t seem to be following what’s being said here. So I’m just not going to beat my head against this wall anymore. Good day.

Just reduce the cast time to match current mount cast times. That’s all they have to do.

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You’re still missing the point, or are dammed and determined not to acknowledge what’s being said.

This statement makes it clear what you really are, a Blizzard can do no wrong fan boy.

There’s no need to reply, it’s not moral to engage in a battle of wits against an unarmed person.

Have a nice day.

This is a non issue you guys have no issue with hearthstone being casted even longer than say switching flight mode and plus there might be a technical reason for it.

DF was very buggy and bugs I reported in DF beta are still not addressed. TWW beta is even worse in that regard…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Right, because I’ve NEVER criticized Blizzard EVER. You’re delusional and living in your own make-believe world. One day reality will finally break through that dense-as-concrete skull of yours and I’m not sure how you will handle that 180 degree flip. I honestly pity you, even if just a little.

Yes, but I loved watching you confidently display how unarmed and dull of mind you are to everyone here. Cheers.

Nobody likes it except for the Blizzard sycophants’ that just like everything.

It’s absolutely stupid, and lazy.

You should be able to pick on a mount by mount basis.

(Same with mount equipment. And there should be Skyriding and static flying mount equipment. )



If you use a non-skyriding mount while skyriding is active, it becomes a ground mount, not a normal flying one. If it was that easy people wouldn’t be complaining quite so much.

Have they made any mount equipment updates in a while?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

With how you’re talking in this thread, I doubt that statement.

If you were actually cognizant of future plans, you would get used to this change and stop struggling because TBC flying will be gone within 5 years. Completely.

If only there was a barometer for this in the form of previous tbc flying removal in WoD to gauge what that reaction might be.

Also that GDC chart had the games’ uptick in popularity during DF be around SoD’s release, so it’s hard to really see DF’s independent popularity from that. Especially considering the other recent high point in player numbers being Classic’s initial launch.

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Not gonna try to track down your other posts to see your agenda here, but I do agree that is the direction theyre going with this. Not that I approve.
Keeping PF and then now this toggle thing being just one more annoyance, feels like Ions flight hate taking new wings and finding another way to get what he wanted, which was old flight removed entirely.

I wouldnt care about that in the least except some of us still have a thing called ‘empathy’ and care about our fellow gamers who are lesser abled, so it annoys us seeing them frustrated POINTLESSLY.

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I have yet to see a single person out in the world using old flying, do you guys actually exist or do you just have subs to complain about change?


lol…youre either fibbing or have your eyes closed.
I see them using old flight EVERY…SINGLE…DAY when Im playing near other players.
so either Im wrong or youre wrong and only one of us didnt really need to post here…at all.