I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

Replaced with something that isn’t the same that still has caused controversy.

If your measure of worth is based on how little discussion revolves around a change or controversy that is stirred by a decision then I’m afraid progress in all manner of fields from game design to industry and social progress would have been determined to be bad decisions by you.

Well the whole conversation is about the theory that if tbc flying were removed, if enough people would leave. And the passionate conversation around flying and WoD are the only ways to gauge that.

Blizzard themselves decided to keep both so they must have gathered from their own numbers that there was enough interest in both.

For now, and gate it behind specific arbitrary restrictions. I wonder why, and how this will look in the future with further expansions. :tumbler_glass:

Probably the same. IMO doing story and discovering areas won’t take long. It’s easier than both earning gold for flying or previous pathfinder.

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Controversy that supports the idea that less people would leave if DR was the only flying than if flying was removed altogether.

There’s really no denying that fact, and I’m not saying blizz should do it. But acting like alllll these people who’ve been so vocal about loving DR would bail if that was the only choice is either super oblivious or intentionally ignoring things like your own statement that 2/3 of the opinions on the topic are positive towards DR.

For someone that is brand new to WoW with DF or with the upcoming release of TWW, I wonder what that brand new WoW player thought or will think about having earned static flight after having only ever known dynamic/skyriding flight. Will they say something like ‘ah, this is what I’ve been looking for’ or something like, ‘what the heck…is this some kind of punishment’, or…?

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There’s nothing that supports that idea. We just do not know either way.

Not acting like anything. Just using what we know from past reaction because that’s the only thing that shows for sure what would happen.

And like I said in my previous post, Blizz must’ve seen something indicate that it needed to stay. Because they added in old flying and made it easier to get. It’ll also be earned earlier in TWW.

We don’t have a past reaction to this situation. Replacement vs removal isn’t close enough to use that as a good measure.

What we do have is ton of positive feedback for DR, which by itself is enough to indicate that those people would very likely stay if it was the only flight. Heck, there’s been plenty from people who have asked for old flight to be removed and only DR left because they like it that much. You have to ignore a whole lot of that and only accept feedback from a decade ago to make your argument.

The moon-faced assassin if joy strikes again!

We have only past reaction to TBC flying being removed. There is no data you have that people that either dislike DR or can’t use DR wouldn’t leave.

And a ton of feedback about accessibilty and still wanting old flying.

Not ignoring people that like DR at all. And of course they would not leave. The question is how many that like old flying would leave.

And obviously Blizz didn’t want to risk that.

This so much. It’s becoming a meme. I get the people that get nauseous since that’s a common thing in gaming. That’s why Blizz added the accessibility options.

What I find spurious are the claims of disabilities preventing people from Dragon Riding. How do these people do anything in game if they can’t hit 3 buttons?


For me at least it’s not pressing the buttons. It is the motion sickness and landing. I have depth perception issues so landing for me is like Launchpad McQuack.

That’s how you know it’s working. No depth perception needed, just put the target in the center and the ground will stop you when you arrive xD

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I now need a helmet mog.

Even with the options to turn the DR effects off? That helped my friend who has vertigo.

Yeah even without that. It helps some but not completely. I just switch to regular flying when it’s like that so I don’t get a headache.

I see it all the time.

The problem is when using Dr you are interacting with buttons on the screen while with TBC normal flying you are interacting with the world.

On the TWW beta the buffed the speed of TBC normal flying while nerfing the speed of Dr. If they nerf Dr speed again it will be very close to TBC normal flying speed. At that cross roads what is the point of Dr if the speed is nerfed that much and the maps are small like they are in TWW???

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

That would only help the mounts, though. It would leave Druids and Dracthyr out in the cold since their flying doesn’t use the mount system.

I actually really like the toggle. I do wish it was shorter than 5 seconds, but eh, I will deal with it. I just appreciate the ability to switch back and forth whenever I want. Er, not that I plan on using old flight all that often. I just like that I can on any mount if I choose to.

I use real flying 70%+. The only time I break out a drake to glide is when I have a long way to go or need to get there Right! Now! Otherwise I just don’t like to have to micromanage my travel and real flying is much more immersive. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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