I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

I like having certain mounts be set as Non-Dragon Flying and Dragon Flying so I can switch to which one I want at that given time.


Dear diary,


“Why did our Dark Mistress nuke our own city and abandon us?”


I get what you’re saying, but I bet what they did is far less labor and data-intensive than having to store the status of hundreds of mounts for millions of players. And if they made it character-specific…it would be the same except for it being potentially for hundreds of millions toons.

I would also like this. I know it’s probably not possible, but it would certainly make it easier for me.


I would have rather kept mounts separate the way they are now than have this new toggle. Quit possibly the worst solution they could have come up with, other than just straight-up deleting air swimming.


I would have been fully for this, lol.

Just give people an engineering helicopter gadget if they want to hover, that everyone gets for free, maybe a toy or something. Or a helicopter hat lol.

I like the flying mounts having weight/gravity to them.

I understand people don’t want to play the minigame every time they travel, but it’s barely something I even pay attention to anymore. Just aim up, press flap, and let it refill.

WoW is a game, but people really do like to peace out and AFK on it sometimes, just chill out and not want to think or do anything, and I understand that too.

I will be using the toggle for hard-to-reach-areas, like the pinnacle of a mountain, that’d be easier hovered to instead of circled around and landed on.


I kind of suspect that they’re trying to slowly phase it out of the game, instead of just ripping off the bandaid and deleting it outright.

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I agree.
The new way is kind of a downgrade.


Guys, just wait I guarantee there will be a simple addon that will do exactly what you want it do to.

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Because when dragon flying on my Druid I can be in a dive, dismount, pop flight form and continue flying as a bird.

What’s coming will make that impossible. 5 seconds is a long time in a free fall. And knowing blizzard, you probably will have to be stopped on the ground to toggle.

Fun detected, fun deleted.


I wouldnt rlly mind it if it was instant cast, 5 sec feels so punishing considering a lot of us have been swapping between normal flying and dragonriding regularly since ED patch.


This can easily be fixed by making 2 dragonriding spells:
(1) Cruise Control → Significantly reduces the your maximum speed in exchange for greater aerial maneuverability. (Max Speed: 400%; Minimum Speed: 150%). Aiming down increases inertia, up to 400%. aiming up reduces inertia, down to 150%. Basically, it lets you swim in the air with dragonriding mechanics in place.
(2) Hover → Rapidly reduce your momentum to zero, and allows you to hover in place while active. Movement speed reduce to 150%, allowing you to make small adjustments as needed. (This just let’s you hover in place, and adjust your positioning so you can easily land where you want to.)

I would rather they let me choose which of my collection can use dragon flight with a check box in my stable, and leave things as they are now.


Maybe. But it still doesn’t need to be a 5 second cast time to swap.


You don’t seem to understand the conversation here. No addon can change the base coding of the game, make some mounts static flying and others dynamic flying. No addon can remove the 5 second cast time to swap between the two.


Flying was the worst addition to the game, period.

You just explained what the toggle does, congratulations.

I dont get why they cant just let is choose which mount we want as Skyriding and which as normal flying.


You just completely missed the point of this thread, congratulations.