I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

And I would have been fully for deleting dynamic/Dragon/Sky-gliding.
I’m just glad there are a few mounts that are immune from dynamic gliding so I can keep one of those on my bar. They should have kept the drakes gliding only so I could never touch the toggle and just mount a drake when I needed some speed. Leave it to Daddy Blizz to “solve” the problem in the most annoying way possible. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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The toggle is right there.

Not mounts, and as I already said Blizzard is doing this to prevent that degenerative gameplay.

A completely negligible point, but I’ll play along: Considering I have A World Awoken and you don’t, I seem to spend considerably more time in the open world than you do.

Seems I’m much more informed on the game than you are. Care to even try to explain why I am not informed? No? Shame…

i dislike all global cooldowns in wow…
5 minutes for a healing potion…

NTY, both flights serve a purpose

More like they know they can’t. Regular flying will never go away because the players won’t allow it. WoD proved that.

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Oh, I agree. Im just pointing out blizz’s reasoning.

DF being available (and very well-liked) offsets a lot of those losses though. If they would have gone fully to DF with TWW I’d be surprised if the number of people who actually quit would be enough to make them reverse course. (But I’m glad they’re keeping both, even with the petty Betty delay)

I barely ever dragon ride since they brought regular flying back personally

Dragon riding is great for long distances and I use it all the time to cross an entire zone or multiple zones. Regular flying is great for short distances or farming. Having access to both with just a mount button is AMAZING. In true Blizzard style they’re adding literally unnecessary tedium with this asinine cast time toggle. Time and time again they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I’ve just gone back to using flight paths for long distance haha


Rather just watch tv then have to focus on not hitting trees lol

If we didn’t have the ability to quickly and easily change right now, that might be it. But I’ve addressed that many times. And it’s an excuse that doesn’t make sense. The game didn’t implode with a quick toggle now.

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And we ready to remind them once more indeed.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

The toggle and timer is to prevent people from abusing the two different flight systems. Use skyriding to get to your destination, then immediately jump onto your TBC flying mount to hover over the location. There is definitely some type of abuse that could happen here. Especially if you’re a Druid, who has/is an insta-cast flying mount.

How is it being abused right now?

Giving players a choice between the two if they want to use both is not abuse.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Give it time, someone will find a way to abuse it.

In the new expansion, you will have a choice it’ll be toggled with a timer.

A timer to punish people for using both is a bad move.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You’ve addressed it by saying blizz wants it a certain way. Well, now they want it this way.

The game didn’t implode when old flying was unlocked either, yet they didn’t remove the delay just because people preferred both available at the same time.

Yeah, imagine having to put work into your work.

That’s crazy thinking. Why do something the right way when you can do it half baked and push out a half finished product and call it a day?

They already do it with your favourites list which works with the “summon favourite mount” button.

There’s no reason they couldn’t give us a cap of 50 mounts that we want as our skyriding mounts and leave the rest normal. That way we can pick and choose which we want.

A great example is flight form. Flight form just isn’t flight form while skyriding. It just feels off.