I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

Yep, I hate it that what we’re getting in TWW is a straight up downgrade from what we have right now in the current game. I’d gladly keep it all exactly how it is, even with with only certain mounts that are not my favorites able to Skyride, instead of this clunky toggle thing that’s “all mounts” that they’ve come up with. It sucks, and they need to do better.

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Pretty sure a “flight state status” for something like this would be stored on your local drive, not their servers.

I would honestly prefer if they just made another tab alongside Mounts called Skyriders, which duplicated all your flying mounts that can Skyride. That way if you want to get a mount to use steady flying, pull it out of the regular Mounts tab, and for Skyriding, pull it out of the Skyriders tab.

Have it put something like a wing overlay on the mount icon so you can tell the difference between steady flying and skyriding if you have both of the same mount on your bars.

Im certainly for riding the rails here and posting about this 10 thousand times a day hoping for some change, but we ALL know once Ion settles in and doubles down the game will burn and lose half its subs before he relents and just accept that what he’s doing offers NO benefit to the game, only irritates a portion of the player base and theres literally no valid reason in doing it his way in the first place.

But you cannot with the over four hundred new mounts with Dragonriding (Skyriding). That’s the point your intentionally ignoring.

I didn’t realize you could switch mounts mid-air right now… Obligatory /s.

Oh no, a whole five more seconds! Whatever will you do??? HOW WILL YOU EVER SURVIVE THIS SUFFERING!?!


I really want that Nerf Bat :cricket_bat_and_ball: as a new legendary. Imagine going around nerfing things. Oh wait that would be fun too. Poo. :poop:

I am completely aware of the future plans, which is why I suggested a dragon riding check box for each capable mount in the mount collection, and leave things as they are now.

And since we all know that won’t happen, removing the 5 second cast off the toggle, to an instant cast would keep the feel we have now.

I ignored nothing sir.

Druids can, said that too…

You must not spend much time out in the open world.

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If I have to go far, I dynamic fly, if I’m only going a short distance I air-swim. I’m hoping I can just macro the toggle and it wont impact me too much with the 5 second thing.

Do we have to be standing still to cast it?

Yes. It’s a cast time. Land. Stand there. Cast for five seconds. Mount up. In total, it’ll be 6.5 seconds. Adding the 1.5 sec cast time to mount back up for us non-druids.

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Booo. I know you are just there bearer of bad news, but boooo.

They should let us choose which mounts will be dragon riding and which will be regular flying. They can’t help but to mess up a good thing. I swear…

My assumption is that it’s too much on the database to do that. That’s hundreds upon hundreds of mounts saved individually server side for millions of players.

Just remove the cast time.

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It will be met with “we hear you and we’ll look into it”. Well that or it just gets ignored. I honestly don’t see the point in have cast time at all.

Edit - no actually I do…it’s tedium for the sake of tedium.

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Can someone link to this? I have no idea what this even is.

Of course it will. Like so many things.

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Any dev that puts a 5 second cast time on anything in 2024 should be forced to go to remedial game design classes. Leave that stuff in 2005 where it belongs.


They want to punish people that like both.

It was done on purpose because they want to punish people for playing differently and having options.

It is called the BlizZard rug pull and their proxies will not admit this.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It makes perfect sense because

And they want it for more than leveling, they’re just too chicken to pull the trigger and kill off old flight.

TBC normal flying is more interactive which is why it is gated because it allows you to reach your objectives in tight spots in less time and effort as it is precise and pin point flying.

BlizZard is still chasing time played metrics.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


the toggle option between skyriding and static flight should be an instant cast that is off the GCD


You really aren’t well informed on much, huh?

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