I dislike the Toggle and its Cooldown

I just want to keep a mount regular flying cuz the amount of times I needed to fine tune a landing or goofed up and just sit there in shame waiting for vigor to recharges stinks

They should have just deleted sky swimming since keeping it as an option has just generated a bunch of different complaints instead of just one.

Flying is one of the most popular WoW features and set it apart from rivals for years.


This forum is roughly one percent of the playerbase. The standard players donā€™t get into fights over flying styles.

Thereā€™s no reason to delete anythingā€” especially over silly forum rage.


Mount equipment for regular flight mounts could solve this. But that requires a rehaul of the mount system. At least the UI. But they did just make a really good hunter UI update they could use for it as well.

Oooooh, I like this idea.

Thereā€™s an ability that gives vigor.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The point is switching between the two flight systems when wanted, which is exactly what the toggle does. Iā€™m sorry Blizzard doesnā€™t listen to your petulant whining. Go back to the bridge you live under. Hidden profiles deserve to be ignored. Cheers!

We can do that now, without the toggle, that sir, is the point. Thereā€™s a better way.

And as I stated above, a simple check box in the mount collection enabling dragon flight for each mount could accomplish the same blizzard is trying to do, give old mounts dragon flying.

But itā€™s an all or nothing routine again. Having to wait 5 seconds every time I want to switch is a bit much. Itā€™s instant right now, why the 5 seconds?

This is also completely irrelevant at the beginning of war within anyway due to pathfinder, why have pathfinder at all?

Ion, thatā€™s the reason, because it makes zero sense. Itā€™s just a continuation of his dislike of flying, well standard flying.

And my profile is there for all to see, as if it has anything to do with discussingā€¦ flight.


Most likely this is a database issue to save it for everyone, as someone else mentioned.

But the cast time being 5 seconds is ridiculous.

Because, for the billionth timeā€¦ the devs find dynamic flying to be more engaging and immersive with the content and environment. And thatā€™s what they want during the leveling campaign. Same as when they found being grounded as more immersive.

What we think dynamic flying is like is irrelevant. Thatā€™s how they see things and thatā€™s what they want. This was the compromise to precise air swimming. Thus, you are dynamic flying or grounded until you finish the leveling experience.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I love my dragon, it gets me there like an F16.

But when in an area on mission, my sapphire panther is so much more efficient, like an Apache attack helicopter.

And I donā€™t mind having a button for each, it just works. The toggle could take the place of one of them, no problem. But 5 seconds to switch? At the very least make it an instance cast, I would love to hear the explanation for the 5 seconds.

As for pathfinder, itā€™s an old system that really has no place with dragon flight being in the game. Itā€™s one piece of ā€œcontentā€ I would love to see deleted.

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Me too, considering we can land and mount up on a different style of flying mount without another cast time in there right now and the game hasnā€™t imploded yet.

Already explained why it exists, though.

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I know, but one can dream!

LOL fair enough

Another way to discourage people swapping out of dynamic flight often.


As I said, the game didnā€™t implode since Emerald Dream released and we could land and immediately swap. So it makes no sense.

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Exactly. Right now you can switch between old and new fight at any time WITHOUT needing a 5 second cast. The new system is objectively a downgrade over the current system.


No, it doesnā€™t as it has a 5 second cooldown and must be grounded. Itā€™s worse than the system we already have.

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Itā€™s a good thing nobody forces you to do it then.