I dislike skyriding

That is reasonable.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Simple fix. Dont use it. There are situations, few and far between, that I would use it. Out of bubbles and in a hurry. Yep. Damn mountains or in the Dream with lots of trees. Yep. Other than that, the switch sits there unused.

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For me it is an easy solution because I fully intend to use TBC normal flying 100% of the time. Some others will use DR 100% of the time.

The problem is that there is a huge chunk of players that want to use both. Those players should not be punished for wanting to use either one. Or, wanting each mount they have to be used differently.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I just don’t find five seconds to be “punishing” in any understanding of the word.

And this is what blizzard is making you believe. Now multiple those 5 seconds times the number people switch. You don’t think their data calculated that this would result in more game time sales to do the same thing as before?


My suggestion is keep the 4 OG dragonriding mounts as skydiving even when in steady flight.

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Is a reduction in quality of life to have the cast time to switch go from 1.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds.

I imagine most people wouldn’t happy if they increased the cast time of hearthstone to 40 seconds. Even that’d be less annoying.

If you’re someone who switches frequently that can and will add to a lot of time. I rarely switch I mostly use static flight to stay in the area when I need to go afk and hover above. Or sometimes for better navigating in an area. And it feels frustrating.

Some people may lose minutes of their day just switching. Which may not seem like a lot but it adds up over time and makes people feel frustrating.

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No. The Devs need to honestly question the health of the game with all this constant change over time. When you can’t recognize a game after a break, despite spending any amount of time there previously, that’s an issue.

That alone, prevents people from coming back. That alone, causes buyer’s remorse and cancelled subs. If we were talking about a roguelike game where you die and your progress resets and dying 15x a day was the norm, you’d be right, and change would be a welcome thing after 20 years.

But this is a PROGRESSION BASED GAME that doesn’t value your past progression in any capacity and only cares about the future progression you are willing to pay for - aka expansions and subs.

If you maintain a sub, you can get stronger, get more loots, see more new stuff. If you buy expansion, same deal. No one ever stops to think ‘enjoyment of the current game should take precedent and priority over anything new, we are at the point where new ideas don’t yield better game’ because that doesn’t make Line Go Up nor does it make Investors happy.

The unrealistic, unsustainable nature of this form of game design being tethered to the drive to always get more money is why we can’t have nice things and why people come here to complain about it. Instead of coming here to tell us ‘things change’ why don’t you take a look at Runescape, the players who still play that 20 years later, and try harder to understand why change is unnecessary and unwanted.

Just because no one complains doesn’t mean it’s the direction the game is supposed to go in.

Here let me throw ANOTHER log on this dumpster fire: Did you know the dragon riding glyphs no longer function? Meaning, if you are a new player, your character won’t be able to go gather glyphs to increase your skills. You can only get them naturally, by leveling up, like talents and spells. So by the time you reach 70, you will have them all. Earlier on in the game, you won’t have more than a few skills and 4 vigor.

And here’s where the changes rightfully piss people off. Me, a veteran player, makes a new character. My new character reaches level 10, has full access to my dragonriding talents (you can call it w/e, they just edited the name on the same tab, absolute laziness) and when I engage with the game, will be in a way that a new player, simply cannot do.

And when I try to help them out, explain to them how to get their skills up, I AM WRONG BECAUSE THE GAME FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED SOMETHING THAT DIDN’T NEED TO CHANGE.

The system could have been modified to award skills as one levels, that’s an option. But the ability to collect those skills from a place and do it soon as the feature unlocks… WAS REMOVED FROM THE GAME.


Sry for the caps, but this nonsensical game design needs to stop. We have 4 different wow clients and I can’t even deal with the poor design choices of the one we’ve had for 20 years now. There. Is. No. Excuse. For. This. State. Of. Affairs.

Not from a billion dollar company asking me for more money RN.


Absolutely none of the game changes at this point are hard to deal with, unless of course you have a disability that makes it difficult to use skyriding. Zero changes else where are hard to adapt to, in fact for ages so many of them have been being ask for, forever, just people have their own idea in how they should be done. Which is fine, but, Blizzard has their own idea and ways of doing things too. People need to accept its their game to change and when implement how they want to do it.

If you are brand new person coming into WoW, absolutely nothing from the past game design matters to that person. All the changes to this point will not matter to them because guess what they do not know what was the past because they never seen the past first hand. Unless they go play classic WoW and that is what classic WoW is really for, so people can enjoy and relive the past. Those who take off and leave and miss out on 6 years or so of WoW can’t expect to come back to a game that is exactly the same as when they left it. WoW has never stood still in looks or mechanic in its whole history. It is silly for anyone to expect it to stand still unchanged so they can leave for x amount of years and just come back and poof everything to be just like they left it when it comes to game play or appearance.

For the person like myself and many other who been on this roller coaster of a ride for the past 20 some years. This is the norm, frankly I am used to it by now. All the changes to how macros work and dont work anymore in many cases, how flying works and styles we have, how banks work, how guilds used to work and how they work now. How leveling used to work and looms worked and how it all works now. How when you get gear, it really doesn’t last long before yep, you vendor it for 45 gold and you chase after something better for the next season or xpac.

If I was not so lazy to do the math, I would do up all the cost of me keep 3 accounts going for 20 years, subs none stop and every xpac and paying for the highest cost. I have spent a lot on WoW. And I am going to keep doing that until the server are shut off, Why you ask, because I still enjoy the game, and having fun, even when they change it up. I just adapt my game play to match it. Its just another type of challenge to me, it may not require any real skill, just a change in plans on how I do things in the game. But this dates all the way back ever since they messed with anything game wise, rule wise, skill wise, map wise, you name it wise. I just roll with it and adapt.

  1. Part of this change specifically affects people with disabilities.

  2. Whether or not a person is adaptable, whether or not changes are ‘easily adapted to’ ignores several basic fundamental tenets of game design along with industry best practices. No one should develop a game where the premise is adapting IRL to continue logging in to play a video game.

That is fundamentally bad design. Is not anywhere in the scope of ‘best practices.’ No one should ‘put up with a requirement to adapt or die’ in a video game. The absolute most difficult aspect of this game is… reorienting to any new content, especially between expansions. This is the fundamental aspect of wow that keeps it being the bottom of the barrel in terms of engaging and meaningful game play.

  1. I bought Epic edition for DF. At launch. Paid for Sub fees the whole time. Right now, having played the entire expansion, done end game content for both pvp and pve on 4x 70s, I can safely tell you I am nowhere near finished with DF, nor have I really gotten my play value out of the money spent.

So, when given the opportunity to purchase another expansion, too early for me, at a time when the game itself just needs to be better, without an expansion or a bunch of resets and game reworks, I have to look at the past trend: Blizzard is going to come out with another expansion like clockwork. They are going to charge me money for it. They are going to make me pay a sub fee to play it.

I am going to sit there, the entire time, knowing that, while I play TWW, it’s just temporary, disposable game content no one, not even blizzard values beyond getting that FOMO release money from it. I have this understanding because this has been the trend since WOD. Where they just roll the game I paid $100 for into the base game, and let players access it for free now, cuz it’s trash content no one should really care about doing.

Right now, the content I was just doing at level 70, and paying for the privilege, is the new level 10 content, complete with all the features I paid for. Guess what. You don’t even have to pay to access it. Just make a new account, reach level 10. The juxtaposition of Paid content to free content, so I can pay for new content, is the trend I no longer wish to participate in.

Makes the value of anything I do in the content, $0. Cuz you’re just going to give it away soon. I can factually, not pay for it now, play this DF content for free until second World Soul expac drops, then get TWW for free.

Factually, your mindless subscription and game consumption doesn’t really factor into meaningful game design, which is why we can’t listen to your opinion or seriously consider your thoughts when discussing the future longevity of this game.

I can factually get TWW when it will be free, and then also no longer be getting changed (the content becomes evergreen after the next expansion drops). and the EVERGREEN content, is what I am here for.

And the basic design of this game prevents me from valuing the FOMO PAID experience over the ETERNAL FREE experience. Blizzard should very much be bothered by that, to the point of completely altering their game design to make the entire game compelling enough pay for again.

Which probably means dropping the sub fee, releasing far less content, focusing far more on bug fixes, game stability, removing power creep, and ensuring players can continue to enjoy the journeys they are on, uninterrupted.

Blizzard isn’t even attempting this. Which is why I am advocating for it. They have zero understanding of how to breathe life into this game, especially when their advertised version of Classic + is SoD, and their advertised version of Evergreen, is warbands character select screen, and 3 more level cap raises, 3 more new continents, 3 more… you get the picture yet?

Simply burned out on new things being added to the game. Miss me with that nonsense.


Well have fun always being 2 years behind living in what is free as xpacs go then. If that is what floats your boat, just remember if no one actually paid for the game or new stuff to come out, the game would be just turned off and you would have nothing at all period. But hey, you wouldn’t have to pay for content that you don’t enjoy or want because its not evergreen.

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Pretty much summed up my sentiment… plus everything you said before. Just didn’t want to quote the entire post but you’re 100% right here. They keep saying they will respect our time but they keep cancelling whatever effort we’ve put in.

Yes. This is my problem right here.

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Have fun being 2 years behind? Wait, is that worse than spending all this time only to have blizzard release another set of chores in a different place? You mean to tell me playing the game at my pace, my way, < playing the current latest and greatest disposable content?

And paying for it, like I just did over the last two years? See, it sounds like you’re defending having rebuy wow + pay monthly for the sake of being able to continue participate in something we enjoy because you’re operating under the assumption that’s the only way to design a video game.

Wow is one of the only games who does things this way. MOST games preserve their legacy, even MMOs and Live service only games. FPS games like Apex (awful example, immediate regret mentioning it) and PUBG both feature resets, progression, and run battle passes with micros along side a free game client. It isn’t freemium, where money buys power, or limited free access, like Wow.

It’s just free. And you can fully enjoy the game without caring one bit about paying. But if you want some cool skins or you wanna earn some extra stuff from battle pass, you can. The OPTION is there. No one is FORCING you. And then a RESET doesn’t do anything except reset ranking and start a new battle pass.

It isn’t this ‘oh no, all this content is now obsolete, relegated to the growing obsolete content bin cuz we simply can’t figure out how to value old content’ situation Blizzard keeps putting themselves in via poor game design.

Lack of foresight. Lack of commitment to fundamental game design philosophy (which is why every expansion is different). Same devs said ‘you don’t want classic’ and then sued Nostralius, a very very very popular CLASSIC ONLY private server, out of existence.

Factually, proving themselves wrong. Releasing classic to the Utter Joy of the community, made the mistake of not having a separate sub fee option for those of us who don’t want to sub to retail, but want to pay Blizzard for classic.

Nope. it’s both or none. Bad design lacks options or care for game. Now we have 4 clients, case in point. Disrespecting players time and effort the whole way down.

How hard is it to:

  1. Vanilla Realm
  2. TBC Realm
  3. WOTLK Realm
  4. Cata Realm (I mean, if players were really wanting it).
  • any other realms players request. How hard is it to have a $5 or $10 sub fee? How hard is it to offer free migrations between servers when players choose to advance? How hard is it set these expansions up like TBC, where the bulk of the content was available early on, and all of it was still relevant and re-playable up to the end of the expansion?

How hard is it to drop these realms with all the content accessible at the start (stop with the resets, let gear drive progression), and let PLAYERS play the game at their pace?

That is how every expansion should have been developed and maintained from the beginning. The fact they insist on the expenditure of all these resources just to drop new content you’re gonna play for 1 month and then go back to some random old world farming thing to have a reason to stay subbed, is the perfect indicator of poor game design.

Poor game design can be addressed by practicing foresight, utilizing hindsight to identify and ACTUALLY LEARN from mistakes, rather than just telling us you learned something and then waxing poetic about disparate game design philosophies you won’t even adhere to in the following expansion, because it’s a different dev team’s project at that point.

Ruining Wow Classic with micro transactions, a wow token, allowing for players to further harm a volatile and exploited game economy. Tying game time between clients together, letting players on classic sell game time for as little as 5k a month (at one point), I mean…

I can list a lot. The point is that these devs really aren’t making these changes for the sake of improvement or betterment. They are making them in hopes of selling you on the next expansion, hoping they’ve done enough to see Line Go Up growth instead of the dips and decaying trends they’ve actually had for 20 years.

Hoping you won’t see the lipstick-pig and Unsub or Refund. I know the game I’m talking about, to the point of being able to step in as a developer and immediately improve this aging behemoth.

It all starts with giving players the tools to approach the game they want to play. Not selling them on your version of the game, but giving players the tools to approach the game, they want to play.

That is the most frequently cited aspect of any previous expansion players will mention as the reason it’s their favorite. They had the most freedom to approach their game.

Anytime Blizzard has forced players, it has caused backlash. Case in point -----> Skyriding! A feature that was perfection prior to Tuesday’s maintenance. What happened? Did players break it?

What even went into changing it? You added a 5 second cast timer to swapping between steady flight and Skyriding, which didn’t exist before. What is that, two hours of code? To make the feature functionally worse? Objectively functionally worse?

I can’t even be like ‘hey man, I really hate with a passion but it’s just my opinion’ on this one. It is Demonstrably worse as a feature, all around.

Which FORESIGHT could have prevented. As I have said, Skyriding could have debuted as a game wide feature AT THE START OF DRAGONFLIGHT including all mounts with the ability to steady flight/skyride baked into the mount. Because all they’ve really done is edit the title on the UI from Dragonriding to Skyriding, lower the level requirement, then add dynamic flight to all the mounts they think should have it (just a bigger pool of mounts than before).

Essentially, the moment Dragonriding was a thought in anyone’s mind, the NEXT THOUGHT should have been applying it to the entire game and updating steady flight to account for it. It’s 2024, people probably aren’t going to be upset if they don’t have to pay a gold fee to purchase flight anymore, or having to do an achievement.

Both of those things are a QOL no brainer.

The fact they aren’t even being discussed until the following expansion… again, you would hope for better game development for the money they make from it. Just laziness at this point.


I agree! I also think the new babysitter is a big meanie control freak, and we need to get a new one that’ll let us play the way we want!!!

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Locking normal flying behind achievements has been a standard feature for many expansions now. It provides players with additional goals to work towards beyond just raiding and dungeons. I enjoy having diverse activities to complete. If everything is handed to players without effort, the game would devolve into endless dungeon grinds, which isn’t appealing to me.

For example, past expansions like Warlords of Draenor and Legion required players to complete significant achievements to unlock flying. This system added value to exploration and world content, encouraging players to engage with the game more thoroughly .

lol sometimes you cant have your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you have to wait. Sounds like between your rant that you are upset with WoW and upset with Diablo 4, you just are plain upset period. Maybe try not to expect everything your way like you are at BK and understand its a video game and you are just here for the ride and not the driver.

You’re right. It’s totally fine to give money to a studio for bad games. Right? Expecting a studio to do a good job making a game… totally out of line.

Voicing concern for development styles that have set a trend of very poor content from Wow, and virtually the worst version of Diablo to ever be made, is what anyone who has paid for this nonense, is entitled to do.

You’re free to disagree. You’re also free to continue slopping it up without taking the time to taste it. Some of us, have higher standards. We aren’t going to give money for a bad game, it’s really that simple.


Ok, so explain why dragonflying doesn’t require any achievements and is available from day 1?


Yeah, having a horse mount like my legion paladin mount fly like a dragon is so silly :rofl::rofl:


The easy fix would be for Blizzard to duplicate all of our non-dragonriding flying mounts so that they have skyriding. Yes, you’d have double the amount of flying mounts in your collection, but at least it would get rid of that button and let you as the player decide what you want to mount when you want.