I dislike skyriding

I hate to be one of those conspiracy theorists but I’m honestly starting to believe you may be on to something there.

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Don’t call me chicken little but when players are having fun that is when BlizZard brings out the nerf hammers.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

That’s easily fixable by making the toggle only useable out of flight form. Regardless though, there is still a cast time for mounts, so did we really need another one?

“Fun” is a bad judge of something being good or okay. A lot of Bullies, hackers, cheaters, and trolls are all “just having fun”.

There is nothing wrong with being able to switch between TBC normal flying or DR before the patch dropped.

It was on retail for months with no balance issues.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


i can easily leave flight form cast an instant toggle and return to flight form. And this is only a base example. I’m sure MOD/Macros can do much worse.

That isn’t OP and it was like this for months on retail.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I don’t see a problem with that. Druids have always had instant flight, it’s part of the class fantasy. Again, making a 5 second cast to switch flight modes, and then a cast to actually mount seems arbitrary to me. What is the purpose of essentially a double channel/cast? Not everyone plays a druid.

For that matter, if they wanted to fix that for druids all they need to do is make it uncastable while “pacified” or moving so you’d have to be on the ground before you could use the toggle.

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No there is nothing wrong with having both while both are enabled in a zone. I just don’t think any one it trying to get rid of “steady flight”. Other then maybe at the start of the expac to make for a better game. but once it out my mount should decide the flight style more then a global toggle does.

You know I see these posts hating on skydiving so much I more less prefer it over regular flying. Ya you can be stationary up in there and go afk but if you wanted to do that just go to the closest town and you wouldn’t have to worry about mobs. I mean after I tryed dragonriding and going back to the old riding the difference is so much faster not only that it’s more realistic. And the 5 sec cast don’t bother me. You just drop down real quick and switch not that big of a deal atleast you can use the old way if you want to. But if they really wanted to make easier for everyone just use your halt ability and make the switch instant cast in mid air and your all good.

Yeah that is all part of Druid Class fantasy and frankly that is pretty cool perk of playing a Rogue.

Imagine adding a cast time of five seconds to vanish as a Rogue. Makes no sense! :thinking:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I am merely giving an example for why I can understand the need for the cast time to exist. but no I don think it is the biggest one, even if Druids are the number one bot farming class i have seen.

I’m all for people being able to keep the old system of the mount choosing the style not a global toggle.

I don’t hate Dragon riding, it fine and a much better over all system then regular flight. I wish it had been what was added in BC not what we got. But that said Skyriding makes Flight form ether useless for me, or very annoying to use now.

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They’ve never forgiven us for the Great Unsub back when they told us they were never putting flying back into the game in WoD after staying silent on it for multiple patches. And then Pathfinder was grudgingly born after they saw how many people were willing to take their ball and go home when blizz removed utility from the game that has been in place for decades


First before he does that he needs to just drop this mess of Pathfinder on Steady Flying first.


absolutely agree.
First things first.

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What point is this guy even trying to make?

Can I still just walk to get places? Not sure if I would be dynamic walking or static walking.

Yeah it is their way of trying to inflict max friction for what happened long ago.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


yea the new changes have only made my gameplay worse as a player that enjoys both types of flying for their situational advantage.