I dislike skyriding

I just can’t comprehend why Blizzard would intentionally make flying a worse experience overall.

Literally no one wants a 5 second cast time to change flight styles. Why not instant cast? Why not swappable in mid-flight? Why not set flight style per mount instead? Or just don’t make every mount Skyriding?

So many obvious solutions but instead they take two steps backward… three steps if you count not allowing Steady Flight in TWW zones. Blizz went braindead on this one.


It’s just a button.


I came back to wow just a few weeks ago and skyriding was the thing I enjoyed most. Racing is so much fun!
That being said, I agree with you. I like to use normal flying for quests, especially ones that require you to collect items from the ground.
I wish we could just switch between the two modes with some kind of instant cast or just equip/unequip an item, idk.

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I feel sorry for those that liked using both DR and TBC normal flying. But BlizZard is afraid of giving players choice and having an easy win to have their community on their side. It is like pulling teeth with them on very trivial things.

It is a purposeful choice because they think it is wrong for people to like using both. That is why they use max friction with the long toggle to discourage people.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Yeah, they obviously didn’t think this through and I can’t imagine people that tested it didn’t see what garbage this is. Druid flight form makes it even worse. Might as well just make it a mount. At least then when I click travel mode, I get what I’m looking for.

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It is a hot topic in beta but BlizZard is afraid of easy wins and communication. BlizZard only understands push back from players sadly instead of having a civil discourse and open and honest dialogue.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


5 seconds does seem absurd. I mean put that into perspective. Imagine if you got stunned for 5 seconds by a rogue. Thing is a lifetime of backstabs and finisher combos.

The irony of asking for civil discourse while attacking blizzard with every word.

Let me add that the toggle also shows that like with covenants that BlizZard did not learn their lesson.

BlizZard has lost the narrative once more.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I totally agree I’ve seen every change to WOW since day one as I was an original beta player , some have been good some have been bad but whoever decided to change the flying to this new air swimming exclusively should be removed from their position , I do not like using the swim flying as it makes me nauseous more then not , give us the option to make that choice ourselves, As a 20 year plus player please don’t make players like me reject this wonderful past time after putting so much of my personal time into it.


My preferred solution would be to just add a per-mount toggle to the mount collection.

Agreed. The toggle as it is now is just a downgrade to what we already had.


yeah right --its the most love addition to the game ever . people complaining about a 5 second toggle need to go outside more. you will whinge about any and every insignificant thing .

Hi - can i ask why ? I have never had any problems with short trips - I even mine and herb with dragonriding and have never been short on vigor , Landing on a particular twig in a tree is difficult but doable as well

on beta there is exactly 1 flying mount that cant skyride --even a couple that blizz originally said wouldnt be able to do at the moment .

Shyriding on the witches broom is so much fun , the alliance airship and sky golem are also fun.

No idea , but Blizz does . again though who cares its not gamebreaking in any way shape or form . Its not even inconveinent ( if 5 seconds inconveiniences you you have bigger problems than the toggle )

my very much uniformed guess is the first one

no thanks - i have 499 mounts and I will be useing exactly 2 , my repair/vendor mamoth and my Class hall mount ( during DF I used 1 dragon teh whole time as well) . If i ever want to BC fly , then I still want to use my class hall mount . After testflying many of my mounts in my collection tonight It is very tempting to replace my Class hall mount with the broom mount though .

which ones exactly so I or some of my friends can test on beta , because as i said above teh current opinion of our group of testers is that exactly 1 ( teh otter thingie) cant Skyride - now this may not copy over to live yet ( Blizz made a comment a while ago that not all will be useable in pre patch but should be right to go by launch

one of my pet hates , and i know its a me thing and I just have to live with it ( though I know quite a few who agree with me ) , you should NOT be able to mount at all , let alone fly in quest areas

and you know this how ?

I tested it , didnt and still dont think its garbage( I mean seriously whinging about 5 seconds -wow) . At the moment ( well before today ) there was no toggle - a mount was one or the other. Now A mount has to be both - do you know what needs to change in the system and what it is displaying onscreen for this to switch from one to another , because i dont , my uneducated guess is that the 5 seconds is what it takes the system to adjust and change over . AGREE though that if this is the case Blizzard should of informed everone about it

swim flying or Sky swimming is the term used for BC flying not Skyriding

If 5 seconds to make your mount BC fly makes you feel like this then it is indeed time for you have a break

haveing all our flying mounts able to skyride is a massive upgrade which far far outweighs a miniscule 5 second delay to change

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I agree that choice is important in a MMORPG.

Yeppers. +1

BlizZard turned an easy TD into an instant fumble and 99 yard return.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Oh my…do I detect some civil discord from all those screaming at Disabled Players to as they said …“get gud” with Dynamic flying now…haha…they hate the 5 sec cast to change from Dynamic too Steady…I could careless about 5 sec button…just let us use Steady Flight day 1…


Well see the thing is the segment of the population that uses both is rather larger and as an unintended consequence it is going to impact even more players.

But it should have not reached that point for accessibility to be noticed and considered regarding TBC normal flying.

But that is how the cookie crumbles.
:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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But but Mafic …just the other day they were all screaming that dynamic flight is so wonderful and best thing since sliced bread now…haha…all while tell disabled folks to hoof it with a ground mount when TWW goes live till those disabled folks can get back Steady flying…hah


TLDR: It doesn’t bother ME, so who cares about what anyone else thinks.

My only gripe about the new content is the five second flight style toggle. It just seems needlessly arbitrary to me. What value does a 5 second cast timer bring to the game? What actual purpose does it serve? How would making it a faster cast or even instant cast damage the experience?


The purpose is to punish people that like both. It is to discourage people from using both.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I wouldn’t be surprised if they add a Mount Equipment gold sink item for instant switching.