I dislike skyriding

You literally use the camera position control to navigate while flying. Please explain to me in less than 500 chars how that isn’t ‘adding dragon mount to camera control’ and then touting it as a new flight feature. The one… and you’re gonna wanna hang onto something for a minute… named after the expansion. Dragonflight.

This thread is about skyriding, which is the new label for the dragonriding feature they debuted in the most recent expansion. The fact they expanded dragonriding to the rest of Azeroth’s mount pool doesn’t really justify such a relabel, but wasn’t really here to discuss that.

Please, tell me what this thread is about again? The title is confusing me (I dislike skyriding, in case you missed it).

do you realize how cool switching back and forth in flight would be?

a total win…


Blizzard really missed the mark here. They should either go back to having specific dragonriding mounts so we can choose to fly fast or normal without have to casta spell that takes 5 seconds, or make the switch between the flying seamless. The whole having to wait 5sec to cast a spell to change between is not only a waste of time, but jarring to the emersion of the game.


HaH more and more players are finding out all about this Steady flight and BS pathfinder they stuck on it and its not sitting well with many more now. And this button switch you have to use to change from steady too dynamic…hah I am enjoying this now…


“Many more” when it was just you and like 3 other people.
So… But I guess if you add 2 more… that IS a lot more. Thats 6. 50% increase!

But tinfoil nonsense aside. People weren’t complaining about pathfinder here. You just look for any opportunity to derail for that lol.

The consensus is more and more are not liking the button toggle. literally /thread… troll harder…


As I posted separately, it should be settable by mount.

This is an unbelievable fail with an obvious solution.

(It’s also bizarre which mounts can do Skyriding and which can’t.)


I love Dragon riding and I love normal mount flying. I was using both when I could. Dragon riding for getting places fast and normal flying for more precise flying and landing. Now it’s one or the other and I have to land and cast to change. It doesn’t help that all my favourite mounts are horses and they currently jump all over the place in sky riding mode. I would love a third option to send it back to Legacy mode where only dragon riding mounts sky ride and the other mounts did what they always used to do.


You can steady flight in dragon isles


Right now


This is a good question. I’m sure there’s an answer lurking out there why they chose the annoying option.

What I’m wondering is:
Is the 5 second cast really necessary for the system to switch over?
Or is it more for a sense of immersion within the game?

I don’t think it really should need to be said, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Blizzard, please, ignore clowns like this. Dragonriding/skyriding is one of the best things you guys have ever added to this game and most of us normals enjoy it.


It’s awful the way it is now. It worked much better before. You had your dragons for dragon flying and regular mounts for regular flying. Now you have to wait for a 5 second cast to switch between them rather then having a mount for dragon riding and a mount for regular flying.


I love skyriding for normal traversal and steady flight for farming herbs/ore etc.
It’s great that I can steady flight or skyride all of my flying mounts now instead of just having the same 7 or 8 dragons to ride on all the time.

Could they have made each mount have a toggle instead? Probably. I’m not a game dev so I have no idea. I’m guessing that would have taken more work but who knows. A 5 second cast time to swap isn’t gonna kill me though lol

At the end of the day they’ll never make everyone happy with any system.

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Totally agree. My very first thought. Skyriding is when I need to go far, fast. Normal flight is for precision, harvesting, etc. I don’t want to have to constantly spend time switching back and forth. Please at least give an option to simply tag any given mount as one or other other. Or make the switch instant cast. Or something. This is weak.


Throwing ones hands up and doing a bad job instead of focusing on game design best practices is why Blizzard games suffer to begin with.

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You should be able to set each mount to skyriding or normal flying.

The way it works now actually made the game worse and not fun to play.


Next time I see a wipe in LFR, I’ll remember it’s the fault of skyriding since apparently it made the game worse.

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there are indeed some mount that are static flying only…use those

Considering that Skyriding is the default presumptive method of flying, and TBC is simply kept around as an accessibility option … Folks who do “hybrid” flying aren’t really playing the game how it is intended. And most who used that method basically used Skyriding because it is better, but then switched to TBC flying whenever they wanted to make use of how broken it is.

Hardly an audience worthwhile to cater to.

So… no.
The entire point of it is to get rid of people who used it like that, because you aren’t supposed to. A 5 second cast is one of the best ways to do this, because it negatively impacts no one except for the ones who were using it in a way we weren’t really supposed to.

The things you, and others, are experiencing in regards to the 5 second cast is the point of it. We aren’t supposed to swap back and forth, and if we actually need to have access to it … a 5 second cast isn’t bad. But we aren’t supposed to do that on the regular but simply when it is the most necessary to do so.

but that’s your opinion, as well as many others…but just as many, perhaps more love it…why is what you like more important than anyone else?