I dislike skyriding

access the war within dot com
Check “evergreen features”

Skyriding is a theme for The War Within.

TBC air swimming isn’t.

Everyone gets the expansion themed flying mode or… as the name says… Skyriding.

So enjoy it.

another set of chores in a different place

Hey now no need to personally attack literally all of us, lol

Um. Before this change, there was 0 seconds and mounts intuitively worked based on setting/activity. Now, players have to sit here and choose every time, cast a 5 second spell that never existed before, and then deal with all the other nonsense Blizzard OPTED to do this patch.

OPTED means ‘optional,’ or ‘not required. Uneccesary.’ Let me use it in a sentence: Ongoing Blizzard development in Wow is 100% optional. Instead of Opting for better overall design, putting effort into making the game solid regardless of when you play, they choose to push out a quantity of content at a pace faster than most players can actually consume it.

This leads to the self repeating cycle of ‘whiny vocal minority asking for new stuff all the time cuz they already completed the newest stuff (these players should never, ever be the design target of anything), while everyone else is blindsided and forced into more new content before they are even ready’

Blizzard drops new stuff. Players let them know there’s a problem. Blizzard self flagellates about it, changes nothing, and learns nothing. Next expansion drops, they’ve silently address some complaints with new design direction… creating more problems by disposing of older design direction without preserving anything meaningful.

I don’t need devs who think they know what’s best for wow, ‘taking a stab at it’ every two years until video games fall off. I need devs who know better than to try reinventing the wheel for some forced shot at success.

Guess what: we don’t want empty game design surrounded by Blizzard IP. I want competence or I want hands off. You get exactly one shot to prevent players from going to private servers to have their play needs met in your game.

One Shot. Stop Blowing it.


If you feel attacked, not my intention. I’ve wondered for years why gaming studios insist on progress bars and level indicators over functional game play. If you went fishing in Wow, and suddenly the game turned into Big Bass Fishing Pro, would that make the activity more engaging? Wouldn’t catching a fish suddenly have more meaning, simply because you’re now interacting with the mini game in a fun/interesting way?

RPGs are meant to open the door for fun, not resign fun to watching a progress bar after you click an in-game object. That inherently lacks fun. Introduce me to the guy who logs into wow for that progress bar action. I’ll wait xD

Yeah, it’s one thing to list the feature as ‘evergreen.’ Evergreen would be:

  1. Draonriding is coming to TWW for characters starting at level 10.

  2. Dragonriding features a new flying mode that adds dynamic flight to your mounts. It debuted as a dragon only specific feature, now expanded to the rest of the game, including all mounts.

  3. You can travel to THIS NPC to begin the quests for Dragonriding, soon as you reach level 10.

  4. You may also collect glyphs located throughout Dragon Isles to improve your Dragonriding skills.

I live in the Evergreen State. It’s called that because we have a variety of trees here that stay green year round. They don’t drop their leaves/needles, despite weather changes, and they don’t follow the typical autumn/winter/spring/summer cycle of other plants and trees who grow here.

Evergreen means ‘unchanging.’ That’s literally why we refer to Pine Trees as Evergreens. They Do Not Change. If Pine trees experience dropping their needles, color changes during seasons, or any other changes, that Pine Tree Is Dead.

Similarly, Skyriding is not evergreen. It is a rework of Dragonriding. Which is also not evergreen. Had they followed my very clear, specific, and intentionally spelled out 1-4, Dragonriding would then be an evergreen feature, fitting the description. It would also be different than how they are actually doing it. Significantly different.

No gameplay value would be lost keeping it Dragonriding and following my 4 steps. Gameplay value IS lost with it changing to skyriding, it having a new button to go between the two, and it no longer being a thing you can improve through collecting/exploring Dragon Isles for Glyphs.

The fact they would keep the glyphs in the game (lazy) and the associated achievements (also lazy) is where the problems start. They really made design choices… to preserve achievement points (cuz that’s the only thing you’re getting from that now) while removing the gameplay behind it.

If anyone needed a clear indictment of Blizzard intellectual dishonestly in their own game design, this is it. How do you make this dumb choice? HOW?

How is it that a person can have a job in a studio, and be given the task to MAKE A THING FUNCTINONALLY AND FUNDAMENTALLY WORSE? That’s either… lack of oversight (no one to be the adult in the room) or lack of competence as a developer (there are no adults in the company).

Leadership, solid games development, and being good enough for me to spend my time/money, all looks different than this.


That is a simple but good suggestion.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I wish I could enjoy it, unfortunately it makes me want to puke due to motion sickness.

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I do enjoy DR in Guild wars to be honest. But I am sticking with TBC normal flying in WoW.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Are you really complaining about a 5 second cast?

I just dont understand why bliz do this. It feels so stupid… I really like how they do in DF, please dont go back to the “SL blizzard”.


It sounds like you’re feeling the changes to flight options in WoW pretty keenly. The flexibility of swapping between Dragonflight and normal flight depending on the situation does seem like a great feature that added a lot to the gameplay. The 5-second cast time for switching mounts and the limitations with Skyriding definitely seem like a bit of a drag.

Your idea of making the swap spell instant cast off the GCD sounds like a smart solution. It would keep the fluidity of movement and let players use their mounts how they want. Plus, it’d be a nice quality-of-life change for everyone, especially Druids who are all about that shapeshifting versatility!

It’s great to see a community coming together with ideas, and hopefully, the developers will take note. In the meantime, here’s hoping for some smooth skies and a bit more mount freedom!


Do you realize the amount of wasted time that 5 sec cast adds up too in a day or week or month…quite a lot of wasted gamers time having to use it.

I would say its not a complaint about a 5 second cast. The system was great in DF. Choose the mount for what you want to do. Riding underwater? Choose an underwater mount. Want a precise flyer? Choose a non-dragonflying mount. Done.

I agree. I would like to go back to DF rather than screw with an all or nothing 5 second cast.


That and also to remove PF from needing to be done to unlock TBC normal flying.

Thank you for your time.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Sadly I do! :frowning:
I’ve taken this situation and simply am trying to not switch at all because it’s silly.

Additionally, I now find old flight insanely slow feeling. Like driving my car on idle speed.

“Am I even moving?”

Yes it adds up and for those that want to use both it makes playing the game chore and disrupts game play flow.

Another big brain idea from BlizZard that disrupted game play flow was the zones disconnected in systemlands, and you had to use the flight paths to reach them which pulled you away from game play.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The reason they gave Skyriding to a majority of other flying mounts is because a majority of the players asked for it so all you people that are crying about it in this thread are actually in the minority. It’s good business to listen to the majority, isn’t it? Just my opinion.

I don’t think anyone is complaining about having more mounts to dragonride with.

People seem to be concerned with arbitrary changes to a feature preventing their accessibility to it, which seems to have a few design elements that are incongruent with having both modes of flight existing in the same design space.


Where is the link for this?

Because there is no proof.

Let me take a tangent that is fairly quick to state that PF must be removed from TBC normal flying in TWW. This is because it is antiquated and outdated mechanic as it was done to explore on the ground but no one explores on the ground if you are just handed DR with no strings attached.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


a majority of the players asked for it so all you people that are crying about it in this thread are actually in the minority. It’s good business to listen to the majority, isn’t it? Just my opinion.

This is like saying that because people like the McRib a lot and want it year round, if McDonald’s scrapped their entire menu and just turned into McRib’s then everyone should be happy


A lot of players asked for the ability to switch between the two but what they ended up giving was a 5 second toggle that punishes players.

Same with forcing a patchfinder onto TBC normal flying in tWW when it is an outdated mid/back end expansion retention tool which is no longer serves a purpose.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: