I dislike skyriding

Should just be a switch

On each mount.

Let us pick what this mount do.

I bet this is done because of some dumb pvp rule like it matters

I would be happy if they allowed us to pick one single mount that is always Steady Flight. Leave the switch to allow all mounts use Skyriding.

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Get over it.

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This generation is all about instant gratification. Rage and scream if it is not exactly they way you want it the second you asked for it. And people can’t even handle a 5 second cast in a computer game.

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Anyone that is going to sit there and add up 5 secs of cast time for day or weeks to actually say this is how much time I wasted from day “a” to day “x” switching from one style of flying to another. Is loo loo coco puff in the head to start with.

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I can see y’all’s points, but I find I am switching between flying and skyriding as often as, well, never. I love skyriding because to me it is more like actual flying. Still there are times when you need to hover for awhile.

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I doubt it is about PVP. To me it seems like a way to modify player behavior.

BlizZard saw the data of how players were using both DR and TBC normal flying. And that was the end of their attempt to try to remove TBC normal flying for good.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: