I despise Anduin too (or more like I can’t stand the logic behind him). I don’t mind his crisis of faith narrative even though I can see it. I think what was mostly missing is Blizzard spending time explaining why he left the Maw instead of staying with Sylvanas on his own personal penitence quest. Like he didn’t need to be here and I think the story would’ve made more sense (and led to better canon) if Turalyon had been in charge and they went down a light vs void story and we got to see the zealot and “bad” side of the light.
I don’t think they’ve done too bad with Alleria. She’s trusted but more to being left to do her thing while hubby handles the day to day and practical side of things.
Magni is another issue of Blizzard just not doing enough to keep characters in the spotlight or catch us up. I’d be more in favor of his angst with Azeroth if we got any actual ingame lore where we seen him saying now that his job was done he believed Azeroth would free him or cleanse him or whatever. His arc, to me, came out of left field and just felt like I missed significant chapters in a book.
And honestly most of modern WoW canon is like that. Characters come back into the spotlight and aren’t given any kind of narrative importance. I suppose it kind of makes sense since we aren’t omniscient and involved in the day to day of everyone, but as the player, Blizzard doesn’t get my emotional investment either when they drop canon bombs obviously meant to have impact. Like I don’t know what they wanted us to takeaway from this KT quests, but I just came off it with a shrug and kinda just meh on the whole thing when clearly this was meant to be some big conclusion and/or next chapter for what is otherwise major characters and a faction.
You know… your arguing that strathome should of been left alone now. You can just admit I pile drived your argument into the ground.
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What are you even talking about? You get called out and you move a goal post to a convo I had no part in. You just really have bad media literacy.
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I think they wanna bring back kt. They retconned him in that quest. He never experimented on people or raised ghouls before being kidnapped by the lichking.
They are trying to replace the arrogant but noble mage into one that was always villainous.
oooOOooo with a take like that you should go over to the story forum. They have a thread there fighting about that very thing. Some agreeing with you, others do not. You would fit right in.
Honestly would likely enjoy it im rather big into scrouge lore and hate how they ruined nearly every character tied to it.
I thought that quest with the sad dragon was decent, actually. But put Anduin in that spot and all I really see is “this game cast the entire horde playerbase as complicit in genocide and dragged out its effects over three expansions but I’m supposed to care about Anduin after they made Sylvanas into her own SA abuser to facilitate this”.
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It helps if you pretend shadowlands didn’t happen. I’m still waiting for the day that Anduin drops his plate gear and sword for an epic golden white robe with a glorious staff and him just raining down light on everyone.
And using mind control on people. Make him a priest again!
I don’t think that’s the case. Blizzard made it plenty clear that when your soul dies in SL it’s gone for good. Sure they can retcon that and maybe there is even yet another layer to the afterlife, but we killed off KT AND his lich phylactery in SOD so by all accounts, he’s ultra perma dead
The stuff about his pocket dimension was explained enough that it is a place outside of time and space. It’s reasonable enough that one of his mirror images was tasked on those specific kind of tests outside of what the main KT dude was doing. Judging by what we’ve seen of mirror images, they are more or less capable of acting independent from the “main” body.
I’m not saying I love it…just that it’s far from the most egregious of canon “sins”.
I consider BFA worse so no, not to mention it’s stupid to pretend a whole expansion never happened, no matter how much everyone wants to collectively gouge out their eyes and claim not to see it. And they’re sure as hell not going to retcon the burning of Teldrassil so you can’t put that particular genie back in the bottle either.
I don’t recall anything ingame explaining any of that. Maybe in a book but not in the actual game.
From my perspective, Anduin banished himself to the Maw after telling Genn that Turalyon was in charge and then just popped back into existence as a PTSD-addled nutjob being one of the few hearing this “song”…if I were writing this, Anduin would’ve came back into the picture in some way around the ED patch or at LEAST being present in seeing the Tyrande and the Night Elf conclusion with some “stay awhile and listen” dialog explaining his then mental state so that when this “song” stuff started his presence and invovlement with it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from nowhere.
They can fix his legs but the current wokeness guidelines dictate the need for a visibly disabled character so our disabled gaming friends feel seen.
Again, apples and oranges. I will just reiterate, WoW is not a movie, or a book. Saving Private Ryan, and all those other emotional scenes in war movies, were so because they were in MOVIES. We become invested in those because we know that at the end it will pay us off for it with an emotional resolution. WoW rarely resolves anything. And when they do it is stupidly done.
We care about what happens to the people in Private Ryan because it was well written and believable. WoW just isn’t. Every now and then WoW’s writing is moderately satisfying. But most of the time it is about two steps above someone dangling keys over a playpen and saying, “boing, boing, boing!”.
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Characters can’t actually be fully-fleshed out characters with distinct personalities and emotions in the World of WARCRAFT.
that’s bad woke writing.
everyone needs to be bland screaming musclehead warmongers. and nobody should ever change or evolve or grow or anything. just bland screaming musclehead faction war forever.
that’s good writing.
it’s WARcraft not “people are actually people”-craft.
Cough veterans of FOUR wars Cough
Ah excuse me have a bad cold. Perks up when people who don’t know the plot talk about characters and writing.
FINALLY! Someone who gets it.
Imagine arguing Garrosh isn’t a masculine character. This can’t be a real person over six years old, it has to be some Kind of ignorant chatbot.
It took me two days to stop laughing.